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This set of 26 hi-res images is now a part of the massive Archive folder for $25 patrons and above. Consider upgrading now to access thousands of images and videos.

I was getting lost in my reverie of home and hiking with models to my secret canyon this time of year, and thought maybe I would just be posting ONLY sets from there, but figured that might not be enough variety for y'all, so I pulled out something reeeally different that I shot last summer while on my road trip with my friend, model Kitty Malone.

When we would hit a big city, we'd stay for several days so that Kat could work with other photographers (she is a full time traveling nude art/erotic model), so I would do my own thing and she would go off to shoots and we'd reconvene for dinner and recount our day's activities while drinking too much whiskey.  One day though, she came back from working with Portland photographer Clint Kaster and said he was a fan of my work and had invited us to a little dinner party at his house, along with several other models, including his muse Jordan River, who Kat had worked with the last trip she made to Portland and really adored.

I am pretty shy actually, and since photography is not actually my vocation, I always feel a bit intimidated going into situations where I don't know most of the people and they are all more "in the scene" of this kind of photography, but Kat has a way of encouraging me - somewhat with words but also mixed with whiskey - so I went along to the dinner at Clint's house.  Everyone was super nice and chill, and another great model was there. I drank and ate a really well cooked chicken Clint had made, and then all the women started taking their clothes off and moving into Clint's living room... apparently the dinner party was turning into an impromptu photo shoot/ modeling lesson as a couple of Clint's friends were not professional models, but wanted to have some pictures taken, and the other model there, Venus de Sierra, was a professional nude art model instructor (I didn't know such a thing existed, but apparently it does!).

Kat and I were eating and drinking booze in the dining room while this instruction and shoot went on in the living room, but once we finished, Jordan called her in to join her, and she dragged me along. I ran out to the car and grabbed my camera and a prism and came back to to find the gals had climbed on top of Clint's upright piano and he was photographing them.  He asked me to join in...

Watching Kat and Jordan work together (especially compared to watching the non-model friends trying to pose for the camera) really drew into sharp focus how much skill one needs to possess to be a great model.  I was kind of blown away watching them work together - creating a mood and a vibe (despite Jordan being straight, they totally seemed like lovers in the moment), seamlessly and without much verbal communication creating complex and interesting poses, the conscious understanding of creating drama in their facial expressions, and the thing that MOST stood out to me was how aware they were (or maybe its muscle memory to these pros at this point) of making really beautiful forms with their hands. It was really something to watch!

The effortless complexity of their interactions becomes more apparent in the set I am posting for the $10 set, and then for the $15 BTS set the two girls just got downright kinky... stay tuned!



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