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This week's episode is coming a bit later in the week, but we will finally be covering the newest episode of One Punch Man Season 2 tonight. Huber is out of town for the next two episodes, so we will have a guest on the third chair tonight and next week. Brad will be joining Ben and me tonight, so we're excited to hear his thoughts! Submit your questions about the newest episode or anything related to the anime.


- Damiani



Greetings Allies, now that the tournament is over what did you think of it compared to other anime tournaments? It was obviously comedy focused but I thought the final fight was excellent. L&R


Hey guys, the biggest thing that’s bothering me from this season is not the bad animations, but the pacing of each episode. In the first season, there’s a lot of “down time” and transition shots in each episode: establishing shots showing locations between scenes (eg. Saitamas apartment), appropriate music slowly kicks in before any dialogue and slice of life scenes of different characters (eg. Saitama reading manga in his apartment, Genos cooking, Saitama grocery shopping, pedestrians doing things before monsters appear) None of those are present in this season. There’s literally no break between each scenes indicating it’s a different location with different characters, everything feels rushed. What do you feel about this?


What do you think about the character development of all the S-Class heroes to date and their corresponding factions? While we have seen a lot of Saitama's group and Silver Fang's disciples, we also had the opportunity to see Atomic Samurai's Holy Order of the Sword along with other S-Class heroes returning to fight the Monster Association. Which ones would you like to see more of in future episodes?


Hey Allies, What really drew me to the first season of OPM was it’s spot on satirization of Anime and the super hero genre. The heroes and villains existed as representations of various tropes without sacrificing their character development. I’m getting none of that this season, and the closest we seemed to get is with the conclusion of the tournament arc (I.e. the banality of power levels and build up to an ultimate battle when one side is undoubtedly stronger) What’s even the narrative point of this season? I can’t get a track on the overarching theme and it’s starting to turn me off to the show.


When I was visiting my parents for Christmas this last December I introduced my 60-year-old father to One Punch Man. He absolutely loved it. I talked to him yesterday and he had just finished catching up on all of season 2. He was incredibly disappointed in it. While he definitely had a problem with the animation, his biggest complaint was that it really hasn't done anything with Saitama. Saitama is the strongest part of the show and in season one we explored so many aspects of his character. What has he done this season? He's met some new characters and entered a martial arts tournament. We've seen nothing new or interesting about him. It honestly feels like we've had 7 episodes of shounen battle anime filler with some goofy characters. In what ways do you think the story can expand on Saitama's character and what could be done to keep it interesting for someone like my dad who has no attachment to shounen battle anime/manga?