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A few thoughts on shooting with Rachel:

I was very keenly aware of the fact that Rachel is not a model, but in fact studying to be a sex educator and an outspoken feminist and women's and LGBQT rights advocate. While we had chatted extensively online, we had only hung out in person once. Weirdly, I met up with her to a bikini bar another friend of mine works at (I had never gone to see her dance because I sometimes feel super awkward at strip clubs, but I thought it would be less creepy with a beautiful women's rights advocate by my side).  Rachel had never been to a strip club of any kind and didn't know what to expect at all.  She seemed surprised by how comfortable it felt (though it probably helped that my friend who dances there is also a super strong feminist.  Anyhow - we both agreed it was a hilarious way to finally meet in person), and we had a ton of laughs and good conversation.

This meeting probably pushed our talks of shooting together into a reality, but I still didn't know how my "straight white male gaze" would sit with Rachel, or how she would feel about the images afterwards.  She seemed to really have a great time though, and felt proud of herself - maybe more so for walking 5 miles than for her modeling prowess, but as long as she felt accomplished somehow I am satisfied.

Also of note - she looks so serious and moody and serene in most of the images, but the few where she is about to laugh give you an inkling of what a bundle of goofball energy she is (the video for the BTS $15 Patrons best reveals the stark discrepancy between her personality and her look in most of the images though).



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