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I mostly shoot my friends (models usually intimidate me with their skill!), but usually there is some sort of plan to take pictures when we go out hiking.  I remember this one day in March of last year when I was feeling stressed out about artwork, and my friend Jess was going through all kinds of personal drama in her life, and we both agreed we needed to get outside for the day and planned to go to the beach in Malibu.  

After laying out on the beach for a while we decided to check out a park I had always read about and take a little walk.  When we got there and started walking we found a huge open field of spring grasses, which is kind of an unusual thing to find in semi-arid Southern California, so we inordinately thrilled to run through it.

We thought we should try to take some pictures to remember the good time and the lovely spot we had found. I didn't have a proper camera in my hiking backpack, but i did have one random piece of red fabric left over from another hiking shoot, my point and shoot Sony RX100, and Jess had a colorful scarf. We found a pile of rocks in the middle of the field including one that someone had painted some colorful designs on.  We began trying things and shooting and playing and laughing and enjoying the field of grass in the setting Malibu spring time sun.  

This unplanned outing became two pretty distinct shoots with Jess (shows how much difference a couple different pieces of fabric can make), and totally made us forget about our troubles for a while at least!



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