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Long time no see my supporters and I'm sorry I'm late. I haven't been able to deliver my news for a long time. My work ended in mid-to-late December, and I took a break after that.

Um... I was going to say a lot of things, but I kept on erasing it and writing it. I have to go to work soon. (4:50am). I have to hurry up and post and sleep, but it's been 30 minutes since I wrote and erased it.

Anyway, thank you for waiting for a long time. First, request... I wish I could draw the rest of the remaining requests and finish the ideas I had in mind.

I'll recharge my perversion and draw a lot of horny funny things.

**I'm sorry if the sentence is rough. I used Google Translator in hurry. ** (I mean post, not drawings)



Flex Sanchez

Love your work! Please take your time and rest as much as you need🙏


Always love your work and art style! Don't worry about taking too long! Your rest and health is important. Also I think on page 3 it should be "kinks" instead of "kicks".


seems your drawing style is changed but still like it, keep on taking my money //// rough? no, but the characters, they look more... westerner, it was bit more like oriental before


RPK's face is perfect. And no worries, get rest and take your time.

no managers

glad you're back man. take care!


I asked my translator and he said you were right. Thanks! I'll fix it a little later.


It's been a while since I drew, and I'm not used to it yet. Doesn't it look a bit rough?


Our lord and saviour is back, but honestly glad to see you're still alive