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This set of 23 hi-res images is now in the massive Archive folder available to $25 Patrons - consider subscribing at that level for access to literally thousands of images and videos.

Alright, so, first off... these images were taken on the first day of a 3 week long road trip that Kitty Malone and I made up the West Coast of the US from Los Angeles to Seattle and back. She and I did perhaps 25 shoots together over that period (As well as several more in LA before we left).  All kinds of shoots - from beautiful nudes in gorgeous nature spots, to more intimate erotic stuff, as well as several shoots with other models. All the while I documented everything - I became Kitty's personal documentarian - recording behind the scenes footage of our shoots, us goofing around in the tent at night and while driving, her flashing me in the middle of bars and pubs, lots of peeing in nature (😄), etc, etc.  Very little was off limits.  I haven't been able to sort through all that footage, but she and I definitely intend to do so and try to package it in some digestible way for you over the coming months.  At the very least I will need to institute a "Monthly Kitty" set, in the way I used to have "Monthly Cacia" posts (I STILL have a few more shoots with Cacia to share in fact! Sheesh!) to allow my patrons to follow along on this eye-opening, epic trip to some of my favorite spots.

Our first day on the road, Kitty and I went straight from LA to San Francisco, taking the coastal route for the first half so that we could meet up with Jay Marie. I had just arranged it a few days before and really lucky that she was available and willing to meet up with us.  I had wanted to shoot at these dunes so badly for a long time, and I knew they were close to where she lives, but i was worried she wouldn't be interested as she done lots of shoots there before already. Thankfully she was up for it, and her boyfriend drove her over to meet us.  He was super nice and gifted Kitty and I a box of pre-rolled joints to help us on our trip!

The dunes are actually in a really popular spot, and people were all around - families with kids, couples taking romantic walks, European tourists taking in the sunset. I definitely saw a couple having professional engagement photos shot in the distance (they are in some of my shots, so perhaps some nude beauties are way in the distance in some of their shots as well! hah!). Despite all this activity, the dunes are deep and sprawling, so it wasn't that to get to spots where no one was really in view and work without the distraction of looky-loos or angered parents. Once we found some spots of pristine dunes, i kind of just walked away from Kitty and Jay Marie and let them talk and play and start to interact on their own.  I trusted these two pros to understand my wok and what they wanted to accomplish together to make something we all loved.  I just ran around trying to get the best light and compositions and snapped away as I stumbled and belly flopped in the soft sand.  



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