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Since we are in the midst of winter (and here in Los Angeles, its a particularly dull one - no rain to make lush, misty forest nudes this year unfortunately), I am already dreaming of summer.  This reminded me of the first time I ever ended up having a tropical beach to myself with a woman and a camera.   This was on a 2008 trip to Okinawa, Japan with my wife, Kozy. We were staying on Miyako-jima (itself a plane ride away away from the main island of Okinawa), and took our car on a ferry to an even smaller island off the coast of that island, called Kurima.  It was basically just sugar cane fields and reefy beaches and not much else.  We found a deserted beach and decided to walk along the rocks and found this perfect little cove.  It was  a dreamy spot on a dreamy afternoon and we made the MOST of it.  

Posting a little preview for you here, but will be uploading another 95 hi-res images for my 5$-$20 Tiers.



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