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Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/easy-allies-mysterious-monster-mash-tickets-56785919213

Tickets are now on sale for our third anniversary celebration and live performance of Mike Huber's new game show: Mysterious Monsters. We'll be bringing in members of the live audience to be contestants in the show, while pausing for a few fun breaks and musical interludes. The event will be on Saturday, March 23rd in the same spot as last year, Tommy's Place at USC. https://trojanevents.usc.edu/tommysplace

Doors will open at 7 PM PT, and the show starts at 8. It should be around 2 hours long. We'll hang around with the audience afterward, and close the doors to Tommy's Place at 11 PM. If you can't make it, we'll be streaming the whole thing on Twitch.tv/EasyAllies, and there will be other events to tune in to that week. If you'll be in town, we're gathering for a meet-up the following Sunday. We'll post more details about the time and location ASAP.

Thank you for being with us as we celebrate this jolly milestone every year, whether you'll be shouting trivia answers in chat, or cheering along in person. This will be big year for us. It is an honor and pleasure to create fun stuff for this wonderful community. See you there!



This is my last year in SoCal, so I'll definitely be there this time!


Thats great!!!)))


Wish I lived in the US to see this.


I just rewatched the test episode and I am keen as a bean for this. Should be loads of fun!


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend to the concert this year and I’m really bummed out about it :-(. I hope everyone have fun meeting the allies and engaging with this wonderful community


Hope I can attend this in person.


Julio ... same here. I’m sure it will be “a graveyard SMASH!”