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When Cacia Zoo visited me in October we took a short road trip to Nagano and stayed a few nights at the foot of Mt. Asama, the most active volcano on Honshu. We wanted to hike up to it, but when we drove up to the visitor center to park and start our day of hiking we were told the trails heading up to the rim were closed due to the current activity in the volcano. Sure enough it was smoking out the top (spewing toxic gas into the sky). So instead we did a hike two peaks over from the volcano, hoping maybe we could at least get some nice views of the peak.

Surprisingly, there weren't so many hikers along the ridge between two small peaks the trail took us over, so even though we hadn't planned to, Cacia stripped so we could do a quick bit of shooting on the peaks. I don't think my shots were great, but they do make for a nice memory of that hike. I think most of the hikes that get embedded in my long term memory involve some kind of nude images shot along the way - hah!

Anyhow - its a good think we at least got to take some photos as the view of the volcano from the peaks was't great. clouds rolled in behind the volcano by the time we got up to the top of the nearby peaks, and most of it was obscured by the peak in between us the volcano -guess we should have hiked up that one instead!

This full set of 28 hi-res images is available now in the Archive folder for $25 patrons...



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