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This set of 24 hi-res images and 2 videos is now a part of the massive Archive folder for $25 patrons and above. Consider upgrading now to access thousands of images and videos.

This was one of our first proper shoots  on the trip, and a lot of the conditions were working against us - we didn't get out of the campground early enough to beat the families on to the beach, so there were lots of kids milling around down the beach (having regular people around is always more distracting for me than the models I work with somehow), the rocks and seaweed were dangerously slippery and wet (and where they weren't slippery they were jagged sharp), so walking was treacherous, we didn't get there early enough to get the good morning light, but early enough that it was damn cold, and I couldn't quite explain to Kitty what I was trying to shoot (because I didn't quite know).

Months later though, what stands out the most was Kitty telling me that all this was fine, and then relating to me a story about another photographer who had her sitting on a log for a long time, and forcing her to stay put to get the shot even though the log was filled with termites, and she kept complaining about it, and he kept telling her it was fine, and she said "No, I literally have termites IN my vagina. Its not fine. Nothing is fine." (I caught the last bit of that story on video and threw it into this set for you because it always makes me laugh when I her relay this tidbit of modeling horror story.)  I remember her finding a juvenile scorpionfish in the shallows, which I told her was not poisonous so she wouldn't freak out. I also remember making our way up the long path bath up from the beach, trailed by some children, and passing a couple going down to the beach.  When the kids passed them moments later they said "Be careful guys folks - don't go to the end of the beach. There is some people naked sunbathing!" (referring to Kat). Hah! 



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