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A recruiter for Trevelyan Academy and the spy organization, Global Alliance. 

Donna Dekker meets young hero Jason Silva at what is perhaps his lowest point. When she offers him a way out of a legal mess and the chance to do something meaningful with his natural talents, he finds it very difficult to refuse.

As mentioned in the notes of the prologue chapter, she is based heavily on the heroine Susan Storm of the Fantastic Four... but her physical appearance is taken straight from the incredibly lovely Christina Hendricks.

The project commissioner tells me I have good taste. What do you fellas think?




You can't go wrong with Christina Hendricks :)


In what ways is she like Sue Storm?


Mostly in terms of personality. Donna is intelligent, warm, maternal, but also has a bit of a spirited streak. She's not some demure ingenue, she's a woman who knows what she's doing and knows what she wants.