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We made it through our busy anniversary week, and some things definitely didn't go as planned. All of you have been incredibly supportive and understanding during the process. I'd like to be as honest as I can today about some of the frustrating steps in bringing you the Mysterious Monster Mash. While I like learning from mistakes, and working to make the next go-around easier and better overall, this process was especially trying. The good news is, none of this takes away from how amazing our community was this weekend, in person and online. Thank you for your patience and feedback.

00:10:41 - Mysterious Monster Mash Post-Mortem
00:38:12 - Business Questions
01:21:42 - Personal Questions

- Brandon 



And thank your for all of our madness. Love the continued openness to communication and respect the time you take to address this crazy mob week to week.


the newer generation of fallout games have included updates on the radio about the (main) quests the player has done. also, i would hope my fellow allies aren't too upset about not seeing mysterious monster mash livesteamed. its clear from your story about how poorly the venue and organization handled the show that none of y'all are to blame, even if you feel you need to take that responsibility on yourself. the easy allies are a well oiled machine that i believe can do anything y'all put your minds to, but when you introduce having to rely on outside people that have no investment or interest in a project, you can't guarantee the results that you hope for.


Just a heads up, but you'll need to post this in the comments for the video post to have it answered.


Hello Mr. Jones, how do you see EZA compared with the rest of other outlets? more mediatic, focused on reviews and discussion?


Jones, if your not a contract guy, you “Better Call Hogue!” I understand your frustration and appreciated you sharing this as I would of been curious about this. I would also hope you would be willing and able to share your thoughts with the other 8 allies as I’m sure they would of wanted to help. But hope next year is better.