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This set of 29 hi-res images and a video is now in the "Archive" folder - subscribe at the $25 Archive Tier for access to this and more than 150 other sets!!!

Outtakes and silliness from my first hike into Bear Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains with Joe back in May 2016. For some reason there was a lot of joking crotch shots on this shoot so I had to include some. Joe also entertained the notion a newt might turn into Prince Charming if she kissed it, and went all witchy bootie clapping over a smoke bomb to cast some wicked giggle fit spell on me (which worked handily).

It was such a hoot to go back through the files from this shoot to save out the files for my Patrons. Joe and I don't always get the best photos, but we always have the best time.



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