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Its amazing that Kitty Malone and I make any sultry or graceful images of her with as much as goof around.  I am always insanely happy in the Redwoods, so it was particularly hard to focus with Kitty while we hiked on an abandoned trail in the heart of Prairie Creek Redwoods in Redwoods National Park last August. I didn't shoot a lot of video, or even many photos, really because we were just taking in the scenery, hunting for titan redwoods, climbing around, and just being stupid and laughing.  

I think the video shows a lot of Kitty laughing because of this rapport we have (It also shows a lot of her ass, because I enjoy watching her ass move), but also note that I put no music on this video - turn up the volume and hear the nothingness - one unusual thing about the Redwoods is that, despite the temperate weather and immense amount of greenery, the redwood forest is one of the quietest forest settings I have ever encountered in the world - no buzz of insects, or birds chirping, very little rustle of leaves in the wind. It is strangely VERY silent in a way that is at once unnerving and meditative...

Also - since you are BTS patrons, I will reveal the exact location of this abandoned trail in case you ever end up going to Redwoods National Park.  Its not a massive secret, in fact there is  a website that shows a map to this spot (although I actually stumbled onto this trail by accident the first time I walked it!), as well as to other redwood titans. You can find the location HERE.



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