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Hey everyone,

You may be wondering why the next episode of EZAnime isn't on the schedule and it's because we're still trying to nail down when we're going to do the show. E3 ate up a lot of the time that we usually have to prepare for EZAnime so as a result, we're going to have to delay the show. Another reason for the delay is Michael Huber will be a guest for this Hajime no Ippo episode and he needs more time to prepare as well.

We're hoping to have the episode ready to go by the end of next week or early on the week after that. However, nothing is definitive at the moment and I'll be sure to keep you updated once I know more. There will still be another episode at the end of July as well.

Thanks for your patience and I apologize that we have to do another delay, especially since we did one not so long ago.




Take all the time you need. EZAnime has already introduced me to a number of shows I wouldn't have checked out on my own! L&R!


Take your time and enjoy.


Jolly pushback. L&R <3


Hajime No Ippo deserves the extra time to analyze. I'll be excited to hear from you guys when it's ready.


<3 not a problem :D




Damn, I didn't know you guys were going to do ippo!!! I don't watch a lot of anime so I haven't been able to listen to this podcast. Please tell me you guys have played the PS2 ippo games. I'm a huge combat sport fan and the ippo games are some of the best boxing games that no one ever plays. There's no block button and to throw more powerful punches you have to use your body's momentum to put more power behind the punches. I'm so looking forward to this now. Take your time


Delay is worth it if Huber can get in on it.


Huber will love Ippo! Take your time guys

Adam Mullany

Let it cook Ben. EZAnime is like Breath of the Wild.....it gets delayed but it still turns out fucking splendidly 👍🏻


I'm ready for the JOLT COUNTER!


No need to apologize Ben. Take all the time you need.

Heru Muharrar

How deep do you guys get into these anime? This will be my first time watching. First ten episodes? 50? 7?


Huber talking Ippo? Worth the wait!


Perfect guest star


Let it cook, this is the first episode of your show I can watch without spoilers. I'm all for it.


It will be out when its ready, no worries there. I've been thinking you could also do episodes centered around your favorite directors/studios for anime, that could be interesting. Just a thought, L&R!


How dare you delay posting this episode!....is a comment you will here from those who don't understand just how much you guys work your tails off! Looking forward to a Huber Syndrome moment!!! And of course the episode itself. L&R


when a show it's not ready, it's awful, no pressure guys


Can't wait for the next episode, I'm sure it'll be amazing when it comes out! :D


Hey guys, s(sssss)o glad you got Huber on board with Ippo, i'm sure he'll have a blast! By the way, can i ask you on what is the episode going to be focused on? Did you only got to see the first season of the anime or all 3 of them, plus the 2 OVAs? L&R


Huber watching Ippo?! NICE!!


Ippo is something Huber would like


Takamura Mamoru is EASILY Huber's new favorite character :D