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This set of 28 hi-res images is now in the massive Archive folder available to $25 Patrons - consider subscribing at that level for access to literally thousands of images and videos.

For my second time shooting with Grace we headed to my usual pool. It was summer, and the days are long and hot, so its a perfect time for skinny dipping. Grace isn't a model, but I could tell she wanted to shoot because she'd been working hard in the gym this year and wanted some record of her work. Lucky for us!  

We did some work outside the pool shooting some lookbook stuff for my friends' clothing line, and some nudes using the landscaping in my friends' backyard both before and after working in the pool. Most of that stuff will probably end up posted for the Memory Vault ($20) Tier.

Once we got in the pool, Grace was just having fun - enjoying the water, and really trying to do each of the tasks I set forth for my various underwater series.  If you are not SUPER comfortable under the water, some of these tasks are pretty unpleasant actually (have you ever tried suspending underwater on your back, face to the sky?  Water rushes in and floods every inch of your sinuses and it feels like an instant searing headache. THEN you have to try and look elegant and relaxed in that position, make sure you don't sink too far below the surface, don't allow air bubbles to settle around your nostrils, remember not to hold your mouth tightly closed, etc, etc.  It is hard work - unpleasant and taking loads of concentration.  Grace was up to trying to execute all the shots in my various series with gusto.  She just has a really positive, can-do attitude, that makes her a joy to work with.



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