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Well, it looks like Jill Valentine won the poll! Quite decisively, too! However, it will take some time for me to write up the outline for the next narrative arc for Primal Imperative. Ms. Valentine demands a juicy story, after all.

Regarding the update schedule for February: 

There's more Thor: Champion coming up soon and some artwork. But since this is the shortest month of the year, I felt it would be fitting to focus mainly on my shorter commissions (by which I mean stories I've been commissioned for under 10k words). Either I'll be putting significant dents in them or completing them outright, clearing my table to focus on the bigger projects going forward.

As always, thank you all for your continued support and readership! I say this every update but still doesn't feel enough: I wouldn't love doing this nearly as much if you guys weren't there to enjoy the results! Thank you so much for reading my work!

- Rys



Triple R

Yo vote por Excella Gionne por el simple hecho de puede que sea el personaje con menos material en internet de RE XDDDDD Pero ama Ada, en el fondo siempre seré tuyo


Excella and Ada will find their way into Dalton's bed. Eventually...