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A few hours before Eirenne arrived to visit me in Yamanashi, Toyota delivered my new keitora (mini truck), so of course we had to get up on the last morning of her visit to take it for a spin around the village and adjacent farmlands.  The keitora is a fun mint green - it reminds me of mint chip ice cream somehow and I want to put chocolate chip decals all over it to make a mint chip ice cream truck.  I love mint chip ice cream a lot, enough that I named the truck "Minty".  I pulled out a matching robe from a bunch of vintage kimono I had gotten from when we helped our elderly neighbors empty out their storage building before they demolished it, and Eirenne and I set off to be a bit scandalous around the village. Mostly though I had this funny idea about shooting my very uncool little truck like it was some kind of lowrider or sports car in a magazine with a hot girl posing on it.  That style of shooting is totally not me though, so even though Eirenne was totally game for it, the results are NOT that - hah. Still it was very fun to kind of christen my new truck with her gorgeous smile and body, not gonna lie.

The full set of 37 hi-res images is available for $25 Archive patrons in the Archive folder now!



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