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New furniture! I spent the weekend unpacking and building new stuff, and I'm kicking off this week's episode with a quick tour of the new additions. I actually have more Personal questions than Business questions this week, so although we will address some important concerns regarding our Patreon, this show is moving closer to the Disney, Batman, Star Wars, open-world, musical theater podcast I've always dreamed it could be.

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - April 8, 2019

Your weekly Cup of Jones! Patreon updates and personal questions.



Here we go...


Oh boy!


Can you describe your ideal pitch for a Batman Beyond video game?


Hey Jones -- I watch your Graphtreon progress a bit obsessively, and I notice a couple things: EZA crossed 9000 patrons in February -- that's great, it's safer to have a large number of small pledges than a small number of large pledges -- but the monthly earnings seem to have plateaued since June 2018. I know you're not in any danger, but do you foresee wanting to make another push new patrons?


Have you ever thought about doing an independent documentary on the path from GameTrailers to a Fan base funded operation in your garage to getting a studio? You have all the talent to film and edit. This can be done on the side, no need to hurry. You can set up a goFunMe page, I'd invest $100 just to hear the full story and help you out. It would also be good promotion material to try and put it on Netflix. I have seen some really obscure documentaires on Netflix(Which I've been known to watch), so why not? Love&Respect


High-end production content like Reviews and Game Sleuth may draw in more new viewers if they go viral, but are much more difficult to produce compared to streams and podcasts made for the current audience. Do you see things moving towards one end of the scale, or is there an okay balance? Is the real solution to lean into popular content that is relatively easier to produce, like announcement/conference reactions? Where does Mysterious Monsters fit into this scale?


Is there still a plan to show the reactions of the Allies when they visited the studio for the first time?


Hola!! Business question! Would you ever consider to have another ally on this and for them to answer their own personal questions?


It was in this episode around the 5:50 mark: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/cup-of-jones-4-24455267">https://www.patreon.com/posts/cup-of-jones-4-24455267</a> -Bloodworth


Hi Brandon, another Mysterious Monsters question for you. Were there any thoughts about a solo bonus round for the winner? Similiar to Wheel of Fortune where the winner can obtain additional prizes or glory?


Personal Question: Howdy Jones, long time listener first time questioner. Recently I’ve decided to get back into singing/musical theater after about 4 years off. I’ve decided to sing songs from video games, because I’ve found I feel less nervous in auditions when the director has probably never heard the song I’m singing before and can’t judge me against the original. What are some good video game audition songs? (I’ve already used Snake Eater and Whims of Fate from Persona 5). Don’t worry about the vocal range, I usually adjust songs to suit me anyways.


Hi Jones, This question will likely come off as hostile, and it is a little bit, but mainly I want to talk about the rights of workers. In light of Schreier's extensive Anthem article, we've seen renewed discussion of the toxic work culture in the games industry. I think all of us gaming fans have long been tacitly accepting of the mistreatment of the human beings that create our games. However of the nine Allies you have been the most *explicit* in this regard, eg saying that RDR was so good that it was worth it even if, quote, "some developers lost years of their lives" due to stress and overwork. I want you to defend this position. To me, this line of thinking is reminiscent of the way people defend the institution of slavery today. IE, that slavery brought us a globally prominent American economy and cheap textiles, and since we like those things, slavery wasn't actually all that bad. At what point does the quality or utility of a product override the immorality of subjugating the workers that create said product? How moral is it to celebrate media (Red Dead), companies (BioWare, Apple), and """auteurs""" (Kubrick, Tarantino) that create their works through exploitative practices and causing large scale suffering for those in their employ?


Hey Jones. No question - just want you to check out the game Pathway. It's basically an Indiana Jones strategy RPG.


Hey Jones, Following up with the topic of how your education at Emerson helped you with your work in the games industry: How valuable is that education compared to the price? Do you think going to college is necessary to land a good job at a respected games site or organization?


Personal Question: Hey Jones, what is your top 5 favorite Star Wars characters?

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! As is my yearly tradition (and I'll make mention of it on the coming Community Showcase), I'm beginning to try to find time to go back and rewatch as much as I can from the prior E3, but before doing so, I'm curious: Do you or anyone else at EZA revisit past content (or just a given event's media) to prepare for an upcoming event? I understand if not because of the time commitment, but personally, it's fun to go back and see what an Ally has said, in addition to also being a good tool to see what worked and what could be improved. Either way, thanks as always for taking my question and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers!


So these aren't my personal opinions, but I've been seeing these opinions a lot around on Reddit and was just curious to what your opinions are on them. I read a post asking what the benefits of the studio have been content wise? Many people are thinking the studio is being used exactly like your garage, a congregation point just to make some content and that's it. The content has been the same, streams have not been from the studio utilising the better equipment there. A lot of people don't even like the new aesthetics of the studio. People were also thinking that the studio would allow more collaboration, I saw some comments thrown around that they expected the allies to come into to the studio every day, so that things wouldn't have to be rushed. Apparently the podcast, group stream, Huber Sybdrome, Reaction shots and the anime show were filmed in one day? And that there was a noticeable reduction in quality as a result from that? (The question marks are because I missed most of these so I can't attest to these claims) Basically, there isn't enough leadership, the quality of the shows are too varied, and a lot of people thought that the office would be like Game Trailers 2.0 with allies in the office everyday with frequent collaboration. But it seems like your garage 2.0. Same thing, different view. I don't share these same views, but I've seen frustrations building quite a bit, especially around the studio, and thought you addressing some of these would help ease tensions a little.


Iron Chef Japan is my jam. has no equal


Hi Jones, This was going to be the week when I finally ask you about some Rodgers and Hammerstein shows. But you said a magical word last week: Falsettos. It's one of my all-time favorite shows but I thought it might be too obscure to bring up. There are other opening numbers that are objectively better and more important than Falsettos' but there isn't one that brings me more joy. Anyway, I'm not even going to throw in any additional shows this week. I just want to hear you talk about Falsettos. Although, if you are familiar with another William Finn show, A New Brain, I'd love to hear your thoughts about that as well.


(Pronounced Ser-Eye-eee )Hey Jones. Why are the large sponsor spots limited? Wouldn't you want as many people to be a sponsor as possible? Is it a Patreon imposed limit?


Hi Jones, E3 is around the corner and I am sure there will be a Betting special very soon. I want to ask when the allies came up with the forfeit to the losers of the nets, were there moments where the forfeits might be considered too cruel?


Hi Jones, I appreciate you answering my business question on the last episode and I know my name is difficult to pronounce and the effort is appreciated (Phill is fine by me!) This week I have a personal question for you and maybe the other Allies. Do you as an older gamer have any kind of hand or wrist pain when playing an intense game like Spiderman or Kingdom Hearts 3? I have been dealing with tendinitis and arthritis and I feel like I'm being left behind, I would love to play Sekiro, but I worry that it will end up when I played Arkham Knight, one week of fun and paying for it with one month of constant pain. I have seen a doctor, but I'm just asking advice from you who's a year older than my 39 years. Amor y Respeto (Love and Respect)


Hi Jones! You mentionned that you were waiting for the dumpster to be free to throw away all your cardboards boxes. I was wondering why you guys aren't recycling them? With the quantity of cardboxes you guys seem to have, it's a shame to just waste it all by throwing it the trash... While I'm at it, what's the policy for recycling at Easy Allies? Are you recycling all the soft drinks cans and bottles you drink (Red Bull, S. Pelligrino, beers, etc)? Also, would you consider using a Water Machine instead of bottled water? Not only is it good for the environnement, you would also save a lot of money in the long run. Thanks!


I have a similar issue, used to play a lot of League of Legends, but had to stop, pretty much missing out on interactions with old friends who still play. It sucks, but I still have fun with less intense games. I think there are a lot of games out there, and I am sure you can find joy playing something that is not intense like Sekiro. L&amp;R


Hey Jones! Dunno if you remember me, I mentioned I was getting married soon and asked for advice - everything's going well so far! On a somewhat unrelated note, basically I've the last few years it seems like I've developed a bit of stutter. Sometimes it's not bad, other times it feels debilitating. I plan on seeing a doctor about it soon, but as someone who uses his voice for a living, do you have any tips? Do you think vocal training or speech therapy would help? Thanks! L&amp;R


Business Question: once the studio is fully settled, have you considered renting the space to other channels as a source of revenue? I'm not even sure it'd work, since you'd need someone in the control room during that time. Its an awesome space and I see potential there. Don't worry, not stealth asking for myself, I'm practically on the other side of the world, in South Australia.


Did Jones talk about the new Joker movie in this?


Your discussion of the guest list for Mysterious Monsters made me wonder - if another situation like with Cory Barlog last year were to fall into your laps, how equipped/interested would you be to film an emergency MM episode with the featured guest? (Let’s assume for purposes of this question that their PR team has already given the go-ahead.)


I wouldn't worry too much about how to make Fiasconauts better! I wouldn't say that every episode is equally good - there have been some that I've sort of drifted through - but it's completely impossible to predict what will work and what won't. Last month's episode was brilliant because of the almost complete absence of plot - it was just a delight to watch Ian and Kyle relentlessly playing off each other. The Wrestling one was great because of how completely off-the-wall it was; Regina's Wedding was great because of how grounded and believable it was. In the end, as with a lot of EZA stuff, it's kinda just fun to (virtually) hang out with you guys.


Jonsey, Jonsey... First Terminator 2 and now Goonies. Please, just... stay away from Back to the Future... pretty please?


Dang, guess patreon ate my question last week. Anyways, I wanted to ask this because I haven't seen anyone bring it up yet. Do you think the release of Days Gone will be affected by launching on the same day as Avengers Endgame? Last year, no big games came out on the same day as Infinity War, so there isn't something to compare it to directly, but between record breaking ticket presales for Avengers and a tepid hype level for Days Gone, I can't help but think it will have an impact. What's your read as we get closer to the big day?


Note: if you reply to your own comment there's a much smaller chance of patreon "eating" it ... Just a tip I've seen others do.


I cannot believe I missed the Iron Chef conversation.


Hey Jones! I'm curious, and sorry if you've already explained this or answered similar questions before, but what does a typical day in the studio actually look like? Obviously we know a good chunk of what goes on there on a Tuesday, but what about other days? Am I correct in thinking the bulk of each Allies work will still happen at home and they only come in to the studio when they have something specific they need to do/shoot? How long will the guys typically hang around before and after a shoots? Thanks for the insight! Love &amp; Respect!


Hi Jones! I have a personal question for you. With two and a half weeks (at the time of this writing) until End Game, I'm curious what your top 5 MCU movies are. Mine are: 1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Possibly my most unpopular opinion of all time is that I prefer Winter Soldier to The Dark Knight, if you’re interested I’ll make the case for it in next week’s question) 2. Spiderman Homecoming 3. Captain America: Civil War 4. Avengers: Infinity War 5. Iron-Man


Have you ever had to play the "I'm the boss. Do as I say" card? (Either at Easy Allies or Game Trailers.) I don't think you would ever have to play the "i'm the boss" card, but it was just a thought I had. (If you ever had to pull that card, care to share the story?)


Hey there, Jones. Was hoping to see this appear in the quick-fire portion of Trailer Jones. Any chance for a quick trailer score for the reveal of Cadence of Hyrule? I'm interested to know if you enjoyed how someone else handled being able to debut a Zelda title, or if it really was unremarkable and easy to forget it even ever happened last month for you.


Seems like a stretch &amp; inflammatory to mention Jones as being for slavery, but I understand your other sentiments. There needs to be more accountability for publishers to allow developers reasonable hours &amp; fair treatment. The tough question then becomes - If an employee works hard on a product at the expense of their health, is their work not to be celebrated if their creation is a masterpiece? Unfortunately, sometimes that’s what it takes to achieve greatness. Boxers, basketball players, etc. give years to their passion in the hopes of achieving greatness. I believe the real problem is the implication that workers are not working harder on from their own will, but subjugated to do so from upper management. This is, in my opinion, the real reason there needs to be more rights for developers. Hard work can &amp; should be celebrated, but not if the workers are unwilling &amp; forced into doing so.


Last time you mentioned that you aren't a big fan of puzzles in games. This was a bit surprising, since you appear to be smart, observant, patient and analytical person who knows a lot and has an excellent memory. Why video game puzzles don’t attract you?


Are there plans for a Hall of Greats stream this month? L&amp;R.


Should I change the channel name and art for EZA Weekly Clips? I know I asked if I was stepping on toes a few months back, but after what you said about SomeGameNews last week I felt almost called out. I just want to make sure going forward that what I'm doing isn't at odds with what you want from the community.


Hey Jones, long time listener - first time commenter here - I just wanted to add my support/enthusiasm to the idea you mentioned a few weeks ago about expanding the Allies bio pages on the website. This has been something I had been thinking about for a while and once I heard you bring it up I figured I would add my support. It would be great to have a quick overview of the Allies for new fans to check out to get to know you guys better. A section with each Allies top 3 Movies, Games, Albums would be a great way to get a quick snapshot of each Ally. Personally, my favorite moments from all of Easy Allies come from tidbits scattered throughout all the shows you produce where Allies discuss the media they hold in the highest regards (i.e. Ben and Huber talking on Frametrap about the only game they would give a “perfect” 10 to) Again, I know you guys have much bigger things going on and this would most certainly fall pretty low on the priority list - but I just thought I would add my support for the idea! Love and Respect as always - CptnKraken


*SIDE NOTE* Please allow me add my enthusiastic support for a PAX EAST panel in the future (as discussed in this Cup of Jones.) I was repping EZA with my Hoodie this year with my brother and it would be a pipe-dream-come-true to go to an EZA Panel some year! (no pressure)


Jones, has there been any discussion about different allies going to different anime conventions around the country and hosting panels or meet ups to spread the good name of Easy Allies? I know a few of the allies really like anime so I thought that was a way they could appeal to that community specifically.


Interview update, had my first interview in over a decade today. Similar position, different company. I've been told they're going to make me an offer, yay... Also, eeep. Eeeeeeeeeep. Any tips for dealing with self doubt of accepting a new job?


How are you today Jones?


Hey Jones, As an aspiring game developer who has made little to no progress on their game lately due to many different factors, I wanted to get back at some development with something new and small. As someone who has seen nothing for Dreams besides the original trailer from 4 years ago now, I have been sold on it purely on your hype alone. As for how this ties in to what I was saying before, I was hoping you could give me an idea off the top of your head for a small game to make in Dreams. And to do so, I'd like to steal the way that's done in level creation contests from a YouTuber I watch who plays Super Mario World romhacks. So, my request of you is one, or both, of the following: Three separate words to describe a general theme for the level (Example: hidden, forbidden, holy land) A Magic The Gathering card, which I will look at the picture, name, effect, and flavour text of see where my mind is lead from any number of those. All the Love and Respect, Splontot


Happy day after Game of Thrones final season premiere! I have an issue with what I think is a problem of a lot of the Spoiler Mode episodes. That problem is: Where is all of the spoiler talk!? Originally, my comment wasn't going to be about Spoiler Mode, and then I watched the DMC5 Spoiler Mode. I just don't think the format/structure of the show works all that well, at least from the episodes I've watched. I think one of the main appeals of the show was to hear the Allies' thoughts on certain spoiler topics of a game that could never be brought up in streams/chat because y'know, spoilers. Now, I know you guys can't cover every little detail about a game but I think there needs to be a bigger focus on those topics. Perhaps singling out or finding those specific topics might be a bit more work, but I'll provide an alternative suggestion (which will probably be more work still). For the Spider-Verse episode, Damiani asked and pulled questions from patrons. Now while not everyone's question can be answered, I think it provided a much better format and also involved the community a bit more. As for what my original comments was going to be about, I won't go into detail now but quick suggestion: Final Fantasy-esque boss/enemy death animations for Mysterious Monsters.


Hello Jones, What do you see as the next steps you and the other Allies want to take to continue building upon the quality of existing shows/streams while leveraging the potential of the studio? Recently, I’ve seen discussions on the Uneasy Alliance subreddit regarding topics such as production workflows for shows, Ally coordination, shoot scheduling, in-studio work, and show promotion /communication. I know you can’t speak for all the other Allies, but I think it would be helpful to hear your thoughts on where you would like to see things heading from here to better set future expectations. I’ve seen Ben pop in on the subreddit before but wasn’t sure who else was checking in. Appreciate any insight you can provide!


Hey Jones about that Game of thrones spoiler mode. Maybe you could do one after the first three episodes and a second one after the last three episodes?


Is my comment gone AGAIN??? I can't find it. Holy shit patreon.... Can anyone see it? (I have it saved anyway...). I'll respost it here... again, sorry Jones if it's a double post. ---- Hey Jones! I want to talk about the exclusive shows here on patreon. Not the shows itself but the execution of the "exclusive" part. I don't think you guys are marketing it enough... and I think Patreon is awful for discoverability. What happens is these shows are being sent out to die shortly after release. My methodology isn't that good but I've noticed that almost all of the comments on exclusive shows were done at the time of its launch so it seems that older exclusive shows aren't reaching new patrons. You guys have way better tools to check that as a fact anyway. So I have a suggestion that is easy to execute. Make the first episode of each exclusive show available for all on youtube. I don't think any patron would be mad at the loss of one episode (make this change just for future shows if you think there's a previous promise to adhere). That would help marketing and discoverability both, YouTube's not perfect but it's way better than patron for it. It would reach and entice viewers there. And also, you put Blood's episode guide (this <a href="https://forums.easyallies.com/topic/4919/patreon-exclusives-episode-guide/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forums.easyallies.com/topic/4919/patreon-exclusives-episode-guide/</a> ) on the description of each video. It's an easier, more organized path to finding older stuff while making more people know about it. That's it! Thanks for reading, L&amp;R.


Hey Jones since you guys have started to think about E3 Already I have a small concern and maybe it is being a little nit picky. I wanted to know how reactions are going to work? will they be in the streaming space or in the recording space. I ask because for the last 2 years you guys have been doing things like the podcast live and seeing everyone involved even if they are to the side we can still see them. My question is will we be able to see everyone when the stream is on for reactions and for things that will be recorded live. My favorite moment from the last couple of E3 was being in chat and breaking huber and ben. Seeing their reaction made me see what a wonderful time this was...i know kyle got mad but it was to me a moment that defined that E3. L&amp;R excited for E3 and hopefully the studio makes it better. Best of luck fixing the internet issues and technical problems, I know you guys will make a wonderful job.


Hey Jones, PERSONAL: No questions this week, I just wanted to state that the only reason I’m putting a pause on the questions about Meditating is because I have nothing new/interesting to ask, lol... I’m not bored of the topic or anything like that, I just have no new questions to ask. Also, I figured they might be boring your audience… so I guess that makes two reasons. Oh, as for the reason my two questions last week had two opposite vibes (one being about Mediating and the other about Gotham’s take on The Joker) is because it was just a last minute thought that popped in my head and I was just curious… figured I’d just take the shot and ask it.


Hey jones, an update and a question. So the worst case scenario happened with my visa being denied and not allowing me to move to my job :(. My question is what do you do when you deal with an adverse situation?


Yo Jones, Your idea for a potential three part Final Fantasy VI miniseries sounds wonderful and has had me thinking about it all week. I have hypothetical questions for you in regards to this dream idea though. If you and all the Allies were to play one of the lead characters, who would you cast them as? If you had a no-limits choice on hiring a director, who would you choose? Where would you choose to air the show? Live action or animated, and if animated, what style? I'd love to hear all the dream details and speculations about the production! Love and respect, Brian from Happy Gaming


Hello Jones! Enough daydreaming about a FAQ for Cup of Jones - let's get it done! Here are some suggestions: Q: Will Kyle make "The Final Bosman" again? A: Q: What is the salary of the Allies? A: Q: Why haven't you done a live reaction to X? A: Q: How much money are you making from Twitch, PayPal donations, YouTube and merchandising? A: Q: Do you plan to add more merchandising articles in the future? A: Q: What is your background, and how did GameTrailers/EZA happen? A: Q: Will you do another marathon or fundraiser stream? A: Q: Will you have more guests on your shows and streams in the future? A: Q: Can I recommend somebody or apply myself, to help you out doing certain jobs? A: Q: Why didn't you review X? A: Q: Can I make a suggestion for the content of the podcast here? A: Q: Are there bad questions that I should not ask? A: L&amp;R, Snowcone Guy --------------&gt; Everybody PLEASE feel free to add more common question as a reply. There has to be a lot that I didn't think of!


Hey Jones, After a Love and Respect comment on last week’s podcast (4/10/2019) and playing with you and Huber in the Division 2 (I’m guideofthefallen). I just wanted to say thanks to you and the other allies for being a positive element of my life currently. I’ve had some medical issues for the past 5+ years and am finally starting to move forward. Easy Allies has been an integral component of my recovery. Basically, just wanted to say thank you. Love and Respect, Alex


Hello Jones and fellow allies. My question this week is regarding cheating in games. Back in the days of ps1 and ps2, game shark was still a thing. For me personaly I would use this opportunity to replay long rpg's like Final Fantasy 10 or12 after I had already beaten it the first time. My default cheat. Would always be max Gold as a minimum to save time on that type of grinding and to make the start of the game a little easier. This is not really a thing anymore on console, do you feel people in general don't care or dont want it in games? The closes thing today would be pc mods or I think gta 5 still has some cheats you can do like summon a tank? Whats your opinion on cheats?


Jones are you aware of the new FX show Fosse / Verdon? It started this April. I can't reccomend it as I haven't seen it, but it sounded like something you might be interested in.


Mr. Jones Last episode you mentioned that sometimes Huber hits a wall for inspiration. I imagine this happens with many of the Allies at some point because of all the great and creative content that is produced. In the past several Allies from the community have advocated for a EZA community suggestion box (myself included) and was even once written down as a takeaway. My question is why hasn't it happened? This could be as simple as setting up an email for taking suggestions, EZA would still retain complete creative control, it could serve as a reserve of ideas for more frequently produced shows, it would be a new way to engage with the community and encourage community participation. And if you never need it then it doesn't hurt anything. I know that you have said before to try and reach out to the Allies individually on social media, but this is very inconsistent as some of the Allies adopt media blackouts for upcoming games and movies. Would you consider a more professionally structured way of accepting community suggestions or should we give up on letting you know what we are interested to see from you and just trust in your process? Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Hi Jones, As Game of Thrones is finally back in full force, I start thinking a lot about television watching and how it has changed in the past few years in the direction of bulk streaming (binging) rather than weekly drop of episodes. Given that, Game of Thrones might just be the last ever “event watching television” type of show that you would tune in for on Sunday night for example. Do you think there is still space for a new mass appeal shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad that is not in the bing model to break into the the tv zeitgeist as it did for these shows, or is end of Game of Thrones marks the end of that era as well ? L&amp;R


Hey Jones, Can you do the same thing you did for T2 for TLJ. If you can go 40 minutes for T2, I would like to see how long TLJ hottakes will be.


Business--- Hello Mr Jones, hey chat I was thinking for a way for EZA to replay some of the best past streams (like better stuff for E3 2018), maybe even marathons ? (streams or youtube shows) on the main EZA Twitch channel without affecting your video archive and live notifications. Kristen and Mr Blood told me; you can only re-run recent streams, but anything older than 2 months is not possible. What if you'd upload couple of legendary EZA streams back as premiere videos on an alternate EZA Twitch Channel ? You would host that secondary channel on your main channel for us to enjoy with chat. It doesnt have to be 24/7 but maybe once/twice a month or something ? as a special event; like your re run wednesdays; or when EZA has downtime during holidays, or anytime you feel ! The pros: You won't be messing up your current twitch video archives cause you re-up them on a dedicated secondary channel. The cons: You need someone (mods?) to select some of the best legendary EZA streams and download/re-up them on that Alt Channel once in while. I think you would benefit from this. As you know, EZA Twitch chat is very active even when the channel is offline. Congrats on the dope Easy Allies Studios; it's always nice to hear you say how you much you appreciate it !!! Love &amp; Respect from France to all allies worldwide !!!


I think this is a business question so here goes Greetings from Toronto Ontario Canada. Hey Jones first time, question, longish time listener. I was wondering what you consider EZA's gaming blind spots. What genre's, platforms or specific games do you think you guys could cover better? More throughly? Whatever! I for instance have a huge blind spot for anything on PC and a console only guy. Inspite of my love for strategy games. Shout out to frostpunk coming to console later this year. Hope all is well with you and yours. Love and respect Gabe, Ps I recently discovered fiasconauts and I absolutely love it, with Ian out and about are we getting one this month? If not no big drama.


How does it feel to have a pretty similar appearance to Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? (Do you agree?)


(Buh-loo, like the bear in Jungle Book) Hey Jones! I just want to start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed the lengthy Star Wars discussion that you, Ben and Bloodworth had on the last Frame Trap. My favorite Star Wars is Return of the Jedi as well, so I must commend you on your favor of it since it seems like so few of us exist. About two years ago, I decided it was time to share the Original Trilogy with my son, who had only seen episodes of The Clone Wars at that point. I popped in the Blu-ray for each movie over the course of a couple days and I found myself disappointed the most in Return of the Jedi. Like a suppressed memory that suddenly came back to me, I remembered why I never watch Jedi from this set. Out of the Special Editions, in my opinion, Return of the Jedi is the most touched by changes out of all three. The extended music number in Jabba's Palace, the sarlacc beak, the blinking Ewoks and the added "Nooooo" as Vader picks up the Emperor, to name a few. It's my favorite and yet I have trouble making myself even watch it in this incarnation due to the circa 1997 CGI that doesn't hold up and other distracting additions. What is your stance on the changes made in the Special Editions and further made in the Blu-ray versions? And if you haven't done so already, check out Project 4K83. It's a 4K fan restoration of an original theatrical 35mm print of Return of the Jedi and it is gorgeous, not to mention free of the 1997 changes. At any rate, thanks for entertaining this small rant. Bonus question: If you were a Jedi, what color would your lightsaber blade be? May the Force be with you, Sean


Hey Jones, In the GOT S8 Prediction video I noticed that you tend to pronounce the names of characters very differently from what I'm used to and I'm curious where you got your pronunciations from. You mentioned Amanda was listening to the audio books and that you read the books between seasons 1 and 2. Did you pick it up from the audio book, or is this just a regional accent thing (I'm from Chicago so maybe its just the vowel pronunciation)?


Jones! I remember your previous driving rant, and I am not kidding I am totally down for a Driving Show. Do it. Your passion shows and that's all that really matters!

Logan Young

Jones, after 8 months of being a silent patron, I finally have been convinced to write in by the Star Wars reveal. I'm going to transcribe a snippet from an IGN interview on Youtube titled "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Is Not A Stealth Game". Interviewer: "Does that mean we are going to see stealth elements? Sneaking or at least laying low from the powers that be seem to be a running theme in the game." Game Director: "You know I've heard that from a couple people and I can understand why, but no stealth isn't something that we are featuring in the game. I mean you can jump into a situation and negotiate the battle the way you want, and if you wanted to technically sneak around the AI's attention I guess that's technically possible. It's not something we are openly encouraging. We want the player to have the power fantasy of having a lightsaber and force powers and stealth does not really fit into that for this game." I was wondering does this change your perception or excitement about the game? Thanks to you and the Allies for being such a positive force in my life the past year. Love and Respect, Logan :)


Business: Hey Mr. Jones, I know reviews are Easy Allies' bread and butter, but I feel like there's room to try new format with the review. I'd love to see more of a running check-in commentary from multiple allies. Almost like the review-in-progress articles big sites like IGN do with ongoing games like Destiny, Division 2, Anthem. For example, with Sekiro, Ben and Brad could have come to the studio in the morning after each night of playing and give an update on how they feel about the game. I think this would really help for hitting embargoes (where you could release the check-in videos up to that day) and also provide some unique content. Think of this like the Brandon Plays Pokemon series, but instead of having one expert, and one newcomer, it's two players at the same, or similar level of experience. Reviews seem to take up a tonne of time, and cause stress. I think something like this could help both, and be fun! L&amp;R, Cathal. (It's deceptively hard to pronounce, replace the 't' with a 'w')


Hi! Previously on cup of jones, you've had short moments where you just say nice things you like about a specific ally. Now that we all dearly miss his exquisite switcher skills on the podcast, how about some Ian hype?

Nick Owens

I just heard your question. Speech therapy is good for a lot of folks. Matt Mercer (the voice actor) actually had a very bad stutter as a child. <a href="https://twitter.com/matthewmercer/status/1027966047217836033?lang=en" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/matthewmercer/status/1027966047217836033?lang=en</a> He is really aproachable if you want to ask him about it on twitter.