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I had so little expectations about shooting with artist Sara Haase.  We had never met in person before, only talked online and had a lot of mutual friends.  I think maybe we both really just wanted to get in a pool, and this was a good excuse.  This is kind of how a lot of my underwater shoots come about - its a good excuse for skinny dipping (if i am shooting with friends, i usually am skinny dipping too - it would be unprofessional in most photography situations perhaps, but in water its hard to resist!).

Maybe its because Sara grew up in Orange County, like I did, I am not sure, but it became instantly clear that she was a total water baby! She moved through the pool with so much grace, I felt like I had finally found someone that could be a muse underwater (this has been a long struggle for me to find such models).  

Patrons will get to see a ton of good stuff (photos and video) from this productive shoot...



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