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I had been planning to post all the shoots I did with Kitty Malone  this year in order - during the course of the did more than 25 shoots in all, most on a 3 week road trip in August from Los Angeles to Seattle and back - but I kept wanting to post certain ones at certain times and it was preventing me from posting them at all! So I have scrapped that idea (even though it would have been nice for you to be able to follow the journey up and down the West Coast), because this shoot is what is jumping out at me this month.  

This shoot was from later in the trip, as we were we making our way back down through Oregon the second time.  We were on our way to Sisters, Oregon to spend a few nights on the ranch estate of a fetish video producer - Kitty had signed on to be in a custom fetish video where she would be erotically electrocuted!  More on that in coming posts I am sure, but on the way we stopped off in a random beautiful forest to catch the dying sunlight, and get some sensual, feral images of Kitty with her animal tail buttplug in.  

We ALMOST ran out of light looking for the best photogenic spot along this tiny dirt road through the forest, and had to work FAST, but I think it came out awesome.  Kitty really seems at home naked in the wilderness with a buttplug in her! :D

Lots more images coming for $5 and $10 subscribers, and $15 will be getting some fun videos as well!



Kol Z
