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For about 5 years I have been coming to this secret little canyon that is right off trail along a very popular hiking trail in the mountains just outside Los Angeles.  At first I went alone during solo hikes, just curious what lay along a branch of a creek that veered away from the trail.  Then once I explored it while on a date, and it turned into a really lovely afternoon of exploring, naked sunbathing, and unabashed romance and sensuality in this secret wonderland.  That kind of inspired me to start shooting there, as well as bringing other (mostly platonic) friends there specifically to wander around naked in the wilderness since it was always totally devoid of other people.  I hoped that they would start to come on their own and maybe show the place to like minded people - maybe one day I would start to run into other naturists there and come to find they they were friends of my friends.  That seemed like an ideal plan to me for my "secret canyon".

I had been away from the canyon for the most part the last two years though - Winters of heavy rains dividing up long drought seasons had caused trees to die and fall and be carried downstream in heavy storms - this blocked up the creek and ravaged the beauty of the spots I tended to hang out at.  

Lately the drought has lessened a bit though, and the rains have continued, to this year i came back to find the secret canyon bursting with life. So I started hiking it again, and hiking it, and hiking it, and hiking it some more.  I brought new and old friends to it, hopped on rocks, explored, taught them how to spot animals, got tan, jumped into swimming holes,  had many long intense conversations, fell and got bruised and cut up quite a bit, did one Hapé ceremony, and made a lot of images too!

I have posted one of these sets (one of the two times I came to the canyon with Cacia Zoo), but most of this stuff I am still editing and making selections for future posts.  Attached below is a preview of some of the images I shot with a bunch of cool women from June to July of this year in my secret canyon.



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