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This has been SUCH an unusual weather year in Los Angeles so far.  Typically by now all the plants have started dying and the green has faded away to brown, the heat has come, and the rain has long since stopped.  While its normal to have overcast days in May and June, its not normal for it to keep raining down on us this close to summer.  Last week I was caught in a sudden hail storm in Malibu, and then 4 days later i saw more rain was coming and even possible snow in on top of the mountain 45 minutes from my house!   

I know I am supposed to be editing down and pounding out set for you folks, but rain is usually so hard to come by, and green mountains in late may even harder, that I couldn't resist the pull once again.  Plus my dear friend Cacia Zoo is in town for the first time in years!  She is the first model I ever hired to pose nude for me, and its been almost 4 years since we got to shoot together outdoors, so i made her get up early to race up to the mountains and see what we could find.  Flowers blooming, plants growing like mad, mist, rain, and near freezing temperatures made for quite an adventurous morning (and made us wonder if we were getting too old to chase weather as we both were quickly chilled to the bone in the cold and rain - hah!).  Cacia has definitely still got the skills and charm (and tits) that made her such a popular model when I met her - it was so fun, and a bit nostalgic to be romping around with her one more time. We only spent a few hours up in the mountains, and then the rest of the day at her place chatting and catching up and talking about love, stand up comedy craft, and the end of the world, amongst other things.

Sets coming for my $5-$15 patrons as soon as I get caught up!



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