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I missed all the proper winter weather in Los Angeles, as we didn't start getting rain in LA until the week I moved to Japan (and it almost hasn't stopped raining since, which has been good for keeping people shut indoors during Coronavirus lockdown), but there was one decent storm system back in December that dumped snow in the local mountains.  Steph Sinn and I went to check it out a day or two after the system passed, on a blazing sunny weekend day in the Angeles National Forest.  

There were tons of people crawling up and down the Angeles Crest Highway that snakes through the local mountains, but we did our best to find empty pull off so we'd have a spot to ourselves right off the road for a quick shoot, though we were interrupted within minutes by other cars seeing ours and pulling up behind us.  I will NEVER understand this herd mentality of stopping because you see another car stopped.  i am always trying to find a place on a highway where no one is around, but others seem determined to bunch up around other strangers, instead of enjoying some solitude and quiet. Oh well! 

Even though I was totally distracted by this, Steph was not.  She was like "Let their kids see a naked woman! It will do them some good!"



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