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Happy April, allies! No fool's jokes in this episode, I promise. I don't have time for that nonsense. This month will bring EZA a lot of quality improvements to the studio, but it's starting off with almost every singe ally either sick or recovering from something nasty we caught at our anniversary event. We've never experienced anything like it. I guess it shows how close we really are. Lots of fun announcements today, including 2 new shows! And maybe an editorial that will make some people really mad.

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - April 1, 2019

Your weekly Cup of Jones! Patreon updates and personal questions.



Hi Brandon, another Mysterious Monsters question for you. Were there any thoughts about a solo bonus round for the winner? Similiar to Wheel of Fortune where the winner can obtain additional prizes or glory?


Oh my God. What could the editorial be that will make people mad? Edit: Well, now I have watched it... I thought you said you had no time for April's fools, Jones; but that was some lengthy joke you prepared for us. ;) As for questions, I guess you can file it under personal, since this is not related to easy allies. You mentioned in a previous cup that the first multi part retro was Zelda, and then you did Final Fantasy; and that let me wondering, where does the Metroid retro lands then? I'm positive that one was done too before the FF one aired; because I remember catching up with those (and all the single episode ones for that matter) while I was "waiting for next week" for the next FF retro episode. I had the impression that the Metroid retro was the first one produced with multiple episodes, then Zelda and then Final Fantasy; but now I'm even more confused about the order or release. So, could you clarify, if you remember? Love & Respect César.


I have a question about something rarely talked about, the $50 per month fan mail tier. In this last Cup of Jones and in another stream both you and Damiani mentioned doing fan mail for the last month, but I only received a fan mail video from Kyle. So does mean every ally produces Fan mail for every month, but the patrons in or above that tier receive a randomly selected one? That seems a bit inefficient, but also decreases the value of the tier, since the reward itself is random. Can you clarify if this is intentional.


I love spicy editorials


I had a quick question about Mysterious Monsters. As of right now, who is planned to participate as contestants for the game? Is it just the Easy Allies and people adjacent to you all (friends, family, etc.)? I imagine as the show grows and gains popularity, that you could open it up to others in the future. As always, Love & Respect <3


Buenos días ! :) Personal Question : Continuing the Red Dead Redemption 2 talk. I really liked how the side missions had a continuation. I'd really like if more games did this. What was your favorite one. Mine was the man without a leg


You were discussing the clips submissions and stated that you did a search for duplicate names. The submission form however was flawed for that logic as you would input your name as well as the link. So anyone could submit more than once and just change their name each time. I would be very surprised if 3 different people submitted the nutrition raps by each ally, in a row. That was very obviously the same person submitting 3 and all of them making it in. I was lucky enough to get my submission in, but I did feel bad for the people that missed out. Would be great if a solution could be found using Patreon next time, so it enforces the limit


Rami is a lovely guest to have, let me know if I need to hook you up ;-)


They all showed up in a row because of how we sorted the submissions. They weren't played in the order they were submitted. Could people have "cheated" by changing their names? Sure. But we recognized a lot of those names, and in general our community isn't trying to game the system like that. Extra submissions were just honest mistakes from not reading all the details. Using the Google form was way more preferable to dealing with the uncertainty of Patreon eating comments. -Bloodworth

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Last week, you mentioned that PAX East 2020 could be (NOT PROMISED) a potential effort for there to be a presence for EZA, and I got to thinking: If Easy Allies were to ever do another panel, what topics would you like the panel to be about? Feel free to not just limit yourself to one if you have more. Thanks as always for taking my question and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers!


Question about a review: Your reviews are what pulled me into GT and later EZA and I've come to rely on them heavily. I noticed that when Red Dead Redemption 2 was reviewed, it got a 10/10 and I agree it's SUCH a phenomenal game. I can't put it down and my friends and I still tend to greet each other with a nice loud faux-drunken "LENNNYYYYYYY!!!" I can't claim to have seen every review you've ever done, but in the history of Easy Allies and GT before it I don't ever recall a perfect score on the 10 scale (there were a few 5/5s in the early EZ 5 star review system). Honestly this is a curiosity, not a criticism. I definitely think RDR2 deserves the highest praises, but it still had a few control issues, NPC issues, etc. What was it about RDR2 that pushed it to a perfect score where some of the highest reviewed games of the last 15 years were given 9.0s, 9.6s, etc?


Don't forget that a score like a 9.6 isn't an option. The current scale still isn't as granular as the GT scale. -Bloodworth


Can’t wait for the chat to go on about the production issues of opm2 lol. It honestly doesn’t look awful but it’s no season one. It also sucks coming off of mob season 2 which ppl will obviously make comparisons to even tho they’re not the same thing really. Also yes opm1 was exclusive to Hulu n season two is on Hulu as well. Season two is as long as season one so perhaps that helps with work n time. Most anime nowadays are around 12 episodes too so helps if the show goes on.


Does Bloodworth know that you took a 20 out of his wallet back in late 2018?


Hey Jones, PERSONAL: No worries and I did not think what you were saying was insensitive. Anyway, I know I said I was done asking questions about meditating (for the time being), but... I lied... I thought of one quick question (which will be the last one, I promise)... What kind of music (if any) do you listen to while meditating (starting to feel a small case of Deja-vu with this question, but whatever)? For me, I found a five minute track on YouTube and been using that. The only issue... it's a track that has someone talking throughout it... I find the talking to be kind of annoying and have been thinking of switching to an all meditating music track (something like the ocean breeze or whatever YouTube/Google tells me is meditating music). This question is a fun/side one (you don’t have to give your full opinion… but if you want to you can), have you seen the image floating around of Gotham’s take on The Joker?


Hi Jones, With the premiere of Fosse/Verdon this week (fingers crossed I don't hate it), it was easy to choose this week's trio: - Damn Yankees - Sweet Charity - Chicago (ps - Don't ever feel bad if you're not familiar with any of these. I'm not an expert on all of them either. The fun of this for me is mainly hearing someone else besides myself talk about musical theatre with enthusiasm and also the little Jones anecdotes we might not otherwise have an opportunity to hear.)


the studio is still too dang exciting


I have noticed something becoming more and more popular in recent times, and it something that frustrates me quite a bit. That thing is pulling down popular games just for the sake of it. Every time there is a massively popular game that the critics like there will always be someone on the sidelines looking for the tiniest, smallest little thing that the game did not get right. That’s fine. Nit-pickers have always existed. But recently they have become the vocal minority. Any time there’s a mention of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2), there will be mentions of the online or the controls (which I never had a problem with). Even if the conversation was never about those aspects of the game. This nit-picking always comes with an air of tribalism, most of these attacks come from people that for some reason seem like they push their own tastes at the same time. Look at Horizon Zero Dawn (HZD), a game that seems to have fallen out of favour thanks to the same thing that is happening to RDR2. Mention HZD and you will have a comment comparing it to Zelda and why Zelda is apparently better in every way. And now that very narrative has taken over most conversations about HZD. Look at God of War, the game was praised to high heavens when it was released but now mention it and there will be a comment calling it ‘overrated’ and the same comment will probably pick out a minor issue they had with it. The same has happened with Grand Theft Auto V, The Uncharted series, and more games that I could spend a countless amount of time listing. Apologies for the rant, but it’s something that has been bugging me for a while. There will never be a perfect game. Games will always prioritise something and will always be lacking somewhere if you look hard enough. And suddenly everyone seems to have bought a microscope. What are your opinions on retrospective criticism, akin to the examples listed? What is your opinion on the examples that I gave about games being retroactively shunned? Do you find it annoying when you suddenly see the narrative surrounding a game shift all of a sudden when it gets x amount of praise? About people bringing down other games just so the game they prefer gets looked at as being better?


Hi Brandon! First off, I'm very sorry for this massive comment. I edited it down to half it's original length and it's still wayyy long.. so here is my comment/question. I don't understand why the community is constantly trying to directly control and participate in the content you produce. Generally speaking, I enjoy watching people online I'm familiar with and care about, and I like watching them create things they have a passion for. I especially appreciate the skills, experience and perspective each of the Allies brings. While I'm sure the community has many skills, experiences and perspectives of their own, it seems unlikely they would be in video games media, developing creative content, or online video production. Writing all this down sounds harsh but as far as I have seen none of the Allies have ever indicated that this is the kind of help or suggestions you want, and even repeatedly declined to comment on several topics, or that you aren't going to be following a given suggestion. I don't get to pick the music, movies, or tv shows an artist creates. I get to experience it, and if the creators are inclined, communicate my thoughts about it to them. Are people demanding Tim Burton return to direct more Batman movies or ask musicians how much money they spend on their equipment? Bringing it into the video game space, I hope indie developers aren't being asked why did you buy these computers? Can I pick what level you make next? If I buy a VR headset for you, will you make a VR game? I want to record the sound effects for the Doc Brown Spider Monster! Maybe I'm way off base but this is what I hear when people ask questions/make comments like bring back Final Bosman! Can I buy equipment for your studio? Can you please tell me how much you all get paid and spend on rent and spend on equipment and what you all do every day? I want to support Easy Allies because based on what you've made in the past I trust that I'll like most of what you make in the future. I know you all want to make something you're proud of and that's entertaining. I don't know these things are what any given person in the community voting or suggesting ideas wants, or if they have the experience to achieve that. I value your dozens of combined years spent working in this industry. In my opinion, a good consumer isn't a good creator. I don't need to understand how a chef makes a dish to enjoy it. But I also don't understand the choices involved with creating it. From my perspective, as video game reviewers you are kind of professional consumers, advising amateur consumers like us. On top of that, Easy Allies is an entertainment company and are creators. Your shows and podcasts are built on your professional experience on how to make the best "Easy Allies" thing you can. It seems unlikely to me you would tell developer how to make a game, only that the game they made was lacking in specific areas. Feedback is important, but directly controlling without background or experience would seem to yield spoiled fruit. You can say that you don't like Kyle's bits, but you can't say Kyle is doing bits wrong (but really, who doesn't like Kyle's bits?). To be the devil's advocate to my own comment, perhaps this is what makes video games special. It is an interactive medium different from any other (except maybe improv shows? Amanda shout out!). Every experience of Red Dead Redemption 2 is unique and determined by the player where as every experience of a movie like The Searchers is the same from person to person, from viewing to viewing. And maybe this desire for control has spread to traditionally non-interactive mediums perhaps? Mostly, I'm just confused. How do you feel about the desire to participate and directly control aspects of Easy Allies? Does participation depend on the content? Do you think being a good consumers makes you a good creator? I hope this didn't come across as attacking or negative towards either the Allies or the community, total love and respect for all parties. I brought up some examples I've heard on Cup of Jones and hope those people don't feel isolated, they were the first comments that came to mind.


With article 13 and 12 being passed by the EU. There is a fair chance YouTube will disappear for EU. Does this mean I can no longer access your content in the future ??? Or is there a way to access the video without using you tube ???


Hey Jones, Tabletop Escapades is a goal on the patreon, that is funded 13 times over, but you won't be doing it? I understand Ian can't be there and the campaign can't continue without him, but I think the goal should be struck while he is unavailable, or we are owed a tabletop escapades substitute during the hiatus. I don't like writing comments like these, but sometimes duty calls. Call of Duty. 😎


Hey Jones, I posted this question last week but either you missed my question when putting together your list of questions for this past April 1st episode of Cup of Jones (posted it on Friday the 29th), or maybe some issue with Patreon but looks like you never got my question. Even though I do see it in the comments section on the post for the video of Cup of Jones for the date of March 25th. Anyway I have re-posted it below to hopefully get it addressed for next weeks episode. Personal question: Hey Jones, I have a follow up question from my post from the episode of Cup of Jones two weeks ago (March 18th) in regards to gaming secrets and myself not playing a Zelda game before. I would like your input on Zelda games and the series as a whole. All my life I've heard about how great this series is, that they are some of, if not, the greatest games ever made. I have only played and beat A Link to the Past on my SNES Classic two years ago. I could see why people love this game, it's sense of exploration and it's world is impressive to me, but playing this game 20 plus years after it's release, it's game play didn't quite blow me away like a lot of people and websites hype this game to be (combat was a bit underwhelming for me and felt dated or how long it takes to gain armor upgrades/ sword upgrades was badly placed). But taken in context of when it came out, I can see how it was so highly regarded and its design paved the way for the future of games. But as a first time playing it I didn't get the hype surrounding it. I would like to continue to try and experience the later series games like Ocarina of Time and other titles of those caliber next to see if I like them better but I am wondering if this series is over hyped, maybe even slightly? A couple of games that I have played Darksiders 1 & 2(good games) and Okami (loved this game) have been compared to being very similar to a Zelda style of game. Those are the closest resemblance of a modern Zelda game I have experienced. Are Zelda games as good as or even greater than those games? I would like your input since I know you and all the allies love these games and I respect your opinion. All my life I just hear how Zelda games are revered and treated like the greatest games ever made and that feeling of not knowing for myself kinda drives me mad inside a bit because since I haven't played many of them, looking on the outside, they do seem like good games, but the level of hype these games get, since I don't have much experience with these games, feel like they get over hyped to a certain extent. A Link to the Past I thought was good (a solid 7 for me) but I know people highly regard it as one of the best games ever made and I didn't quite get that vibe. Anyway, am I nuts for thinking this? Or do I have some justification in my thoughts questioning some of the hype Zelda games receive? I know nostalgia and fanboy bias can sometimes interfere with a fair and unbiased opinion on certain game franchises and just want a fair perspective on these games and thoughts on them. Thanks, Chris Eyerly


ah! my question got eaten by patreon, but here it is again: how do you see EZA as a content creator? as mediatic? more incline to gaming journalism? reviewers? Thanks Brandon!


trim it down a bit if you want the best chance of it getting answered.


Hi Jones! Could you take this moment to compare Iron Chef Japan and Iron Chef America? Which one is better and why?


Just a comment on the anniversary mash, The 8 hour stream you did the Thursday was much appreciated, and I personally would rather that over seeing the 'concert'.


Greetings Jones! My question is about the One Punch Man S2 live stream show. Do you know if there will be a wrap up episode reviewing the whole season as a whole or just episode by episode? Also will this show be produced only about anime in the future or is just whenever the allies want to do it with any show?


Save comment just in case, you put way too much effort into this for it to be deleted.


Hey Jones, do you have any advice for someone who owns a good 3 dozen PS4 games but hasn't really played most of them? I seem to have a lot of trouble actually sitting down and playing games, and I'm not sure why.


Hey Jones, With the first teaser trailer for the Joaquin Phoenix Joker film officially released, any chance we could get a Trailer Jones episode with you and Huber discussing and reviewing it? If not, could we get a mini review with your thoughts on it? The Scorsese influences from films like Taxi Driver & The King of Comedy seem really strong and I would love to hear your take on the trailer both as a film on its own as well as one covering the Joker’s origin in an Elseworlds-style story.


Hola Brandon, I believe a variant of this has been asked before but wanted to ask nonetheless. With the progress EZA is making, is there ever a concern from any of the allies that at some point you won’t be able to enjoy games like you want to? I mean this in the sense of committing to tier rewards and producing so much for all the fans. I won’t lie, as much as I want the allies to get all the riches they deserve, I get concerned that with having to produce so much, there won’t be much time for recreational gaming.


Hey Jones, I wonder if there's a smoother way to mention that Able Gamers is a gifted sponsorship. Instead of tacking the disclaimer on at the end of the podcast halftime, what if you introduced it with something like "our gifted sponsorship this week is Able Gamers". Just a thought. L&R


More fanart suggestions? :D


how do you feel about somegamenews starting a patreon to continue to produce there "best of easy allies" series? You seem comfortable allowing people to produce unofficial easy allies merch where they are likely making a profit from sales but setting up a patreon to produce an unofficial easy allies video series feels weird to me.


Hi Brandon. I’m a little confused about last week’s editorial. In my opinion, “doesn’t hold up” means that it was fine at its time, but since then the industry have moved forward. In movies, “doesn’t hold up” can be applied to camera work, editing, visual effects, sound and other technical aspects. You spoke about dumb characters, bad world-building and poor acting and these aspects haven’t evolved significantly - they were as bad back then as they are today. So, in my opinion, you were actually talking about why Terminator 2 is a bad movie (by the way, you’ve made an excellent case and totally convinced me). Which brings me to my question: what is your understanding of “doesn’t hold up”? Did you mean that it’s no longer impossible to ignore how bad something is, because its technical aspects don’t grab your full attention as they did before?


I caught up. Also, I was right, the thing that happened at the end of March was crazy. Ya'll got sick. Anyway, I'm probably listening to this on the way to an interview, I've decided to seek greener pastures and have a few lined up. Any tips?


Brandon - Will you be allowed to stream any of the Dreams Beta? Because that would be dope and I don't usually use the word dope in sentences not that there's anything wrong with that. Also I'd love if you streamed Days Gone after you've reviewed it similar to how you streamed Horizon Zero Dawn after you released the review showing us the basics etc -- of course I realize this weighs heavily on if you enjoy the game -- for instance I wouldn't expect you to stream Crackdown 3 after watching your review of it. Thanks


Hey Jones, Just watched the latest editorial on Terminator 2. I'll be honest, I found out about the subject of the editorial days ago via the Patreon post for the audio version of CoJ and I was like "First he doesn't like Cloud Atlas and now this?! Jones is killing me from the inside"! Now that I've listened to the editorial, I must admit that all of your criticisms are valid, especially the one where certain characters are just standing wait for something to happen as well as the behavior of the T-1000. Also, watching you acting out the movements and expression of the characters when they are doing anything or doing something that doesn't make sense is hilarious. So in a way, chances are, you're probably right about that T2 does not hold up well. Maybe the movie has reached the stage in a movie's life where you just shut your brain off while watching it. However, I'm not quite ready to accept that. Not when I think Terminator 2 is the best action movie ever made. As such, although your criticisms of the movie are valid, I will maintain that the movie still holds up today and will continue to do so until the end of time. Hasta la vista, Jonesy, Karl


In the most recent entry of the EZA podcast, a Love and Respect segment questioned what makes a game a 'masterpiece'. The panel brought up a lot of really valid thoughts on the matter, from reaching new heights in genres, to a game trying new things, to the longevity of the appeal of the game itself. It brought to mind the games that I consider masterpieces and why they qualify as such in my mind. Around a year ago now, my friend informed me that he and his wife would be having their first child. With me moving across the country, the two of us decided to get together for one final 'young adult' style game binge bash. I had one game in mind I wanted him to play before he became a father, so I dusted off my Super Nintendo and popped in Final Fantasy III, a game I had tried to get him to play for years since we were younger. One more time before the annals of parenthood took hold, this would be one last night for us to drink sodas and stay up until the earliest parts of dawn together. Around the time the brothers Sabin and Edgar reunite at Figaro castle, my friend turned to me and asked "how is this game so much better than anything I've played this Gen or last Gen?" it's a moment I won't forget, because like the memories I shared with him playing Earthbound, it was a reaffirmation to me that this game really is as special as it seems, and really stands the tests of time and age. Regardless, it's clear that different people will want and look for different things in games as times pass and as things change. Not every masterpiece will necessarily hold up for everyone in the same ways. However I think that a masterpiece allows us to escape into a specific moment in time without being cogniscent of that escapism, or without thinking about the experience being as great as it is. Many, if not all of the Hall of Greats hold this quality of timelessness. Masterpieces are those that we choose to share, to escape together into, not to call them great, but to share in something uniquely captivating and enthralling. A masterpiece is an untarnished memory that we are able to share with those we love. Someday, I hope that my friend will sit down with his son and turn on Final Fantasy III to go through together, like we did before I moved, and share in the same emotions I had playing through with his father. What are some games that you maybe consider a masterpiece that you'd like to share with children who grow up in a different and new age of games, perspectives and technology that you'd imagine would be just as impactful to them as it was to you? What are some classics we may perceive as timeless that you feel future generations may question the timelessness of?


I want the Allies to do a GOT recap show.. its only like 7 episodes till it's over? make it happen! Huber? Brad? Ben? Kyle? etc?


Business or Personal Question for the Allies My wife and I came to watch all of you by way of Fiasconauts. We love the show as well as all of your other work, but we did not know until recently that the Patreon doesn't fund that particular show. How can we as Allies show Ian and everyone else all the love and respect we feel for Fiasconauts?


Howdy Jones! I was listening to you talk about Dreams a bit more on this week’s podcast, and it got me thinking- Would you ever transition into game art and design itself? With each new creative world building game you play, the lines between game and the more “official” avenues/programs for game creation gets blurred. Aside from the presentation and specific community, there isn’t too big of a difference between making something out of silly putty in Dreams and making something out of clay in Zbrush. I honestly think it’s a natural transition, and probably something Media Molecule hopes to inspire in people. Hope your weekend was great! L&R Tahk0


Hi Jones! Just a quick thought that might add some production value for the viewers. Today, I rewatched some of E3 conferences on Giantbomb's channel to see their perspective and reactions. What suprised me was that I saw so much details from the trailers that I never noticed on EZA. The reason is, they usually have the conference's stream on fullscreen and the crew cam is at the bottom or on the side of the screen, while Easy Allies do the opposite (small feed/big cam). While I DO love to see you guys jump around in excitement, I wonder if you thought about getting the viewer a better image of the show ? I don't want to change what everybody's used to for the wonderful time that are game conferences, but I'd happy to hear your thoughts on that. As always, Love and Respect! Kelph


I loved the T2 rant, can we get more editorials like that or possibly a spin off series? Possibly as a tiered exclusive show? Are there any other controversial takes you have on popular shows and movies you could tease us with? Your thoughts on James Cameron's True Lies starring Arnold Swarzenegger? P.S. While googling how to spell Swarzenegger, apparently Arnold and Linda Hamilton are reuniting for Terminator: Dark Fate. Quick thoughts? L&R Morgan Mohalla


Hello Brandon, this is my first submission to cup of jones, I've been a patron for a couple of years and would just like to start by saying you're a wonderful group and I admire and respect your empathic and considerate nature. (you don't need to read that part aloud but are welcome to) Question: I know you're a huge Rockstar fan and I was wondering what your opinion on L.A Noire is? Whenever I've heard it come up amongst the easy allies it doesn't seem to fare favourably, and though I believe it has faults I see it as a wholly unique property which nails its period and the hardboiled genre it so adoringly draws from. I'm a huge Raymond Chandler fan so maybe that goes a ways to explaining my respect for the game, but curious what your take on it is, and what you might like to see in a potential sequel. Thanks for all you do, take care


Hey Jones! Hope you’re doing well today. My question is: Will the people in the community showcase submissions tier be able to submit Super Mario Maker 2 levels when it comes out?


Hey-oh, Jooooooones! What do you think of this? Monsters Mash as a mobile game! How cool would that be?! Love & Respect, Friendly Merlin


Hey Jones! Thanks for the answer to my question about growing the audience for my podcast, really inspiring! I would love for you to listen to an episode, but it's in Swedish sadly 😥. But if there are any Swedish allies here, my podcast is called Medis Radio and can be found on Soundcloud/Spotify/iTunes etc 😀

Joseph La Russa

Hi Jones! First of all, no shout out to me for suggesting the Full Playthrough Fun-Day? Low blow, you even read my suggestion on Cup of Jones! Lol. Second, I finally got to that legendary pig fight in AC Odyssey, and though I managed to beat it, it was so tough! I'm curious, what strategy did you end up using to win? I used a ton of arrows, and focused using explosive arrows on the pig adds, and dodge rolled all over. L&R!


Hey Jones wanted to ask you this because my girlfriend watching the second season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina made me think of it. I watched the first season of that show with her and then after the end decided I would not be watching the second with her. I felt the show looked like good TV with excellent cinematography and set design but felt the writing was really bad and the way they tried to bring up certain topics relating to our modern world wasn’t handled in a subtle way and felt like pandering most of the time. Is there anything that you can think of that has the appearance of being good but is in your opinion bad or subpar?


Hello Brandon, I was curious if you had seen the Dragon Quest: Your Story movie trailer. It is basically DQ 5 as a movie. If you have, I was wondering what you thought about it. Personally, it gives me some hope that we might have a decent video game movie finally.


Hello Jones. There is one big injustice that finally has to be addressed. I can't believe that we all have collectively turned a blind eye on it. It is one of the biggest cases of discrimination that I have ever seen on Easy Allies. Why is there only one Kyle Emote? Every other Ally has at least two. (Not to point fingers, but a certain someone even got three.) But in the meantime, we cling on to the redundant half-star? It had it's time. Go aside and make room for the human stars! Okay, with all seriousness, I would love to have a second Kyle emote that is more neutral. The one that he got has the lecturing finger. It's not ideal if you just want to acknowledge his presence, as it's bound to certain situations. I'm sure you could find some hilarious frames of him. For example, one where he pulls his hood over his head would be a pretty naturalistic depiction. Love & Respect, Snowcone Guy


Hi jones, I enjoyed watching Mysterious Monsters with Twitch chat when the first episode aired, I was thinking that a live premier of Fiasconauts could be fun, as watching the audience's reactions is one of the best parts about going to live improv on stage. I know that it would ultimatly be Ian's choice, but I think it's something that could enhance an already great show. Thanks and L&R, HMS_May_Cry


Hey Jones, would you ever consider doing another Battle of the Bands video or stream like you did at GT with Rock Band 4? It was such a fun watch with the various guests and Pamela Horton doing a great job as host (she would be an amazing guest on the 55k live show by the way!) I ask because I noticed that the original archive is not on youtube anymore