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Happy New Year, friends! We made it through another revolution around the sun! Last month was pretty busy and I didn't quite hit all the projects I was going for, but I'm ultimately satisfied with my output considering the holiday and family stuff I had to take care of.

I've got big things planned for 2024! More updates for the stories you love, new projects, and more artwork/comics! 

To start off the new year, I'll be primarily focusing on the following projects for January:

- Thorne's Lance

- Mass Effect: True Blue

- Superman: Brides

- Thor: Champion

- Justice League: Reign of Zod

- A surprise!

I will also be working on the following projects on the side:

- GANTZ: Perks of the Job

- Catwoman: Twisted Addiction

- Untitled Catwoman/Bane project

- The Stormlander

For fans of Orc Harem and those looking forward to the BoP: Twisted Desire Good End and Extended Epilogue, you will be happy to know that those stories will soon be back in my regular rotation in the coming months. Superboy: Unchained and Speedster's Gift will remain on hold (unless one of you patrons is interesting in sponsoring their continuation).

And as always, I just wanted to take some time to thank you all for your support and readership! I know I say this a lot, but I wouldn't love writing nearly as much if I didn't have you fine patrons to share it with! Thank you so much for your patronage and thank you for reading my work! It really does mean so much to me!

- Rys



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