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Could it be any more perfect  for an underwater model?  A beautiful, water-loving, natural redhead whose actual name is Ariel! She was able to come to the pool earlier than Steph for their shoot that day, so we had lots of time to play and get some good solo stuff at the beginning of the shoot. In some of these moments she did end up reminding me of The Little Mermaid. It made me think of having lurid fantasies about that particular Disney Princess when I was a young teen - am I the weirdo? Or just the only one willing to admit that sort of thing?

I digress though - Airel and I had a good time, although I got fixated again with shooting this model  in the shallow end of the pool looking up toward her reflection (Just as I did with Grace a few days prior. These shots are always painful for a model), as well as making images for my ongoing "Sinking in Bubbles" series. 

Ariel had brought this magenta dress to try and shoot with underwater. I thought it was good choice since the color really pops in the water, but the dress proved almost impossible to actually keep ON, so she quickly gave up on it (I guess this is lucky for all of us!).



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