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Hey everyone!

Ian here, I'm still out of town and thus there won't be a new Fiasconauts today, sorry about that.  Hopefully there will be another new episode next month!  Apologies, and thank you for your understanding! 



P.S. Don't worry about me, I am OK! <3



Fiasconauts is hands down my favorite show that Easy Allies puts out, and while I'm bummed there's not a new one this month, everyone deserves a break. I just want to thank you Ian for creating this AMAZING show, and thanks to all the other allies and guests for making every episode incredible. &lt;3

Brandon K Gann

Take all the time you need! We miss ya and can't wait to see you back on streams/shows (outside Easy Update of course)/etc.!


"P.S. Don't worry about me, I am OK! &lt;3" That's what I wanted to hear.


That's ok. You can just do two next month to make it up to us. :p


"P.S. Don't worry about me, I am OK! &lt;3" Thank you, you wonderful human. &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


They're still looking for their backpack =)


We miss you Ian, glad you're OK.


why the hell aren't you here? this has gone on long enough with no explanation. I don't care how rude this comes across at this point, we're paying you for a month you're not here. Another sorry is just a slap in the face at this point


Fiasconauts is not funded by the Patreon. You're also extremely rude. Ian is not your monkey and doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to.


Fiasconauts is my favourite show, can't wait until you're back Ian.


For anyone like me, who found Easy Allies but didn’t watch GT, there are four episodes from GameTrailers to help you get your fiasconauts fill this month! I was so happy when I discovered these!


Praying for ya, Ian. Hope you can make time to take care of yourself and lean on some people that care for you.


There's way more then four dude! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhapYE8uS1kUNONLZSw572pL8DbUVBGOJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhapYE8uS1kUNONLZSw572pL8DbUVBGOJ</a>


Take your time Ian &lt;3


Fiasconauts is one of my favorite parts of Easy Allies, you definitely widened my horizons from more than just video games on this channel. With that being said, you do what you need to do Ian, we're anxiously waiting your return. Love ya, hope everything is going well!


Ooh, how about a long form version of Fiasconauts? Get 6 people, split them into two geoups and assign roles without them really knowing what the other group is doing. Do the first two acts separately and see what kind of mess they get into and then bring all 6 back together for the last 2 acts and let them interact and see the consequences of their actions. (Might need a Game Master to control some it. Haha)


That P.S. was all I needed to hear! Take all the time you need Ian.


The last sentence is the most important one!! Take your time yo!!!


Miss you Ian! Group streams and the podcast definitely don't feel the same without you there!! Take care!


Y'all can eat it. Transparency is all I'm asking for and I haven't received ANY official responses any time I've asked over the last month.


I am not wrong but you people don't like how I'll bluntly say what you will tiptoe around. Ian should have been upfront about his absence. End of story.


I can sympathize with the desire for a little more communication, but I think there’s a bit more to it than your perspective being the right one because it’s bluntly put criticism. Also see: the arguments that have already been made


I just wanted to say that I miss you. I know you're not into Kingdom hearts but right now you makes me think when Roxas was gone and Axel was sad. Anyway, take your time, I'll always be waiting for you~


Because it is literally none of your business man. Everyone is allowed to have a personal life, including the allies. A personal life they have no obligation to share with us at all.


When I last had to disappear off the grid for a while to deal with something, I watched all the Tennant and a chunk of the Matt Smith Doctor Who episodes (having never seen them). I hope you're keeping occupied in some fashion. If you're open to suggestions, it's probably stuff you already know, but if you have BBC4 look up Mark Kermode's Secrets of Cinema. He's one of the UK's flagship film critics/theorists. Cheerio till you return.

Simon Wallace

No worries Ian, take care. L&amp;R. :-)

Mark van Dijken

Just wanted to chime in and say that Fiasconauts brings me endless joy as well, eagerly awaiting the next episode. Thanks Ian &amp; Allies for creating it


Be Good or Be Good at It!


Thank you for adding the PS❤️ Take all the time you need.


Bummed at the loss of an episode of Fiasconauts, it's my favourite show, but I guess it gives me more time to work on (start) an Eldritch Yakuza in Space (with super powers) playset so you can have a five hour eight player special when you get back! In all seriousness though take as much time as you need, it's Easy Allies not Easy Unrelenting Taskmasters! Love and Respect!


Definitely my favourite series produced by Easy Allies! But you do what you gotta do Ian, and thanks for letting us know. No worries at all ;) Love you and Respect you


No worries Ian! Been missing your sarcastic humor in group streams! Hope all is well.


Man no fiasconauts and no tabletop, this is tough, my 2 favorite shows