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Only this moment as I type this did I realize that this month's additions to the Memory Vault (for my $20 and above subscribers) both take place in my bedroom, on the corner where I have this gaudy chair my aunt forced me to take from my grandparents' house when my grandfather died.  I told her I didn't want the chair, it didn't fit with the aesthetic of our house, but she kept pressing me like a used car salesman.  In front of my dad and some cousins I told her that maybe I could take it to use as a prop for a shoot I had in mind with a naked woman squatting on a chair in the middle of the desert at sunset, pissing off a chair onto the parched desert Earth.  I was trying to shock her into leaving me alone, but she was so desperate to get rid of most of the stuff she had bought for the house she rented my grandparents the last six month of my grandfather's life that she was like "Great! That sounds awesome! This chair will be perfect for that!" and forced the chair into my hands.  I had no more excuses not to take and packed the thing into the trunk of my car.  

I still haven't made that shoot happen, but I am holding on to that chair until I do. In the meantime it has been a good prop piece for the trippy set I put up in my bedroom to shoot in the dark, and, as it turns out, its quite an appropriate piece for a dreamy femme soft bondage shoot...

Consider upgrading to the $20 Memory Vault Tier for access to over 7GBs (over 2700 images and videos) of content exclusive to the Memory Vault Folder.



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