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Brad will be on vacation next week, so Daniel Bloodworth (and not Ian, as previously stated) will be stepping in to join me on Thursday, March 7th, for the next Showcase. As always, we look forward to seeing what new surprises you have in store, and getting updates on your personal lives and ongoing projects. As someone who's looking forward to making neat stuff in Dreams later this year, I'm continually inspired by your creative visions. I can't wait to see the next batch. Please check the guidelines below, especially the note about keeping comments short if you're submitting a piece of media (image, video, etc.).

- Brandon

No submissions will be accepted past March 7th at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hey Jones and Blood, just a little art this month, but as usual I'm waiting until the night before to actually draw anything. It's been a crazy couple months, where I performed my juggling routine in Madison, WI in January, and Austin, TX this past month. Now I endeavor to do a little bit of art for both Jones and Blood, as well as show my current DND character, Yohan Blackmane, a dwarf paladin, and his mount, Caspian the Ever Lion. -------- I'll post links once I actually draw/post before the stream tomorrow, if that's okay. L&amp;R <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/ButCSvggB_N/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/p/ButCSvggB_N/</a> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/ButCovTAchF/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/p/ButCovTAchF/</a> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/ButI8zYgWRW/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/p/ButI8zYgWRW/</a>


Updated: Game Dev Update: <a href="https://youtu.be/aJnBVqgszCI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/aJnBVqgszCI</a> Note to Jones: Sorry to ask this but could you push my submission back a bit later into the Showcase. With the time change I’ll be getting off work about 30 mins from the end of the Showcase and I’d like a shot at being in chat for mine. But it’s totally fine either way!

Megan Linart

Hello, Ian and Jones. Sorry Jones dont' kill me for this but This month is all about Dreams now that we can talk about it, I want to share my experience when i was in the beta and my overall impressions of it. I would like to start off what I made. Honestly I really didn't end up making much because I was so busy and really I was doing a lot of tutorials and just fiddling around. I made 1 thing and that was a what I call a living movie poster, It Comes At Night I think has one of the most creepy and ominous movie posters around and i really thought it was simple enough to stretch my legs and put to use all I learned. So i recreated the entire poster and added sound effects and music to it, this took me about 4 hours to make and i'm going to attach a photo here, you don't have to show it but it's here in case you guys want to check it out. I really loved doing this. Its something I want to do much more of when I get the game. The controls take some getting used to at first but after some time moving around I found it to be extremely easy to control, it's extremely responsive I was using the dualshock by the way. The menus were very organized and very quick to bring up and put away I was actually very surprised how easy it was to find what I wanted. There were also tons of button shortcuts to bring them up even faster. I really actually loved learning about all of animation tools this had, i’ve seen videos but nothing is better than going in yourself and experimenting, I loved looking into all of the gadgets and wiring triggers I was terrible at it but there is so much to this game it's insane, you can tie music to triggers, set up your own lighting, have seperate cameras and trigger them to activate when your character hits a trigger, all by wiring. You can also group your gadgets in one place to keep thing organized, it was as simple or as complex as you wanted it to be. I didn't dive to much in the music but from what I did do I loved it, the timelines were so easy to set up and opening up all of those sub menus and seeing everything you can do just amazed me enough, even though I had no clue what it meant. Through the entire beta I mostly practiced setting up lights, cameras and wiring and I had an absolute blast, the game ran extremely well, I had no bugs or crashes, everything felt fast, and intuitive. Sharing what you made and seeing other stuff was so fun and I was constantly blown away. I’m running out of words, so i’ll end with this... Be Very Excited <a href="https://twitter.com/MadamGojira64/status/1089941482600042496" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/MadamGojira64/status/1089941482600042496</a>


For February, I played Tetris 99. It is fantastic, addictive, and lots of fun. Great game. I also finished playing Kingdom Hearts 3. Yes, the game was fun, but boy, did it have issues. The pacing in Kingdom Hearts 3 is a mess. As the conclusion to this major story arc that started back in 2002, it didn't feel like it until way late in the game. There are story beats and events that could have transpired throughout the duration instead of being shoved to the end. By doing this, the Disney worlds felt more of a distraction from the plot and ultimately filler. There are bits and pieces that get revealed briefly in cutscenes during these segments, but they feel shoved in rather than being woven in naturally. Part of the issue is that reasons stated for going there ultimately never come to fruition. Actually, there are a lot of things that end up amounting to nothing. After the last Disney world you visit, there is a mission that might have served better as a midpoint. It would have helped break up the Disney adventures with doing something that furthers the overall story. Kingdom Hearts 2 did this with events that transpired in Hollow Bastion when you assisted the Final Fantasy gang and did the 1,000 Hearltess battle. Aside a few cutscenes, Kingdom Hearts 3 shoving so much at the end made the actual conclusion feel rushed. Some characters aren't even given enough time to breathe to where they come off completely two dimensional. Unfortunately, more time seemed to be spent on recreating Disney scenes shot for shot rather than time on moments that fans of the series were probably waiting for. Ultimately, the storytelling was really bad. I'm not even talking about the writing. Just basic storytelling 101. Other things to note real quick. The frame rate had issues. The gameplay wasn't as deep as previous numbered Kingdom Hearts games. There just never felt like a time I needed to think what I was doing. I didn't die at all. Not even the secret boss. I never had to really block, learn the mechanics, or learn the enemies' attack patterns in order to win. The triangle commands in battle also popped way too often to the point that it was a joke. Now, I still enjoyed and love Kingdom Hearts 3. The game is absolutely gorgeous at times. They tried different things with some of the worlds which was neat. The Disney characters undermining the plot to Kingdom Hearts was amusing. I had a lot of fun exploring the Disney worlds looking for chests and lucky emblems. Even nabbed more than enough lucky emblems to unlock the secret ending on my first go. In the end, I leave this game feeling less hyped on the Kingdom Hearts series than I did going into it. Maybe the DLC, which I am sure there will be as Kingdom Hearts has done the "Final Mix" stuff previously, will change my mind.


Hello, Allies! I decided to bet against Kyle's ability to win at Tetris99, so for this month, I'm at the $20 tier. I don't care, it's my pleasure to support you guys and I'm honored to be in the showcase. I was going to post my EZA x Pokemon portraits here and let you comment on them, and while that would have been fun for me, it may be kinda boring for everyone else, so I did a video instead. However, it was a very last minute thing, so image quality is garbage, the audio levels are a MESS and it ends super abruptly. It's also, unintentionally, very cheesy. I think it's the song, but it's the only one I could think of last minute that fits and wouldn't be a copyright trap. As for the portraits themselves, I know a lot of them aren't great, but I'm still super proud of what I've done and of how my style has evolved. video: <a href="https://youtu.be/IUttPggDSGk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/IUttPggDSGk</a> (UPDATED) That's it. Let me know your favourites! Love &amp; Respect! Ray (Also, Blood or Jones, I leave the images on a separate page here for your youtube video thumbnail consideration: <a href="https://imgur.com/a/9O15em4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/9O15em4</a> )


Greetings Jones and Blood!! Zephyr Moon here! I mentioned last month that I was going to do some experimenting on how I was going to do my webcomic. Well, after a success, and then a failure, and then success again, I think I finally managed to find the groove I was looking for. I just had to remember a few things while doing it and that’s “keep it simple and don’t over complicate. Afterall, you’ll be drawing these characters and settings over and over again.” I figured out pretty early on that I actually enjoy just clicking around in Photoshop and not taking my tablet out and just draw in to the program. I have a seperate tablet that can handle the initial messy looking drawing and do all the lineart on and then just do the coloring and touch ups in Photoshop. It’s a simple process and would help speed up the process and not sacrifice detail. Also, clipping mask is the best cheese ever. As for the submissions, I thought it would be fun to not only include last month’s WIP, but also the finished product featuring the main cast. The illustration is a bit of glimpse of the first arc of the comic. And since I like this so much, I decided to sell it and an alternate version at my shop! Which can be found at society6.com/artofsara . Shameless plug aside, I had a lot of fun creating this and it proved to be a really relaxing process. It’s always a win when you’ve found the style that you’ve been working on for years and find that it works in the long run. I still have improvements to make (particularly the background,) but this process should be beneficial in the long run. <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E8tnVENvjhqO4Q4TNFKMOnsmzPU-D3yv/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E8tnVENvjhqO4Q4TNFKMOnsmzPU-D3yv/view?usp=sharing</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KhgQM37QwEuE56nkp4aGdoJB0G9RXAQs/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KhgQM37QwEuE56nkp4aGdoJB0G9RXAQs/view?usp=sharing</a> Much love and respect, Zephyr Moon


Hey Jones and Blood! VGJunky here. I had to switch my song selection this month because of the guest swap, so here's one for Jones! While I personally hold Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG as my top two SNES RPGs due to not having so many random encounters, I still respect the characters and storytelling of FFVI, especially the character arc of a certain somebody that I've mentioned in the video title. Right now I am just using the Community Showcase as an excuse to learn new songs with a 1 month time limit. Speaking of which, who's up next? It doesn't look like I've got any takers from my group of friends to go to your 3rd Anniversary so I'm going to miss yet another meetup, but I'll be enjoying it on Twitch. Speaking of which, can I get an ezaGoddess in the chat? <a href="https://youtu.be/tyzXyZTr7GI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/tyzXyZTr7GI</a> I decided to do some direct Piano MIDI capture this time around for better audio quality, but that doesn't mean that my playing is any better, though :)

Brandon K Gann

I finished Kingdom Hearts III. For a long time, I have been wanting to make that statement a fact, and after about the first couple of weeks post-launch, the dream has become a reality. Of all the games I’ve been anticipating, none have I waited longer for than the final installment of this wildly everywhere story. I have to say, just shy of 60 total hours of playtime, seeing and doing everything possible in the game lived up to years of waiting. It surprised me in being more on the easier side of things, but that didn’t take away from just how much fun I had. The tools of combat were fantastic from the attractions to magic, and team attacks to keyblade formchanges. And that Ultima Weapon has become my new favorite video game weapon of all time, both in use and design. I LOVED traveling around the Caribbean. Blowing up ships and searching islands for sunken or hidden treasures made it become my favorite world, not only in this game but the entire series as a whole. I was enamored with Olympus finally being a fully fleshed out world instead of a Coliseum and a small Underworld. Instead, there’s the town of Thebes, the fully scalable mountain, and the Realm of the Gods. But of course, there’s nothing more memorable than the entire sequence at the Keyblade Graveyard. While I’m satisfied with my time in Kingdom Hearts III, I DO have two major critiques: Final Fantasy being faded out and many unanswered questions surrounding several plot points. The lack of Final Fantasy characters is the more disappointing issue as Kingdom Hearts was founded on the union of Square’s beloved franchise and Disney coming together in what should be known as gaming’s most bizarre matrimony. The implementation of these characters, especially in Kingdom Hearts II, makes the games stronger, so their absence is noticeable, ESPECIALLY when there are several parts of this game that could’ve been left out (Looking at you Hundred Acre Wood and Let It Go). I shall say absolutely NOTHING regarding story specific gripes beyond many of my unanswered questions were posed or touched on during the final act of the game, epilogue and confounding secret movie included, and now upon completion, I’m left with that bittersweet feeling only ambiguity can provide. Now that I’ve put Kingdom Hearts III down, I played Metro: Exodus, and by the time this is read, I’m already done with it as well, and enjoyed it too. Looking at the rest of 2019, unless two games I’m looking forward to are dated and released this year (One I see being possible yet unlikely, and the other I highly doubt), I don’t see anything else I’m looking forward to that could supplant Kingdom Hearts III as my personal GOTY. That said, there are seven games to have officially been dated for this year I want, and I can’t wait for the next ten months. I finally did it. I finished Kingdom Hearts III.


Hey Jones and Ian! This past month (past two weeks? time is fake) I've picked up embroidery as a hobby! It's been fun to learn and delve into a completely different medium of art than I'm used to. These are the first four things I've done to practice and see where I'm at skill-wise so I can go from here! <a href="https://twitter.com/flexhealer/status/1101265143634128896" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/flexhealer/status/1101265143634128896</a> -Kit Snow&lt;3


What is love? Baby don't hurt me.


Hello Blood &amp; Jones! How cool is video game music? You can tell I like it a lot, given my running theme in the Q&amp;A asking for your favorite game scores; but to be honest, it is not something that I can be very loud in my circles. I remember the first time I saw a mini-bosses video, circa 2006 and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was posted on video.google.com, a site that tried to compete with youtube before Google quit and just bought the competition. There were 4 guys playing mega man tunes adapted to metal; and they had people around rocking with them, chanting at the right parts; just having a good time. I felt in a parallel universe where there existed a community that actually had what I I didn't even know I wanted. Soon after that I found another band called The Advantage. Similar concept, just not as hardcore metal, more of a melodic rock arrangement, but they had some awesome tunes too. Fast forward 13 years and The video game music cover landscape has flourished. You can find almost anything in youtube. To hardcore metal with Family Jules, to the hard rock of Epic Game music, to the weirdness of the acapella songs of Smooth McGroove &amp; the Mexican flavor of Mariachi Entertainment System, to the sublime interpretations of respectful symphonies; there is definitely something for everyone. If you are expecting a point, there is none. I just wanted to use this space showcase this art form that is the video game music and the video game music cover. Don't take it for granted, kids. I would love to find some other 3 guys that want to rock some mega man tunes as much as I do. Love &amp; Respect, César.


Lost in Translation: Original photo taken - ‎Friday, ‎September ‎30, ‎2005 (Are you allowed to show this on air?) #1 <a href="https://i.imgur.com/wlYU3fE.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/wlYU3fE.jpg</a> #2 <a href="https://i.imgur.com/AOfdJbV.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/AOfdJbV.jpg</a>


Hey Brandon and Blood! I’m Eduardo, BitCake and DeMagnete’s Game Designer and I wanted to come here on this creative space to give a huge thanks to all of you and the community and share DeMagnete’s story and why you all are unkowingly a much bigger part of the game than you might think. So, in 2008 I was in the second half of my first year of University (to become a future Game Design bachelor) when I discovered the wonderful world of Gaming Blogs and Websites. It wasn’t long before I was non-stop refreshing Joystiq, Kotaku and watching every single review on GameTrailers.com. Among my friends the only reviews that we counted as valid in order to get a game were GT’s, I don’t know if it was because of the wonderful scripts or Jones’s soothing voice, the fact of the matter is that GameTrailers was always our stop for great reviews and the latest trailers/shows. It was because of GT that I discovered Angry Video Game Nerd, Pach Attack, Trailer Academy (which taught me WAY more than my University ever did about the makings of a good trailer), Bonus Round and my favorite: Hey Ash, Watcha Playing. Me and my friends loved watching Ashly Burch and her brother doing crazy videos and we soon decided that one day we would make a game and try to get her to voice something (remember, this was 2008-09, she would debut in Borderlands 2 in 2012). I also had a personal dream that I would one day have a game that I worked on get a GameTrailers review, even if that review was bad. You can imagine how I felt when GameTrailers was shut down and when I realized that after Horizon it would be almost impossible to reach and work with Ashly. But as Shia Labeouf would say: Don’t Let Your Dreams be Dreams. The year is 2011 and I’m graduating with the highest score a graduation project ever got in my University, it was praised a lot by the teachers and everyone that played it, this game was called: DeMagnete, a portal-like but with magnetism instead of portals. Here’s a video of that game: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk4Bob_5Tek" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk4Bob_5Tek</a> (sorry it's in Portuguese, you can keep reading while the video plays if you want) We now jump forward to 2017, I’m now BitCake’s co-founder and Game Designer and we’re presented with the possibility of getting funding for a new game, but we need a new project quickly and we don’t have anything prototyped yet. The thing is, we tried and we loved VR it was definitely something that we would love to do. I then had the idea of re-making DeMagnete but in VR and throwing away everything but keeping the core concept of magnetism-based mechanics. The team greenlit the idea and we got the funding! That’s when my evil mind started to work, that’s when I realized the time was nigh to fulfill my dreams :) Early on we decided that the game would feature voice-acting, and when talking to our Brazilian recording partners and looking at some English voice-actors reels I casually asked “do you think you could get Ashly Burch?” He said “Well, I can try…”. Long story short after some back and forth he said that Ashly liked our game concept and early stuff and she accepted doing our main character! I couldn’t believe it! And you know what else? He said that on the recording day I should be there on Skype to help him direct her! I was like “WAT? I CAN DO THAT?”. Yes Allies, I not only got Ashly Burch on DeMagnete but I also got to direct her acting. You guys have no idea how I felt during that recording session, you couldn’t be more nervous and excited than I was. After that I needed part 2 of the dream. That would require some dream-adaptation (because GT was no more) and some sweet-talking my way into getting funding approval. You already know that I got it :) I was STOKED to have DeMagnete announced on the podcast that I’ve been listening to since the first episode of GT Time. It was very magical, having both dreams achieved in a single project. I’m really happy right now, even if people come out saying that the game sucks, I know I not only did my best on this game but this project is the culmination of more than 10 years of dreaming and waiting for the right moment. Sorry for this huge letter, I really wanted to share this story with you all. Keep doing the best you can and keep dreaming because one day the opportunity will come for you to fulfill it :) L&amp;R Eduardo Lamhut


Just because everyone does a safety reply :PP Oh no, I just realized my entry is waaaay bigger than 500 Words :/ Sorry Jones!


Hey ya Jones and Blood, This month has been interesting, as it’s the first month since I started PS Plus that I’ve actually played the games on offer. For Honor and Hitman both seemed interesting, but they were both outside my comfort zone so I was never going to just buy them. For Honor’s story mode is kind of interesting, but it’s hard to not feel like you’re disconnected from it all. I’ve yet to try multiplayer, because it’s difficult for me to wrap my head around the combat so far. Might jump back in, might leave it be. Hitman is a different story, as I have fond memories playing Hitman 2 as a kid. The new version is very fun but it makes me super anxious. Everything feels so high stakes in a way most games don’t capture. Because of that I can’t play for too long, but I’ve made it through Sapienza and that was one of the wildest things ever. Also on the docket, I have returned to Stardew Valley, this time on the Switch. When I first played on PS4, I got about halfway through year 3 before setting it down. As we stand now, I’m heading into the end of year 3 on the Switch and I’m having a blast. This is the ideal way to play this game, in handheld mode while watching TV or listening to a podcast. With that said, the jolly music is great, so you shouldn’t ignore it. The best part of doing a second run on this game is you’re able to plan your farm more efficiently from the get-go. I truly love this game. As I’ve talked about in the past, I have a lengthy backlog. To tackle this, I’ve come up with a way to pick a game when I’m not sure what to play. I write out a list of games with numbers next to them, then roll a die that matches the number of entries. Whichever one comes up three times, is my next game. This time I did it, the winner wasn’t a backlog game. Instead, it was a challenge. As of the morning I’m writing this, I now have the Platinum trophy for Nier Automata, which I beat the first time almost a year ago. I was so glad to go back to that world, to get back into that headspace where the human condition is so adeptly examined through the lens of androids and machines. I still come back to my number one piece of praise for this game, in the numerous ways it allows you to curate and customize your experience. I have no real idea how a new Nier could be made, but I’ll be there day one. As for the next month, I’m not sure just yet what I’ll be playing, but I’ve been considering a return to the hallowed halls of Bullworth Academy. We’ll see where the die lands. L&amp;R, Kyle “GOTYlocks” Lee

Christian Thomas

G’day to both Brandon &amp; Blood, There is a Cup of Jones episode dated November the 11th 2016 that I hoped to promote this community showcase as it features a thought piece defining the mantra love and respect. Most would agree these two words have had a profound influence in keeping us unified as a community. So I figured that as we are currently at our highest patreon total so far it would be worth encouraging any new participants who may speculate if there well reasoned honesty that fuels this ideology. Simply put, there is every chance your confidence in this endeavour will grow once this episode has been reviewed and Brandon’s heartfelt words have been considered. I know personally it has been very influential to my own participation with the Easy Allies. Brandon when your words come from a good place they can definitely inspire. Secondly could we please get some sophies in the chat to honour the tireless nights Bloodworth endures to keep this whole she-bang cranking. They way in which Blood has remained involved with our sentiments as a collective has proved invaluable, truly appreciate your work Blood. Till the next showcase, Christian Thomas


Easy Ally: Daniel Bloodworth <a href="https://youtu.be/_rMDrdJn22w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/_rMDrdJn22w</a>


Hey Brandon and Ian. I just want to let you all know that I have been writing a book in my spare time. It's taken quite some time, but I look forward to sharing it with everyone at the Easy Allies community at some point. I have a good deal of it done and if anyone is interested in reading the first chapter, I will leave a link below. Thanks for everything and Love and Respect from Boston!


<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/18mEPq2GHsXF91wek954_WW-rn9r2ThxKlyz6MGPQYHI/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/18mEPq2GHsXF91wek954_WW-rn9r2ThxKlyz6MGPQYHI/edit?usp=sharing</a>


Hey Jones and Blood! I've never submitted anything on community comments but I wanted to show you guys some of my doddles. I haven't drawn as a hobby since before i went off to college, so I've been trying to find time between work and life stuff to grab the pen and paper and scribble something. I'm incredibly rusty and it shows but I'm trying to practice at least once a day. I submitted one of the doodles to kyles stream but haven't had the time to watch and hear his opinion. Please enjoy my amateur doodles, and kudos if you can name the anime the first drawing belongs to! Love you guys!! @grazooka <a href="https://twitter.com/grazooka/status/1102425246173409280?s=21" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/grazooka/status/1102425246173409280?s=21</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/grazooka/status/1102425583475191809?s=21" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/grazooka/status/1102425583475191809?s=21</a>


Hi Jones and Blood! Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving all of us patrons a platform to share our passions and stories about life, video games and everything in between. With the compositions I shared and created for Community Showcase, I completed a portfolio of original works that I have used to get into a Masters program for Composition and Music Technologies (Starting September!), Score my first gig as a film composer and foley artist for an animated short film, and snag a producer role for a concert with three live musicians performing with a Musical Artificial Intelligence (it's gonna be a neat one!). I have also been really lucky to connect with some fellow allies that have asked me to write music for their personal projects! It has been a little while since I last posted, and I am hoping to produce more content to share once all these projects are out of the way, but in the meantime I would love to share this little diddy I wrote a little while back that I never ended up sharing. L&amp;R! Mason Victoria <a href="https://soundcloud.com/mason-victoria-638433876/8-bit-funk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/mason-victoria-638433876/8-bit-funk</a>




Went to Paris at the end of Jan. Was $60 to get into Disneyland, so I did. It was kind of old feeling. Stuff is more worn out than I'm used to seeing at a Disney park. Many attractions are closed for renovation, including Phantom Manor. One thing you'll probably never see in LA or Orlando is the early morning de-icing of the walkways, rides, and benches. There's some different stuff here though: There's a Alice in Wonderland hedge maze, Indiana Jones is a rolllercoaster. Sleeping Beauty Castle is twice the size of the one in Anaheim. It's got a whole interior second story, balconies, and stained glass exhibits to explore. There's also a dungeon with a rather large animatronic dragon. See you all at Mysterious Monster Mash! (I have a belated b-day present for you that I picked up in Paris, Jones) <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yycvzs8v" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yycvzs8v</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/y4xtsm95" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/y4xtsm95</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/y3us2bwn" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/y3us2bwn</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yykec729" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yykec729</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/y4z65jmn" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/y4z65jmn</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yyyw5evd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yyyw5evd</a> <a href="http://tinyurl.com/y5aktljp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/y5aktljp</a>


“Begin at the beginning”, the King said gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” -Alice In Wonderland


Hello Blood and Jones. All of the Love. All of the Respect This month, as always, The Shenmue EZA Dub project chugs along. This month, Mr. Daniel Bloodworth I Have two separate roles for you to read for. The first one is a nice lady named Kondo-San. She’s part of a duo of Gossip girls that hang out by the payphone. Please read the following lines if you would be so kind. Kondo-San A Middle Aged Gossip. A Nice Lady. -“Oh, hello Ryo.” -“The day of the incident? You mean the day it thundered, right?” -“I didn’t see them.” -“Not that i’m aware of.” -“But you know, Sumiya-san knows about everything that goes on around here.” -“It’d be good if you try asking Sumiya-san.” The Second and more important role is that of Ine-San. Is she Ryo’s Grandmother? or perhaps just a nice lady thats looked after the Hazuki family for a long time? Hard to say. You play this important elderly woman. Ine-San A fragile old women who cares for the Hazuki Family and its Dojo. (Badly Injured) -“Ryo-San…” -“I’m Alright. But Hazuki-Sensei…” (Not Injured) -“A letter…for Hazuki-Sensei…” -“Ryo-San. You should still be resting.” -“Yes, but I must keep busy, otherwise i’ll get depressed…” -“Yes.” -“Oh, by the way…I have this for you.” -“This is for today” -“From tomorrow, i’ll leave it on top of the shoe cabinet every day.” -“Fukuhara-san? I believe he’s in the dojo.” -“Ryo-san, you mustn’t be reckless. It won’t change anything.” -“I don’t wish to scold you, but…” -“..I’ll say what I have to say.” Also I need one solid “Hmmmm” Like your looking at a letter you just pulled out of a mailbox. A letter you never expected to see. That is all. Thanks as always. I’m sure it was magical. Until next Month! L&amp;R Your Friend Dan Allen Detroit, MI DON”T READ JONES: Playlist for the Project so far Chronologically… <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUUk-a7SquQ9QGbcBGrs6JOIGDgFWLYbA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUUk-a7SquQ9QGbcBGrs6JOIGDgFWLYbA</a>


Howdy Brandon and Ian, Can I get a Yeehaw? At the start of this month, I was checking out a PSN sale and decided it was time to pick up one of Rockstar's great games. I have had a blast running around, getting into trouble and helping people out. I am of course talking about Bully. I picked it up on PS4 and have been working my way through the story and side objectives. It has been a long time since I last played Bully, so the story feels fresh again. The Skateboard and Bicycles are fun modes of transport which you don't often get in games. Around a week after I picked up Bully, another of Rockstar's games went on sale, Red Dead Redemption 2. After avoiding it at launch due to other games I was playing, I decided now was time to pick it up. I am having a great time trying to act more realistic and get into the world, rather than just treating it as a video game. I am jumping back a forth between story and online. The downside of the online is not being able to pick the mode. I would love to just play the battle royale mode over and over. Hopefully once the beta period ends, they will add this option. When I reached Chapter 2, one of my first encounters was a man shooting at the train tracks (he was actually shooting bottles off the tracks). On approach he shouted that he wanted to challenge me to a shooting challenge to see who could shoot the most bottles. I shot more bottles and won. He then asked to double the bet and go again. I thought I best reload first and promptly punched him in the face. At this point, I had to fight and kill him, ending the challenge. A nice lesson in the mixed controls everyone was talking about. Luckily he appeared later on in another area to challenge me again. About half way through the month, I felt the urge to finish off some games, so put Red Dead on hold. I decided to go back to Stories: The Path of Destinies. A fun enough game, that has 25 different story combinations to play through to see it all. Unfortunately the final trophy was for unlocking all upgrades which meant replaying the story about 7 extra times than the required 25 times through to get enough XP. I then went back to Bully and finished it up. This took me to 130 platinum trophies and 169 complete games (so 39 that had no platinum). Finally, I want to take this chance to ask what is happening with the 'Easy Allies Official' Rockstar crew? If you want someone to help with adding people, I volunteer my service. Love and respect, BeardedScotsman86


Hi Brandon and Ian, Just thought I'd share this Toejam &amp; Earl fan art that I made back when the Kickstarter for the new game launched. <a href="https://imgur.com/6k1ieAE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/6k1ieAE</a> Love &amp; Respect Dave Cleland PS. My copy of Swords got water damaged when I was on holiday last year, is there any way I can buy another?


I missed the live showcase last time but I watched it later on Twitch and was so delighted by everyone's reaction to my crazy story about the racing game. Sorry for not mentioning the name of my game last time, I didn't want to make it into a promo piece and anger the Jones banhammer. Judging from Mr Jones and chat's reaction that was a huge mistake so this time - screw it - I'll show you the trailer so everyone knows the name "Roadclub: League Racing" (which a few of you remembered and guessed correctly in chat, I'm flattered!)! The trailer took about a month to record gameplay, design, edit and create motion graphics. Thanks Mirza for the edit and animation! (BTW I'd love to make a Switch port if we're allowed by the gatekeepers at Nintendo, cross your fingers or your regional equivalent and we'll see!). <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr6USjJPenY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr6USjJPenY</a>


Please stay on Patreon post. Also here's the store link if anyone is curious. <a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/437730/Roadclub_League_Racing/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://store.steampowered.com/app/437730/Roadclub_League_Racing/</a>


hold the phone


Crashing on HBO is great. True Detective season 3 is okay. Us (from Jordan Peele) looks incredible.




Hullo Ian and Brandon! I always seem to have music to share when Ian's on. This is the first proper song with lyrics that I've ever shared publicly. The lyrics were inspired by the fact that I haven't seen a single day of summer since July 2017 - a result of dividing my time awkwardly between my three countries, Australia, the UK, and Canada. For my day job, I'm a PhD student, studying the history, literature and theology of Anglo-Saxon England (think of the Rohirrim in 'The Lord of the Rings' and you're pretty much there...). According to the historian Bede, the kingdom of Northumbria was deciding whether to adopt Christianity, and the king and his counsellors were having a debate. One thegn stood up and compared 'the present life of man on earth' to the flight of a sparrow through the king's mead-hall - for a brief moment within the hall, the sparrow shares in the joy and warmth of the feast, but then it passes 'from winter into winter again'. It's a beautiful image, so I 'borrowed' it and applied it to my own experience. I did the recording in rather straitened circumstances, so it's pretty lo-fi, but I'm pleased with it. Here's the link: <a href="https://soundcloud.com/samuel-cardwell-274416235/winter-into-winter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/samuel-cardwell-274416235/winter-into-winter</a> Congratulations on the studio! Samuel


Aloha Ian and Brandon! Long-time listener, first time contributor. I am a DM for my friends, and lately my party of adventurers have been feeling invincible, plowing their way through like a raging bull. Iʻve tried to teach them to use more finesse, but it seems Iʻll need to be a little more… direct. To that end, Iʻve decided create a nightmarish town for them to stumble their way through where they wonʻt be able to fight everything head on. Iʻm taking inspiration from Silent Hill, Bioshock, and as youʻll see in a bit, Bloodborne (which my players havenʻt played). Below is a link to an edited version of my introduction I may be using as my players arrive at the town. Iʻd love it if I could get your opinion on it. I had to edit it down a bit so it was under the 500-word limit, and I failed at that (deepest apologies). Feel free to edit it down to whatever you want. Iʻm really sorry! Thanks! Keanu Laʻa <a href="https://www.evernote.com/shard/s731/sh/504d3e1a-7dda-42d5-b7fe-c45852ff98f4/330af1a52bbd3af57dc97aecca4a6de4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.evernote.com/shard/s731/sh/504d3e1a-7dda-42d5-b7fe-c45852ff98f4/330af1a52bbd3af57dc97aecca4a6de4</a>


No submissions will be accepted past February 7th at 12:00 AM PT.


A quick one but I just found out there is a condition called hurler syndrome. Does Huber know there is something so close in name to his show? Just curious. Also Ian your still a wonderfull creative soul. (Tips my hat too Jones)


Ahoy Mr. Jones, Mr. Bloodworth and my fellow allies. Today I offer another tune for the ages; Theme of Simon from Super Castlevania IV. As promised, I captured my own footage. Nothing fancy but it sure feels good. All my songs are available to download for free at matt-b.bandcamp.com. Please enjoy. <a href="https://youtu.be/S2ZXVmpklXs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/S2ZXVmpklXs</a> PS - my foot is healing up nicely.


Good Morning/Afternoon Allies! Over the past few months, approximately right after I beat Assassin’s Creed Origins, I felt a revitalization for the series. I thought to go back to the original, but quickly realized that it wouldn’t scratch the very specific tower-climbing itch that I had. So, I bought the Ezio Collection on PS4, and started my full series playthrough journey. So here is my retrospective review of the AC franchise, because I don’t know what time management is. Assassin’s Creed 2- From what I remember, this was one of my favorites and I understand why. It defined the open-world format that is still used 9 years later. It still has some of the best collectibles in any open-world game, they all motivate you in different ways and keep you invested throughout. While the story progresses, you can also renovate your Villa, and this is the kind of economy that I love in games, where you have a reason to invest your money since you constantly go back to your home over time and see it grow. However, there are many aspects that don’t hold up also. I’ve found many little annoyances with climbing, where occasionally I’ll jump in a direction I didn’t intend to, or stop on the side of a building when a ledge is right above me. Most of these games have those problems, so I won’t mention it again. I don’t forget the point in the story where you finally get the Apple of Eden, your goal since Chapter 2, only for some monk to steal it and become the ruler of Italy for a chapter. You spend the next 3-4 hours killing his 9 lieutenants, stopping you in your tracks. This type of game design reminds me of many Gamecube games, adding an unneeded checklist to increase game length. However, at the end of AC2 and its platinum I think it still holds a warm place in my heart. Final Score: 8. AC: Brotherhood- When I was younger, I regarded this lower than the rest of the Assassin’s Creed games. I saw its use of a single city limiting compared to 2, but now I can see that it shifted focus from openness to density. This was Act 2 of Ezio’s story, he had his adventure but now needed to build an empire. There were many gameplay improvements, new weapon types, mission variety, and a renovation system that applied to the whole of Rome with much more longevity. Now that missions have extra objectives, the lack of a return to last checkpoint feature is greatly missed, as you can fail those objectives and have to restart the whole mission. In the end, Brotherhood’s gameplay loop is engaging until the end, but definitely streamlined some elements that made 2 so magical. Final Score: 8½. I’ll update this every month as reviewing every single AC game turns out to be a lot greater than 500 words, so see you soon! Happy Showcase, greenbendy


Jonesy, Ian, greetings from Spain! Hope you are well and are having a good time in the Showcase. Seeing that Ian is here, I've got some things to share. Ian, I was wrong about Bloodborne. I didn't get it. I didn't get it after three consecutive times of trying to play it in 2015. I considered it clumsy (yeah...I know), way too hard, and while I enjoyed the aesthetic and story it just wore off. That was until, day after day, program after program your obsession about it and how you compared it to all other games with few, if any, coming close, just made me try it one more time. I am happy to say, 90 hours in and in NG+, you were right. This is both one of the most well crafted games in recent history and one of the more complex and well crafted narratives in gaming. However I am also a big fan of conventional storytelling and I feel you are barring yourself in a way when you want to compare everything to Bloodborne's way of telling a story. Other narratives, while conventional, are immensely compelling. Long story short: Play and finish the Last of Us darn it!!! I want your take on the narrative AND its story. And Jonesy, sorry to say, it deserved GOTY for how its story impacted me on so many different levels. Love ya both, never change (except with respect with The Last of Us), and L&amp;R from Madrid


Hey guys, I have been pretty depressed this month so I haven't gamed as much as I would have liked too. One game that grabbed my full attention at the start of the month was Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. I picked this up dirt cheap and man I loved this game. I still have major hangups with the gallery shooter sections which seem very contrived and also how stealth "is" an option yet you have no call/throw object that makes a sound option to bring your prey to you. Gripes aside the acting by both main cast members is superb and I feel so lucky to have finally seen the day when an Australian is portrayed subtly, not just someone with an insane cockney accent voiced by an American saying throw a shrimp on the barbie! (Btw in Australia shrimp are small bait and would fall between the grill, we can cook prawns on a BBQ but they are better boiled). Any-who, I haven't looked up the actress' name but her, along with the script writers gave a very believable script with subtle idioms that I love - saying "bum" for damn, saying "china" for mate (comes from cockney slang - China plate) and saying smart-arse and not smart-ass. All tangents aside I look forward to another adventure with Chloe and Nadine because they were so fun and energetic. The other Game I have played despite myself is Galaxy of Heroes. Guh. The key art to this game is actively gross. I unlocked Mace Windu and Darth Vader a couple days ago and then this morning at 12am when I booted up the game to finish my dailies in the middle of the night I deleted the game. Thank God. I had reached level 53 and the major grind was now setting in so I think I am ready to start gaming again. I am happy-ish to say I got a couple MRI's, God they are expensive, and found a couple slight prolapses pressing on my nerves and a benign tumour in my shoulder and have been on low dose Anti-depressants for the pain and to help my depression/anxiety. You guys are my constant. thank you for being you, I love you all and hope you have a great 2019.


Hi Allies, I'm writing this at the International Terminal in Sydney, a couple of hours before my plane to Los Angeles departs. My friend and I are headed to Austin for South by Southwest, where we will watch a ton of movies and stop by the Gaming Festival's Indie Corner. After the festival, we'll head to Los Angeles, go to a bunch of theme parks and finish it all off with the Easy Allies Mysterious Monster Mash and Meet-Up. I look forward to seeing you all there. Look for the guy in an orange Space Channel 5 shirt. Cheers, Dominic


Hey Jones and Ian, Since I always like to play to my audience, let's talk about some From Software stuff as we get hyped up for Sekiro in March. I know that Ian really like Return of the Obra Dinn, but did you know From Software made a similar game years earlier on the PlayStation. The game is called Echo Night, and it's a first person adventure/horror game that has you exploring a ship that disappeared years prior. You go from room to room confronting the ghosts of those who died when the ship disappeared. They take you back in time to learn about their past, and help them pass on. When they do, they drop an item called an "astral piece." The more you collect, the better ending you'll get when you reach the end of the game. It's a really unique game where there is no combat in favor of puzzle solving. Of course, I said it's a horror game as well, and that comes in the form of vengeful spirits that will try to kill you. The only way you can fight back is taking a page from Luigi's Mansion and turning on the light in the room by finding the light switch. This is far more stressful than you might think as it can sometimes be really hard to find it, or you can't access it until later in the game so you're forced to come back to fully explore the ship. Overall, it's a really unique game. The only downside is that it's super rare and hard to find these days. Echo Night received two sequels. The first - The Lord of Nightmares - was also on the PlayStation and took place in a gothic mansion. We never received this game because the first didn't do well, and it came out too late in the PlayStation's life cycle. We, however, did get the third game - Echo Night Beyond - on the PS2. This was a similar game to the first two, but took place on a derelict research station on the moon. It's also ridiculously rare and rather expensive. In short, if you can find them or afford them, Echo Night and its sequels are definitely worth playing since all are available after Lord of Nightmares received a fan translation in 2015. They are a look into From Software's amazing past as one of the most eccentric developers that could go from RPGs to mech action to first-person adventure games. Oh, and if you were wondering, Déraciné is definitely a spiritual successor to the Echo Night series. A lot of people thought that game came out of nowhere for From, but it has a lineage you can trace. So cool! L&amp;R


Safety comment because Patreon has yet to prove they can be trusted.


Ian and Jones! On a recent podcast or stream, I remember Jones talking about how he is open to doing tabletop games as a podcast/stream, and he brought up Werewolf. This reminded me of my group’s absolute favorite ‘role’ tabletop game, Avalon: The Resistance! Similar to Werewolf or Mafia, the group of players are given roles that only they know – then, a ritual is performed where certain players, depending on their roles, will learn information on the other players. Without going too much into the details of play, it is a far more strategic versions of these types of games and allows for incredible subterfuge and banter. I have played this game probably more than all other tabletop games combined. Games could last as short as 15 minutes or go as long as an hour and a half (depending on how long deliberations take), and it is good for 5-10 players. I cannot stress enough how good this game is, and I implore you to check it out if you were to follow up on this idea. Ian, thank you for introducing me to Fiaso! I haven’t had the chance to play it yet, but I absolutely adore Fiasconauts and have been considering dabbling in some improvisation at some point. L&amp;R, Nathan

Liam Rogers

Hi Allies! I’ve been a Patron since day 1 and typically am just a lurker, but recently I’ve started my sleeve which draws inspiration from Bloodborne and thought where else better to share it but on community showcase! I was kind of bummed out that Brad wasn’t on the showcase, but I’m pretty sure Ian is probably the best replacement for this anyway. Love and respect from Melbourne, Australia Liam <a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/paasBnJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/gallery/paasBnJ</a>

Liam Rogers

Hi Allies! I’ve been a Patron since day 1 and typically am just a lurker, but recently I’ve started my sleeve which draws inspiration from Bloodborne and thought where else better to share it but on community showcase! I was kind of bummed out that Brad wasn’t on the showcase, but I’m pretty sure Ian is probably the best replacement for this anyway. Love and respect from Melbourne, Australia Liam <a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/paasBnJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/gallery/paasBnJ</a>


Hello Jones and Ian. I wanted to take a minute to thank Ian, not only for all the elbow grease he has been putting in lately but for something personal I have been holding onto for a while. After EZA initially assembled 3 years ago, the holiday season came around and I, like many allies out there, was in a difficult place in my life. The holidays were particularly bad for me that year. Right when I was thinking like no one could understand how I was feeling, Ian, you put out a short video talking about how the holidays can be hard for us. You basically said, that if you are having trouble, you aren't alone. Just do your best to make it through. That video made me feel so much better, like a release of a pain that I didn't need to hold onto anymore. If I didn't have each one of the 9 allies (and friends) I would have lost it by now, but that particular moment when you put out such a thoughtful and sincere video.... it really hit me personally. I know you get rightful praise from patrons and fans daily, but I really want you to know that there are some of us out there that truly connect to you and your specific sense of empathy.... and it helps us so much. As much as I loved edgelord GT Mandatory Update Ian, that Ben actually at one point, during Tabletop Adventures, had to say "You getting a little lippy there eh?", I really think that your recent growth has been an extremely positive one. I hope that this is reflecting positively in all aspects of your life, as you have helped me so much in mine. Please do me a favor tonight before you go to bed and pat yourself on the back for all the lives you have helped in your time as an Ally. Thanks man, you kick ass. Good stuff on getting Bloodborne into Hall of the Greats, its ridiculous the allies wouldn't let it in sooner. Jones, you are ok..... Na I am just kidding, I owe you just as much but you get tons of love as the voice of GT and EZA. I had to give the guy thats often unseen, behind the desk, a little love. Thanks for reading my comment out, its is the only submission I have done for Community Showcase and I wanted to make sure it was well spent. Thanks for all you do Allies, including each member of our awesome growing community. Stay strong everyone. LnR4L ~Heidern98 PS Ian, I unfortunately never bookmarked the said short holiday video, would you happen to have the link? I appreciate it, but don't stress over finding it. Thanks.


You killing me Patreon. Safety post as almost nothing I have posted in the last few days has gone through without this trick so :(


Hello Jones and [insert ally's name here], Like I mentioned last month, my goal for 2019 is to complete a new electronic composition every two weeks, and I've been having a lot of fun with it! I'm really enjoying the rhythm of starting fresh with a new idea, figuring out how to make it work, writing, editing, and finalizing a new piece so quickly, and I've been getting great feedback from everyone as I've been sharing them online. This next piece is titled Dream Sequence, a weird and wacky series of beeps and boops, combined with vast drones and dissonances. It's the sound a robot from a 50's sci-fi movie would make when they were dreaming. If you want to listen to more, find me on SoundCloud at Brian Denu, Composer. NOTE: (you don't have to read this) If you could start the recording at 0:05, then let it run to 3:05, that would be great, and won't cut off the end of the piece. This one just barely went over the time limit, but I can say for sure my submission for April will be considerably shorter! Also, if it seems too quiet, make sure the player in SoundCloud is at full volume. <a href="https://soundcloud.com/brian-denu/dream-sequence" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/brian-denu/dream-sequence</a>


I have mentioned a few times during these Community Showcases the joys of attending MAGFest, an annual videogame convention, but this time I wanted to share a highlight of the event that has been happening for five years running now - my brother cosplaying as Voldo from Soul Calibur. Being a former gymnast, he has nailed the character's unnerving walk cycle, backwards speed walking, and as you'll see in this short clip, much more. One year he actually got first place in the costume contest against roughly a hundred different contestants, but a Captain Falcon cosplayer accidentally Falcon-Punched him afterwards, breaking his nose. True story. <a href="https://youtu.be/UL7FqQ2hGXQ?t=2101" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/UL7FqQ2hGXQ?t=2101</a>


Hello Blood and Jones. Greetings from El Salvador. This is my first time sharing on the Community Showcase and I wanted to say thank you to all you allies for this incredible and positive community. I’ve been following you since the GT days, when Invisible Walls was one of the prime shows back in 2009 and I’m always happy to see how you react to game announcements and stuff. When Easy Allies was created I didn’t know you guys came back until a few months later and that is when I knew I had to support you in this new adventure since you guys gave me so many great moments years before. Now I was able to up my pledge on Patreon to keep on giving you back all the good positivity you guys have given to me up today. Thank you. Now let’s talk about gaming. I’ve been playing Anthem for the last 2 weeks and I got to say, the game is fun, problematic but fun. I love share world games, some of my favorite games are Destiny and Destiny 2 and with those 2 games combined I have about 2500 hours logged, so Anthem was something I wanted to try and I’m glad I did. The positive about Anthem is its world and mechanics, flying with a Javelin feels so great and the world itself is so colorful and interesting, and although the story doesn’t make sense, the lore is fascinating. To be honest the story is not the reason why I play those kind of games; games like Anthem are even better when you play with other people, especially if it's your groups of friends. On the other hand, there is one big flaw in Anthem, there is not much content on the endgame, you have a few missions and Strongholds but that is it, no more than just grinding for weapons that to be honest, they don’t feel as great as should. Vanilla Destiny had the same issue but the weapons were very interesting and fun to play and had a Raid which Anthem doesn’t. I hope this game evolves in a positive way, I love this kind of games and I would like to see this game shine as other Bioware games. One last thing, thanks to Ian I started to use Korg Gadget for my Switch, so I hope I will have something to share one of this days. Thanks for everything Allies Amor y Respeto. Miguel.


Im gonna give you a safety reply so this doesn't delete, cuz allies take care of each other no matter how silly and cheesy it is ;D


Miguel, safety reply as Patreon is acting a bit strange and deleting posts. Replying to a post helps it not get deleted so.


Safety reply~! Hope this doesnt piss people off somehow &lt;3


Looking out for a few posts by giving a safety reply to make sure you dont get deleted. &lt;3


Just replying to help with some comments so they wont get deleted.


Dom I always love your posts and comments mate. Again like I did for a few solo posts here, just replying so your comment stays so plz ignore &lt;3


I need a hero

Megan Linart

Hey Jones I know bloodworth is here instead of Ian but I don’t want to edit my post and risk deletion so just replace Ian’s name with bloods when you read. Thanks


Good Day, Brandon and Bloodworth, First, I would like to thank you both for such great job you both do on Cups of Jones, I never get to see them on time, but I make sure to watch it on Youtube after the fact. I do this because the information that Jones leaves and the comments that Bloodworth leaves in comments makes the whole amazing. As for my month, video games have been rather fun, this month. I enjoyed Tetris 99 a great deal. I got Jump Force which was not worth it, and traded it in after less than two days. I used that money to get Katamari Reroll. It was so much fun. I had the original and the remake does that game a great deal of justice. I also played a lot of the NES games on Switch Online. River City Ransom was one particular game that I enjoyed a great deal. I found the co-op in that and other NES games to be blast. I am also working on planning a project to make an arcade machine from scratch. That could be really great, if it happens, but not sure if I will actually go forward on such a project due to the time it takes.


Hey, Isaias. Ian is not going to be on the showcase, Blood will be replacing him.


Hi Jones and Blood! I would of loved to do another post this month about Star Citizen with some sweet screenshots and what not, especially now with the new character creator are around the corner and so on. However, last month has been quite horrible for me in many aspects. I got the news of loosing my job, which I absolutely loved, which makes it all the more hard. Also one of my best friends have lost her granddad to dementia, which makes her feel incredible sad and Im not sure how to handle it, just ending up feeling like a terrible friend as I dont know what to say. Sorry this post is getting dark. I must say though, as a beacon of light in this dark time, the EZA community has been nothing but bloody brilliant. Just hanging about outside of streams and talking about games and a chance to "vent" has been so good. Everyone is super positive and crack jokes and what not. This have really made me feel so good and the community is really the best. Also thank YOU for all the streams and content which has been pumped out. Podcasts and reviews have been good and streams never miss to put on a smile on my face. So even though its been a lot, I am sure the future will be brighter and new adventures awaits! Love each and everyone of the allies and the community. L&amp;R Lotias


Hey Brandon, and hello Bloodworth! I don't have a lot of new games to talk about this time around either, and since I don't feel like talking about Splatoon for the umpteenth time, I thought I'd talk about some of the games I'm looking forward to in the year of 2019 (and possibly beyond, not all of these games have confirmed release dates). I've got a lot to go through, so I'll try to be as brief as I can for all of these. Releasing in less than a week now is a neat little puzzle game I stumbled upon called Baba Is You, with the main premise being the ability to change the rules of the level. Is water blocking your path? Just make it float in the air! Lava? Just make it melt itself! It looks intriguing and seems like the kind of game that has a lot of stuff going on under the hood. And in about two weeks, we're finally getting Sekiro. I think that game speaks for itself at this point, but I am very excited to be on the Fromsoftware hype train as a new game is releasing this time around, as I was pretty late to the Souls series. Sometime during the first half of the year, Warframe is set to release the latest chapter in their central storyline: The New War. I honestly don't know what to expect in this quest, but going from the quality of previous quests like The Second Dream and The Sacrifice, I think there's plenty of reason to be excited for whatever comes next. While on the topic of expansions for existing games, I just can't wait for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne! An additional difficulty level, more monsters, more armour and weapons? It's everything I could have wanted for this game. My biggest hopes for monsters that get to make a comeback are the sea serpent-like Lagiacrus, the brawler Brachydios and the insectoid tank, the Seltas Queen. Something else I think we can expect great things out of is Obsidian's Outer Worlds. Fallout: New Vegas is easily in my top 20 games of all times, and Outer Worlds honestly looks like an evolution of that formula. I'd take a cool colourful sci-fi world over another dusty post-apocalypse, any day. Speaking of post-apocalypses, Dying Light 2 is still really exciting. With Chris Avellone helming the narrative they'll hopefully be able to shore up the first game's weakest parts while also evolving the fantastic movement system and the meaty melee combat. One of the biggest surprises so far this year was the announcement of Hollow Knight: Silksong. I was in on Hollow Knight from the day it was released, and I'm so excited to see how well Team Cherry has been doing. The reveal trailer was gorgeous, and I can't wait to hear more about it over the year. Finally, there's Pokémon Sword and Shield. I know it's not as expansive or as different as a lot of people wanted it to be, but I'll be honest? I don't care. The Galar region looks gorgeous and the scope looks bigger than it has ever been before. I don't need it to be different, I am ready to pack my bag and head out on my Pokémon journey once more. I am ready to make new friends and see fantastic sights. I am ready to fall in love with Pokémon all over again. Love and Respect, Small Leviathan


Hey there Allies, Just over a month ago, my life-long best friend had his first child. Together, he and I spent our youth in each other's company, playing and talking about games, and him having his first son is a milestone that hit me hard, especially after moving several states away. I wanted to make him and his wife a present that could help keep their love of games alive, while helping inaugurate their newborn into the world of games at the same time as his Uncle Brian. Upon searching some, I realized that there weren't many albums around made specifically with game music for the purposes of lullabies for infants. So I pulled out my old Yamaha keyboard, got recording equipment set up, and made it for them. I've attached a compilation of the album, which includes several, but not all of the tracks I recorded using marimba, xylophone, my guitar, and a variety of different white noise sounds. Hope everyone enjoys. (Also exciting that Blood is here too, knowing he's a fellow lover of game soundtracks!) If interested, included in order is: Chrono Cross - Dreams on the Shores of Another World (W/ Rain) Final Fantasy VII - Tifa's Theme (W/ crackling fireplace and rainstorm) Earthbound - Because I Love You (W/ Summer Wind) Illusion of Gaia - In the Earthen Womb (W/ White Noise) Pokemon - Theme (W/ Summer Cicadas) Journey - Theme (W/ Heavy Wind) <a href="https://soundcloud.com/user-514517450/video-game-sleepy-compilation/s-ROWNt" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/user-514517450/video-game-sleepy-compilation/s-ROWNt</a>


Hello once again allies This month we are not going to be chatting about anime or manga, i am going to do the unspeakable and wright about someone besides myself and that's someone is you chat. EZA this month is 9k strong in patrons and 50k followers on twitch so with 2019 set to be a big year for all of the allies I'd like to highlight and thank a good number of you. So to start things off SHOUT OUT! To anyone who ever submitted or created a peace of EZA related art, I've never really been into table top escapades but i love it when the art finds its way onto my twitter timeline. I always look forward to seeing the pre dumb game Monday art submissions, VexChaneu's pieces especially. Also id like to take this chance to give a friendly reminder to follow the artists that do the work you love, big shout out to Rayluaza for there “Honorary Allies and their Pokémon” pieces over the last month as well as michemagius for her concept updates to her upcoming game can't wait for the pre order now trailer. Moving on from the plethora of artists in chat to the unsung heroes of this community of ours. If your a mod for any branch of EZA official or otherwise thank you thank you for managing a place that people feel safe in especially in chat and on the discords. Before we come to an end id just like to thank a few more allies out there, both EZA Weekly Clips and SomeGameNews for all the time they put in to editing and realising content thank you and a big old SHOUT OUT to EZ GIFFIN for filling my twitter feed with good memories and plenty of laughs. A few more things before i sign off Number 1, lickertong is not cute Number 2, 13 sentinels will come out this year or I'm going to lose this year's fantasy league And lastly number 3, Damiani and Kit where right Leon is best boy. Have a good march allies L&amp;R Gil


Hey Jones. Hey Blood. Hey chat During the February Nintendo Direct, there were a lot of things to be excited about, but two of the things that excited me the most were shadow drops. Final Fantasy 9 and Tetris 99. This is actually my first playthrough of 9, and the small bit of story so far has been a nice start. I've actually spent more time in Tetra Master (the in game card game) than the actual game itself. To be honest, the learning curve on this mini-game has been absolutely infuriating. I think I'd have it down and won, then out of nowhere my opponent would place one card, then have the entire board. I think I've gotten most of the mechanics down, but there still is an occasional RNG rage moment.. I miss Triple Triad. (8's card game) On a more positive note, Tetris 99 is something awesome. It's been the battle royale that I've put the most time into. I've managed to pull off 4 wins in around 250 games. It's also been a nice segue into my purchase of Tetris Effect. I played it in VR at first. It was a nice addition, but I didn't really consider it revolutionary. However, when I realized half the music correlated to how you manipulate the Tetrominoes, my mind was blown. Had I played it last year, I would've included it in the best music category. The different modes are great at honing your skills, and it's fun taking those improved skills into the main mode, or even right back in to kick ass in Tetris 99. Have also made it close to the end of Kingdom Hearts (I think). It's continued to be fun and a spectacle, but it is indeed dumb lol. That'll do for this month. Good games are a comin. ‘til next time.


Hello! As one of the community members who tries to submit something specific to the allies that appear on the showcase, it's been a creative workout. For Bloodworth and Jones this month, I would like to submit three rough drafts for Cup of Jones merch featuring the host himself and his backup. #1: The Right Hand <a href="https://imgur.com/bq4cTKO" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/bq4cTKO</a> #2: Cup of Blood <a href="https://imgur.com/4oZ2T5n" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/4oZ2T5n</a> #3: Cup of Jojones <a href="https://imgur.com/nDr0aqQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/nDr0aqQ</a> Just a bit of fun. Have a nice day everyone!


Hi Brandon and Bloodworth, Putting together something for this month was rough. I didn’t get much gaming in and aside a little bit of Pokemon X, which has been fantastic so far and I might do a full discussion on it when I finish, most of what I played I want to save talking about until Huber is on. So for this month I decided to share some pictures I took a while ago. These are from some trips I took to the California coast as part of a Marine Biology course last spring. The first four are from Fort Ross and Bodega Bay and the last five are from the Monterey Bay Aquarium and surrounding piers. Some quick picture notes: 1 has a couple harbor seals, 2 is a dungeness crab, 3 is overlooking For Ross cove, 4 is From the UC Davis Marine Lab at Bodega Head, 5 is some reef squids, 6 is a stumpy cuttlefish, 7 is some garden eels, 8 looks like a pile of gravel but there is a flatfish in the middle, 9 is a bunch of sea lions. <a href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/xvcwn58p2BM9QHJf6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://photos.app.goo.gl/xvcwn58p2BM9QHJf6</a>


Hey Jones and Blood, February came and went in - what it feels like - the blink of an eye. Due to the fact that the weather was unusually warm in Germany (up to 70 degrees Fahrenheit; normally we only something around 40) with many sunny days, I spent most of my time restructuring the garden of the house I bought in November of last year. I have never been a home handyman, but it is a nice learning experience and I have to admit that it is kind of fun to design a garden completely by yourself. I pruned the hedges, cut down a tree, planted new hedges, erected a garden fence, deconstructed an old swing and I am starting to sow grass the coming weekend. A downside to this productive usage of my weekends is the fact that wasn’t able to play a lot of games. I started Mass Effect Andromeda at the beginning of the month. I really loved the original trilogy and I was hoping that most bugs were fixed by now. I always liked the premise of Andromeda to explore a completely new galaxy since it seemed like a great set up for a huge new story arc. I am nowhere near finishing, but everything I played so far is only “okay”. Most quests are not that interesting and/or told well. There are only a few missions, which sell the grandeur of exploring an unknown part of the universe. Moreover, there are still some bugs in the game - nothing game breaking, but it is irritating to see your character drink from an invisible cup. Overall, I am not really sure if I am wasting my time with this game. I really hope that the story will pick up (or have at least some interesting twists), but it is hard to not feel disappointed in BioWare That’s it for February – I hope to have more interesting stories to share next month or maybe pictures once the garden is done. Love &amp; Respect Thim


Hello, Jonesworth! Happy 3rd anniversary month to this alliance ! I'm excited for the celebrations and Mysterious Monster Mash, which I'll definitely be not attending but watching from afar (in fact, 9469 kilometers and 900 meters away, give or take a few meters)! Funny thing, this Monday I forgot about Cup of Jones until almost one and a half hour after the start time, and lo and behold, when I finally tuned in, it was just starting, exactly as late as I was to the second! Must have been a pain for you dealing with Youtube, but it was at least a beautiful happy accident for me! Less funny thing: one of the first things Jones says in that Cup is that Ian won't be here for the showcase, when my submission this month was kind of Ian-centric. Oh well. It won't be the first time I submit an EZA-inspired piece of music when the most appropriate Ally isn't there! The idea for this month's submission came after listening to the most recent Fiasco (Back Stage Fiasco, a really fun one, by the way) and I thought back on some of my favourite Fiascos, which includes A Superheroic Fiasco, from almost two years ago. In this one, the very wonderful Dr Thomas Hinck graced us with a superhero whose power is to be a mind-numbingly boring bureaucrat called The Bureaucrator, “so tedious that you fall into a stupor, he overwhelms you with tedium, stand in this lane, I'm gonna take your picture but it's not gonna look good”. And now, I seem to have written some music inspired by this character! This is pretty much my first time writing a piece of music like this one, so bear with me, and I hope you enjoy! Amour et respect, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: <a href="https://youtu.be/5m-vNGFe7Yw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/5m-vNGFe7Yw</a>


Hello Brandon, Daniel, and Chat! Here is another Pop'n Music performance for you. My progress is the game feels slower than ever because of huge difficulty spikes late in the game. I hope these kinds of videos are okay until I have made more significant progress. <a href="https://youtu.be/O8W1uxo7HFM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/O8W1uxo7HFM</a>


Hi Jones and Bloodworth. <a href="https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1103252812450942977" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1103252812450942977</a> February was a busy month and I pretty much mostly played Resident Evil 2. Got platinum trophy but it wasn't easy. Had to try so many times since even if I was good with resources, my time went over so many times that I had to start few times from beginning. This is about hardcore difficulity by the way. Capcom should learn Europe is not UK only. That is where I was able to get a physical Deluxe Edition of Devil May Cry V and no way I was gonna skip that because I was still salty about not getting RE2's Collector's Edition. At least their bigger games are still 60€ or less unlike other big games. RE games coming to Switch prices are bonkers though. That is all. Enjoy EZA Anniversary. I won't be there this time but I will watch it. Love and Respect TearjuEngi


not to be mean but maximum word count is 500 and you are way over it (578 to be exact). It would be shame if Jones had to edit it down or spend more time to do it. It's good to use a word counter or other site to check whether you go over in the future (a tip I got from another patreon)


This time went a little more serious with my submission, cheers for all the positivity on the last one <a href="https://youtu.be/sSIuN6XUdoc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/sSIuN6XUdoc</a>


Hi Brandon (and other Ally?), I don't have anything cool to show but thought hey I could do a list of my thoughts like some of the other posts I've heard so here goes. Digimon is better than Pokemon because they can actually talk rather then sqeak their name over and over. I thought Persona 5 was meh and I have a real problem with the Persona series that maybe I'll get into in a later post. I have no love for Kingdom Hearts, the series just does nothing for me. I liked Hellblade way more than God of War as I found Senua a much more compelling character than Kratos 2.0 and his talking subweapon. Blazblue Cross Tag Battle is the best fighting game out right now. World of Final Fantasy is the best FF game to come out in the last decade. And One Piece might just be the greatest epic adventure story ever told with the most likable group of protaganists in any media period, it's just that good. And finally the best Ally is. . . you're all the best and here's to another great year. With luck I'll win the Powerball tonight and be able to make a generous increase in my Patron pledge. Thanks for all you and the Allies do, Bryan


February Post Got lost last month Life Time for some life updates. College life is good. I am indeed on track to finish. Funny enough i actually have too many credits and get to transfer as a Junior or Senior. I. Working consistently as well. Saving up for my next trip over to the Philippines which was pushed back to July. That will actually be our five year anniversary so I will be attempting go over for longer than the previous visit. And ironically enough the study abroad program is in the Philippines for the first time at my college so I will offer myself as a person who could meet with the students while I am there good times. Lifes going pretty alright. Anime One of my biggest passions in life is anime and this season is treating me pretty well. On the action adventure side we've got The Rising of Shield Hero. The first ep was pretty ban in some regards especially the fake rape accusation and the villain character building is overblown at times. But the animation and protagonist party is good so I look forward to every episode. My guily pleasure show is Sword Art Online so thats something too. As for sports and just overall brilliant work that's Run With The Wind. One of the best sports animes I have ever seen with great amazing characterization and great storytelling as well as treating the sport with respect. And finally some cuteness in My Roommate is a Cat. I've got 10 other animes I watch weekly but that'll be too long. Video Games Let's talk about one of my favorite games of all time that I have been playing again. Persona 5. Man what a wonderful game. Finished my first playthrough when the game came out but due to the hype of Persona 5R announcement i jumped back in to finish my platinum runthrough. Went from 115 hours in a second playthrough to 176 hours in a third playthrough in a week, wonderful stuff. Even better is that i've got 4 friends playing it with me. 2 of which are playing for the first time. One who never finished and the other getting to a 4th playthrough so him and I can race through a merciless difficulty run. Nothing feels as good as five friends running through this game together. Haven't really been playing anything else. Currently simply looking forward to metro and anthem. Had no interest in Kingdom Hearts sorry folks. Never played any of them. So what I look forward to most is in the future and most specifically March. Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro. What a month. What a time to be alive. To end it all off I just wanna reiterate. Life's going alright. Love you all. Love and Respect to all. Chat and the Allies.


Hello allies! Something ive noticed about the community showcase, is that 1, you usually struggle with my name (its pronounced F Snow Zombie &lt;3 ) 2, i rarely post anything, 3, when i do, i say something like “i have nothing to show this month” but have never actually “shown” anything other than those 2 sketches that one time of what i thought brandon and kyle looked like in the recruit me rpg game, so just so you dont think that im a liar and ill never have anything to show, i wanna show off what i do for a living! Im an artist that is currently surviving off of patreon and comissions of characters usually DnD characters from the people who commission me and fanart that i also get commissioned to do with some youtubers thumbnails on the side I dont know how many images are the limit but here are some of my examples <a href="https://imgur.com/a/90DKG4D" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/90DKG4D</a>


Hello, Bloodworth and Jones!~ This month I thought I would talk about an idea for a dream game I have; You are a citizen in feudal Japan. You walk around the town during the day, talking to your fellow villagers. You hear about a greedy foreign merchant who has come into port. You see a guard wrongly arrest a citizen. You buy some materials at the local shops and return home. Once in your home you enter a hidden room and start to craft things like caltrops, grappling hooks, and smoke bombs. You repair your black ninja gear which was torn on the previous mission. The sun has now set and it's time to select your mission for the night; steal from the greedy merchant, or rescue the innocent citizen. There's a limited time before the merchant leaves port or the citizen is sent away to prison. Choose wisely! This is the framework I would really love to see for a ninja game. I would really like to play something grounded in reality with RPG elements. Almost every ninja game goes way over the top with crazy demons, magic, and silly costumes. I think Sekiro looks very fun for the combat and stealth, but it doesn't have the ninja missions I would like to play. Ghost of Tsushima looks like my biggest hope for a grounded experience... but I am wondering how far into the ninja side of things it will go. Here's hoping my dream game is actually on its way. L&amp;R - Ian, @alexander_arts

Christian Thomas

Cup of Jones ep referenced, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N9t6LBVQR0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N9t6LBVQR0</a>


hello jones and brandon hope you having a great march,i cant wait for one piece world seeker is almost here and cant wait to dig into that game. wow is about to get its 8.1.5 patch next week so next time on showcase i talk about that.that nintendo direct got me hyped for astral chain and links awaking,one of my fav game and cant wait for the remake. we also got the pokemon direct and its team grookey all the way, jones we need an uneasy alliance to stop the overwelming sobble faction.hope you guys have a great 3rd year event later in the month. love and repect cdj

XWF Outlaw

Good Afternoon Jones, and Brad... er- no, I mean Ian... Shoot! No. I mean Bloodworth, -Or whoever decides to join us today-... and Chat. ^_^ Today I want to show off my DisneyWorld photos I teased a few months back and I hope you all enjoy. Overall getting to cover all 4 parks in 4 days was a blast and if you like what you see there are more links in this comment to view. Ps. I would be remiss if I didn't promote again this month the (Unofficial) EZA Community Meetup at Disneyland on Friday, March 22nd. If you are coming to LA to catch the Eazy Allies Mysterious Monster Mash, join us allies at Disneyland the day before and come have some fun. Detailes can be found at forums.easyallies.com See you all at the Mash. Love and Respect. *Note for Jones*: The first link has 22 photos that I have selected for the showcase, pick your 9 favorites out of that link, but for the 10th photo, the last one is my personal favorite and would like that one to be shown. <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/VA6Mqqg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/gallery/VA6Mqqg</a> <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/nPRgPH3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/gallery/nPRgPH3</a> <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/45IAcFf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/gallery/45IAcFf</a> <a href="http://imgur.com/gallery/xsEEG01" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/gallery/xsEEG01</a>