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Our sincerest apologies, but we are disappointed to inform you that we will not be able to stream the show tonight due to technical issues with the venue. We've considered back up options, but unfortunately, there's just too little time to do something else. However, the silver lining is that we will be shooting the event tonight and will be posting that online as soon as we can. Again, we apologize for the disappointing news.




That’s alright, have a great show!


Aww man, oh well guys. Have fun tonight allies !!


As long as those of us who can’t make it in person get to see it eventually, it’s fine!


Honestly, no worries! We know you would’ve if you could, and we’ll still get to see it later anyways! L&R


Well... dang


No worries, have a good show, beauty boys


All good have a good one


Thanks for posting this. Can't wait to watch it later. Have a great show!


The fact that it's recorded is plenty! You do so many livestreams, and there's only the one live in person event, I think it's fine that they're separate


Oh no! Sounds stressful for you guys! No worries! I’ll look forward to the video if it works out. Have fun tonight everyone!


Too bad, but I'll still enjoy watching the video later. And now I don't have to stay up until daybreak so that's something at least lol.


Dang, at least it's recorded, can't wait to watch it


Bummer, but it's all good. Trust everyone has a fantastic night. Cheers from the East Coast!


I was already planning to watch it tomorrow during work, so it’s all good. We’ve all got Sekiro to work through tonight.


No worries. Have a great night!


Shame to hear, but something these things happen! Looking forward to the recording! L&R!


Looking forward to seeing it later! couldn't watch live anyways. Good luck with the show!


Have a great show! Will watch everything when you post it.

Steven Perry

Was gonna miss it anyway so all good. Shame for everyone else though. Have a great show!

Luveen Rupchand Wadhwani

All the best for the show tonight, Blood! Looking forward to watching the deferred love broadcast ;-)


Totally cool - have a good show!


That sucks, but good luck with the show tonight though guys!


No worries, I’ll watch it when it’s up!


Major bummer. But at least people who went get an early exclusive which makes it more worth it. Have fun


Please consider doing a "Live Premiere" on Twitch for your recording, so we can still react to it in chat and discuss. L&R


Pls don't let it bother you guys. Have fun with the IRL allies! We'll watch it when possible. Happy anniversary!


Profound sadness, but I hope the allies there have a blast. Looking forward to the video. We know if there was anything you guys could have done, you would have done it. Have fun and LnR4L (Darn looks like ill just have to kill ninjas demons and samurais instead tonight ;D )


Feels bad but we'll catch up on youtube soon enough, have a great show guys


Bummer, but at least we get to watch. Have fun!


Oh what a pity! You could always stream the recording tomorrow so we can all react to it anyway?


I am just glad you will be able to film it! can't wait to watch it.


Not gonna lie, kinda had my night saved for this. Really a genuine disappointment...


Yeah was supposed to be in the city overnight but didnt wanna miss the live show =/ definitely a bummer but at least we will still have the recording to watch soon!


The biggest feels bad but it's all good.


Huge disappointment especially since this isn't a new venue. Had tonight set aside for this. Looking forward to watching the recording but that just isn't the same. Hope you all put on a great show!


Aww no, that's a shame but at least it can still be recorded.

Sarah Wampler

I am sad to miss it live but I know this will not have been due to lack of effort on your part. You all work so hard to give us the best you can. Always improving! I hope everyone goes well and look forward to the replay :)


Disappointed but it's OK. What isn't though is only Blood and Ian and of course the EZA twitter mention it when it should be all Allies mentioning about it on their twitter at least indirectly so people who only follow certain Ally/Allies will know about it. Just saying. Enjoy the night.


We understand. Have an awesome show! Can't wait to watch it on YouTube.


No worries EZA. Enjoy tonight! You deserve it!!!


Are there late entries? I bought my ticket already, but I had trouble finding my hotel and got lost and stuff.


As that guy who watches everything after the fact anyway, welcome to my trick. Have a great show folks.


Everyone should already be following the official Easy Allies twitter for these official updates.


No one will be out front but the entrance should still be accessible.


No sweat, happy for you guys! Hope it goes great!


I actually forgot about it, so this kinda evens things out. :-P


I would suggest premiering it as a stream then posting it as a YouTube video as I do love the interaction with chat.


It happens💁‍♀️ stoked to see it later


No worries at all. Enjoy yourself!


Hey, its okay, no stress, we love you for what you do.


These things happen! Just happy that I get to watch it recorded at all rather than having to cut out early from the stream from tiredness. Hope the night was great!


Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to watch the show later. Happy birthday, EZA.