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The sun had set, leaving only a radiant glow on the horizon. But there was no beautiful sight that could shake Diana from her ill feelings.

It was time. Time for the Princess of the Amazons to keep her word. She had wagered her body… and lost.

The raider captain Thor Odinson was waiting for her down at the beach. She should have left to go see him hours ago, but instead she remained at the Temple of the Delians, pacing back and forth like some anxious little girl. And none of her Amazon sisters were much help in calming her nerves.

“Are you sure about this, princess?” Asked Mala. Out of the corner of her eye, Diana caught her oldest friend inching towards her cautiously. It was a little irksome, seeing the worry on Mala’s face. She wasn’t the one who needed to go see Thor, after all.

Before Diana could answer, another of her sister’s cut in. Tall and sculpted Trigona, with a voice as hard and strong as Amazonian steel.

“You owe that barbarian nothing.” She insisted, stepping forth just as Mala did. “We can always just leave.”

“We’re not even supposed to be on this island anyway.” Spoke up Orana.

Diana winced, as the truth in Orana’s words was a sharp and bitter lash to her ego - in some ways, even worse than the blow Thor had dealt to her with his victory in the ring. The princess had disobeyed her queen mother, embarked on a pilgrimage beyond the island of Themyscira with her band of loyal followers. Diana had thought herself bold and daring, but now… bound by her own word to give herself to that beautiful brute…

This was all her own fault, Diana realized. Her own childish need to rebel had brought her to this point. And she had dragged her own sisters into this mess right alongside her.

They were a loyal bunch - they were Amazons after all - but now they all needed to be quiet.

“Enough. From all of you.” Diana snapped. Immediately there was silence. She whirled around to face each and every one of them. Her sisters. “I told you before, I swore an oath. I must honor it.”

Male stepped forth, her eyes pleading.


But Diana raised a hand and any argument died in her dear friend’s throat.

“Please. Don’t make this more difficult than it already is.” Diana fought well to keep her own pain and worry from coloring her voice. She couldn’t show her sisters such weakness. They were already tormented enough.

Diana looked at each of her sisters, taking in their worry, their dismay, their pain. The only reason they were here with her was to look out for their beloved princess. And now they could do nothing but watch as their princess gave herself to some barbarian. But it wasn’t their failure. It was Diana’s alone.

Taking a long, deep breath, Diana smoothed out the skirt of her peplos. She didn’t know why she bothered to change, other than that it felt wrong to go and offer herself to Thor while she was still garbed in Amazonian battle dress. All that remained that signified her heritage and royalty were the gleaming bracelets and her tiara.

She could feel her heart hammering inside her chest - each beat signaling another second wasted. It didn’t matter how long she waited, she was bound by her own word.

Gathering her wits and her nerves and forcing them into an eerie calm, Diana put on a brave face and started for the temple doors. But, as she expected, one of her sisters, Penthiselia, moved to slow her down.

The taller blonde stood before her, her body tense with restrained fury, and her lovely face marred by regret.

“You swore to honor the agreement… but if that brute harms you in any way, we will set upon him with the fury of Hera. The rest of us swore oaths just as binding as yours, princess.” Penthiselia spoke firmly, with conviction as unyielding as her own steel.

Diana found her eyes shifting to the others, Mala, Orana, Venelia. All were nodding along with Penthiselia, their spirits strong and fierce. It was clear in each of their eyes. And for a moment, Diana felt a swelling of sisterly pride. She did not deserve their loyalty.

“I’m… lucky to call you my sisters.” Diana managed the faintest of smiles, reaching out to touch Penthiselia upon her arm. A small, but reassuring touch. At least, that’s what Diana hoped.

And that was it. There was nothing left for Diana to do but meet her destiny.

“Be safe, princess.” Mala offered.

Diana didn’t give an answer. She wasn’t entirely sure if she could make that sort of promise.

The princess gave her beloved sisters a final nod. Then she turned and left for the Varangian camp. And for the foreign god waiting for her.

-  -  -

Diana could smell the salt, smoke, and cooked meat before she saw it - caught fish and wild boar roasted on spits. Any other time, Diana would have felt her mouth watering… but knowing what awaited her killed any appetite she might have had.

The Varangians had set up camp on the beach. True to Thor’s word, the raiders didn’t bother the villagers, keeping well away from the port. They had even removed their dromon from the docks, instead taking the vessel ashore with them. And around their beached dromon had already sprung up a small city of tents. The biggest of them all had to be Thor’s.

Diana took in a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves… and began her long walk into enemy territory.

She drew closer and closer, the scent of sea salt and smoke growing stronger and stronger. The sounds of deep, rough voices, of men and rowdy laughter, filled her ears. It wasn’t long before she was surrounded, taking calm strides through a small army of foreign raiders, all of them sitting, eating, laughing. Eventually, they even noticed her.

Diana could feel their eyes fall upon her, leering gazes drinking in her figure draped in the silk of her peplos. She expected them to start jeering at her, to make bawdy jokes about what their captain was going to do to her. Instead, to Diana’s surprise, the Varangians held their tongues. Not a single one called out to her, or moved to halt her advance into their camp. In an odd way… she found the Varangians to be quite well-behaved.

Only one of them, a tall, broad man with a weathered face and dark gray hair, even acknowledged her - by pointing the way to their captain. Indeed, Thor Odinson dwelled in the camp’s largest tent.

Diana gave the man a curt nod and continued on.

Thor’s tent was before her now. Diana was mere footsteps away from facing again the man who had won her virtue. Her heartbeat quickened. A faint tremble ran through her arms, her legs, down her back. Diana breathed in again, deeper. It did not calm her nerves.

Gathering her will and her courage, the princess pushed on through the flaps of the tent - plunging into darkness and the strong scent of salt, sweat, and man.

It only took a moment for her eyes to adjust. But when they did, Diana was greeted with the sight of the Odinson. It still stunned her, setting eyes upon that mountain of a man. He was half-naked, just the same as during their bout.

Stripped the waist, he cut just as impressive a figure - but it was only now that Diana was able to truly see it. First her eyes were locked upon his back, so wide and firm. Smooth, pale skin marked with scars, rising into bulging, powerful shoulders. Then he turned to face her - and Diana’s eyes were captivated by a familiar sight. His broad chest, his flat stomach, his long, thick arms, all packed tight with muscle. Perfect muscle, strong like steel. Diana had felt that strength first hand.

When Diana’s eyes finally traveled up to Thor’s face, she found him smiling. There was laughter in his eyes.

“My honored guest finally arrives!” Thor rumbled, not quite chuckling. He spread his arms wide in welcome - but to Diana it only made the man seem that much larger.

Even with her heart still racing, Diana managed to find her words.

“Honored?” She asked, raising one brow. Slowly, she strode further into Thor’s tent - into his domain.

Thor dropped his arms, nodding. He drew closer - Diana’s breath caught in her throat, expecting the man to touch her. But he simply stood there, grinning down at her.

“You fought well. Fierce. Fearless.” Thor praised. Diana narrowed her eyes, searching his flawless face for anything untoward, any sign of mockery. But she found nothing but sincerity in his gaze. “Your valor in battle should be celebrated. Even if you lost.”

Diana bristled, the memory of Thor pinning her to the ground raw in her mind. She could still feel the strength in his hands, how unyielding his hold over her was, the humiliation of losing in such a way before her sisters’ eyes… Diana's belly turned and twisted, but she managed to keep a calm face.

It was only then that Diana took the time to inspect her surroundings. Thor’s tent was shockingly sparse and simple. A large cot to one side, with heavy furs and cushions to rest his body. A closed chest of dark wood resting just beside. A small table set with twinkling candles. And a carpet laid out over the ground. The light was dim but still Diana could make out the glyphs and runes dyed into the thick fabric. Maybe they meant something to the Varangian captain, but to Diana they were foreign, alien letters that belonged to the invaders.

Crossing her arms, she looked straight into Thor’s eyes. She stood tall and undaunted, fearless in the shadow of his towering frame. Defeated she may have been, but this raider captain would not see weakness from the Princess of the Amazons.

“I am here to honor our agreement.” Diana spoke evenly, her voice betraying nothing. “I wagered my body, so here I am.”

“Indeed you are.” Thor agreed, smiling. He moved quickly, too quick for Diana to react. Before the princess knew it, she was lifted up off her feet and slung over the brute’s shoulder. Carried further into the man’s tent as if she was some war bride.

But Diana was neither silent nor helpless. Letting out a cry of outrage, she kicked at his gut, slamming her fists down onto his back - his very firm back. But in the end, it made no difference. The barbarian set her down just as quickly as he scooped her up, tossing her onto the heavy furs of his cot.

Diana shot Thor a withering glare, fighting the urge to spit curses at his dumb, smiling face. Instead, her voice came simmering, each word thrumming with calm fury.

“That’s not nearly as amusing as you think it is.”

“But it is amusing.” Thor shot back, smiling triumphantly as he towered over her sitting form. He moved towards the heavy wooden chest beside his bed, his eyes twinkling with humor. “Just like the look on your face.”

Her glare darkened with anger. But Thor only let out a hearty laugh. He held up his hands in mock surrender. It made Diana’s rage burn even hotter.

“My apologies.” He said, still laughing. “I don’t mean to ruin your mood. Perhaps some food and drink will make this more pleasing for you?”

He opened his chest, both hands rummaging through the contents. They came back up holding a fat, oval-shaped bottle sloshing with dark liquid as well as a small bundle of tightly wrapped fabric. Diana caught the scent of dried and salted meat.

Indeed, the food was revealed to be jerky. Thor offered it with a friendly - and stupid - grin.

For a long moment, Diana only stared him down. Eventually, though, she accepted the jerky.

“Unlikely. But thank you.” Diana replied flatly.

Thor sat down on the cot beside her… though left some distance between them. For that, Diana was a little grateful.

Biting into the meat, she found it too salty, noting with silent satisfaction its inferiority to what they could make on Themyscira. As she chewed, Thor produced small silver goblets from his chest. He poured them each a drink from the fat bottle. Diana caught a new scent, a heavy, sweet scent that tingled her nostrils. It only got stronger when Thor offered her a goblet.

With hard eyes and a harder face, she accepted the drink as well. It wasn’t wine, that much she could tell, but the sting of alcohol was unmistakable. Tentatively, she took a sip… and blinked as a sudden rush of warmth blossomed upon her tongue… down her throat… in her belly… spreading through her skin, through her veins.

It wasn’t unpleasant. But still Diana flinched, shaking her head.

“Gods… what is this?”

“Divine mead.” Chuckled the barbarian captain. “One of the few things I brought with me from home. I imagine it’s the only drink on this island strong enough for us.”

Diana shot him a look.

“You mean to get me drunk, Varangian?” She accused, frowning.

“Asgardian.” He corrected, still chuckling. “And no. One sip isn’t going to get you drunk, princess. It would take quite a bit more than that for people like us.”

The aftertaste was sweet, smoky. It tingled on her tongue. Diana narrowed her eyes, her interest piqued - by both the nature of his ‘divine mead’ and his curious words.

“What do you mean ‘people like us’?”

“Higher beings. Asgardians. You and your Amazons. Those who are stronger, hardier than mortal men.”

Diana took another sip from her goblet, this time savoring the sweet flavor. The warmth was even more pleasant the second time, sending a thrum of heat through her body. She leaned back against the cushions of Thor’s bed, taking the time to digest his answer. Her fiery spirit reared its head then, her nest words coming with a sharp edge.

“I see. So you spend your time raiding and pillaging from those weaker than yourself?” She set upon him a steely gaze, her eyes just as piercing as her voice.

However, Thor seemed not at all offended. His expression was calm, his eyes showing a tempered mind. Not what Diana had expected from a man like him.

“The strong take what they want.” He answered after a short silence. Though Diana noted he seemed more resigned than prideful. “Such is the way on all worlds. Asgard… Midgard…”

“Not on Themyscira.” Diana cut in, leaning forward. Some of her mead nearly sloshed out of her goblet. Breathing in, she quickly found her balance again. But she kept her eyes firmly upon Thor’s. “Amazons are taught to protect the weak. From men like you.

Thor offered a small smile. Not quite amused, but Diana didn’t appreciate the look all the same. She felt a heat crawl up her cheeks.

“That’s a noble ideal. But it didn’t help you very much against me.”

His reply was calm, even friendly. And that made his words all the more cutting.

Diana felt a flare of anger. She fought the urge to toss the rest of her goblet in his stupid, beautiful face. Instead, she took another swig of mead. The warmth was again pleasing… but not enough to drown out her anger.

Thor was mindful, she could say at least that much for him. He held up his hands again, setting his own goblet aside.

“Apologies again. That was rude.” The man conceded. He inched just a little closer to her. “Tell me more of your home. Of Themyscira.”

Thoughts of home flooded Diana’s mind, filling her heart with warmth. Or maybe that was the divine mead… Diana couldn’t quite tell. But nonetheless, the Amazon found herself drifting away from feelings of anger and humiliation. They faded into the back of her mind, replaced with sweetness and comfort. Even the furs of Thor’s bed felt nicer than they were just a moment before. Diana hummed, taking another sip from her goblet.

“...It’s lovely.” She finally answered, a small but genuine smile playing upon her lips. “Peaceful. Wonderful.”

She turned to face Thor, her smile turning into a taunting smirk.

“No men are allowed on our island. They call it paradise.” She let those words hang between them, her lips spreading into a sweetly vicious smile.

But yet again, Thor only laughed. Loud and hearty, it rumbled from deep in his chest. The brawny barbarian slapped a hand down on his knee. Even Diana felt a giggle bubble up in her throat.

“An island of only women…” Thor wondered aloud, looking off into space. Diana could see in his eyes the way his mind was racing, imaging such a land with vivid clarity. “And they all look like you. Yes, I would call that paradise.”

He inched closer. So close now. Diana could see the power of body, the strength tempered in his muscles. Firm and taut, every inch of him. Diana felt so warm, so hot. In her belly, in her veins. It was wonderful. Like she was back home, lounging in the hot springs.

“The beauty of the Amazons is said to be matched only by our wisdom… and our ferocity in battle.” Diana continued, taunting the brute beside her. Yes, that’s what she was doing. She was taunting him. Telling him of the paradise he would never know. Reminding him how unworthy he was. She took another sip of the mead, a gulp really. It felt nice as it ran down her throat, into her belly. More warmth bloomed there, spreading through her body. “You did well to accept single combat with me. I doubt your men would have fared as well against my sisters.”

Her shoulder brushed against his. The heat of his body, the firmness of his muscle… Diana liked it. Her heart was racing. But not even the sweetness of the mead could stop feelings of guilt from flashing through her mind. Her belly coiled, dread and shame and joy and excitement all mingling together. Diana sucked in a deep breath. Only Thor’s deep, smooth voice kept her calm, focused.

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wouldn’t discount the ferocity of men. Their candles may burn only briefly, but their fires burn just as bright as ours.” Thor took his eyes away from Diana’s, staring into space again. Diana watched his face, studying the tiny changes in expression as he sat beside her.

Now joining the anxiousness, the excitement boiling within, was a new feeling. Curiosity. Genuine wonder regarding this barbarian who had defeated her. It seemed absurd, to be so conflicted about a brute she should rightly despise. And yet… Thor Odinson proved he was not quite so simple.

“That’s… more thoughtful than I expected from you.”

The man gave a shrug.

“You will find I am full of surprises, princess.”

Diana nodded, but she wasn’t listening to his words. She was looking upon his face. Not just studying it, but now admiring it. More than she did back on the beach. His beauty couldn’t be denied, but now it couldn’t be ignored. The lines of his face, strong, royal, handsome. His eyes, so deep and blue… captivating her with their soulfulness, their emotion… what the man wouldn’t show with his body or his words, Diana could see within his eyes. There was more to this man than the violent brute she thought he was. She knew that now. And his lips… his lips…

Diana closed the distance. Deep inside, there was a part of her that burned with fury, with shame at herself for being so weak, so stupid… but there was delight that surged within right alongside it. The princess caught the barbarian’s lips in a kiss. A deep kiss. Fierce. Heated. The desire that had been building in silence, hidden behind anger and shame, now unleashed.

It felt good.

The Amazon moaned into the man’s mouth, climbing into his lap. She felt his hands fall upon her hips, her back, the heat of his touch dancing upon her skin even through the fabric of her robes. He held her close, his strength clear but controlled. It stoked only joy in Diana’s heart… and in her belly.

When they finally broke apart, Diana was gasping, sucking in sweet, precious air. Her heart was hammering, thundering in her chest. Every inch of her was alive, thrumming with succulent heat. Her face, her breasts, her belly… and between her legs…

“I was right, wasn’t I? About you never being with a man before.”

His voice was low, smooth, even soothing - so different from the boisterous booming that thundered from his lips mere hours before. Diana felt her belly twist again but it wasn’t colored by anger or shame, not at all like the rush of emotions she had felt as he held her down in the dirt. For a long time, Diana said nothing. Her eyes drifted away from his, falling to his naked chest, his arms. While her mind raced to find the right words, another part of her was bound by fascination, drinking in every inch of bare skin, taut muscle, every little scratch and scar that decorated the foreign god’s torso.

Somehow, Diana found the strength of will to untangle herself from his arms. She rose from his lap, standing at her full height. She stepped back, looking down at the half-naked brute. Her eyes again drank in the beauty of his naked torso, the lines of muscles… captivated by the way they shifted under his glistening skin with every breath he took.

“What does it matter?” Diana finally answered, her voice heated and fierce. “It’s like I said, I wagered my body. And I lost. I am yours to enjoy, Thor Odinson.”

Thor said nothing. Diana could feel his eyes roaming over her body - no doubt he was imagining her figure hidden away by her robe. She felt another coiling within her belly then, a twisting sensation deep inside.

When Diana’s eyes met Thor’s again, she found his expression calm, thoughtful. But his eyes… still they hungered.

For a long while, there was silence. Their gazes locked together, never wavering. Gathering her nerves, Diana made the first move. Staring Thor down, with her head held high, she reached up and undid the pins at her shoulders.

A chill danced upon her skin as her peplos fell from her body, soft silk flowing like water over the swell of her bosom. Down the flat muscle of her belly. Down her long, toned, powerful legs. Revealing all to the barbarian’s eyes. The white silk pooled around Diana’s ankles, leaving the princess standing with not a stitch of clothing. Nothing but her sandals, her bracelets, and her tiara. Bare to the world, to Thor. His hard-won prize. A trophy of such sweet flesh.

Diana stood naked, proud and undaunted by Thor’s feasting eyes. Even with the burning candles, Diana shivered at the cool air caressing her body. Still there was heat, but it was inside - glowing embers smoldering deep in the pit of her belly. And it was in Thor’s gaze, too. Diana leveled at the man a challenging stare, unflinching from the hunger she saw in his deep blue eyes.

She took slow strides forth, stepping out of the ring of silk. Offering herself to the Odinson.

The man - the god - rose quickly, once again towering over her. His hands were upon her again in an instant, his touch so warm and rough and gentle all at the same time. Delight graced her skin as he pulled her close, ensnaring Diana in another deep kiss.

She whimpered into his mouth, so pathetic yet so right. Her arms rose, wrapping around his thick neck - she shivered as his arms coiled around her waist in turn. Their tongues danced, dueled, but only his found dominance. Just as he had in the arena. But rather than feel shame, humiliation, Diana now too felt joy. And a wicked thrill.

Her mind began to wander as they kissed and his hands roamed, racing between the seconds to imagine just what this beautiful brute would do to her. Would he take her hard and fast, slaking his desires without restraint, without care? Would he throw her onto his bed, or onto the very ground - like he did when he bested her in the arena? Would he take her from behind like a hound took a bitch? Or make her go down onto her knees to service him with her mouth? All the wicked, disgusting things that women were made to endure by crazed, lustful men… would Thor make her do the same? She’d wagered her dignity and lost - but now it was time for him to rip it from her.

Diana then felt a pang of real, genuine fear. The storm in her mind brought forth a dark thought. What if it hurts? The man towered over the rest of his raiding party, and a head taller than even the tallest of Diana’s sisters. And everything about Thor seemed big. Diana couldn’t imagine a man like him being anything but blessed in regards to his manhood. And with them so close together, Diana could feel it. The hard shaft that strained against his pants.

A giant with a giant’s cock… He’ll split me apart…

But just as the chill of cold fear began to dance down Diana’s naked back, Thor pulled back and his blunt words snapped her back to the realm of reality.

“Your friends…” He started, his voice now tired. Diana caught the weight of regret in his tone. “I can’t imagine they’re pleased about this.”

When Diana found Thor’s eyes again, she saw that his hunger, his desire had faded. To her shock, Thor’s expression had hardened, becoming more somber. He gave a small nod… and stepped back, away from his prize.

Diana felt a rush of confusion, even anger as his pleasing touch drifted from her naked body. Suddenly, the princess found her fire again. Heat flared in her heart, feeding her fiery spirit. She met Thor’s eyes again, setting hard eyes upon him.

“Why would they be?” She snapped, this time unable to keep the emotion from spilling into her words. “Their princess is offering her maidenhead to a barbarian raider.”

The smile had fallen from Thor’s face, but his expression was  like stone. He looked upon Diana with thoughtful eyes. There was no sign of insult, no anger that she could see.

“Is that how they see me? Is that how you see me?”

Diana gave a small, petulant shrug.

“It’s what you are. You and your men were going to raid and pillage this island until we stopped you.” A sneer began to pull at Diana’s lips. Like a lioness baring her fangs. “What you call an honorable battle, these villagers would call the desolation of war.”

“I am a warrior. I was born for battle. For my people, that’s how a man shows his worth.” Thor averted Diana’s gaze for a moment, turning to look at Jarnbjorn resting against his cot.

When Thor turned back, he regarded Diana in silence for a short moment. His face was like stone, but Diana knew that thoughts raced within. Then, he gave a small nod. A decision.

“You may go, princess.” He gestured towards the flaps of his tent.

Diana blinked. She did not move even as Thor turned away. He sat back on his cot, clasping his hands together.

“I… what?”

It was confusion that twisted her face into a frown… and perhaps a tiny bit of offense. Her lips opened and closed, words rising and dying in her throat. She shook her head, even as she snatched her robes up from the floor. But the towering foreign god offered her nothing but a faint shrug and only somewhat apologetic eyes.

His expression changed, turning back to the unyielding strength of steel. There was no mockery in his gaze. Diana knew then that he wasn’t playing some trick on her. He gave her a long, hard stare.

“I am not some mindless brute. I will never take a woman to bed who doesn’t want to be there.” He explained. Simple and plain.

Diana swallowed. She took in slow, even breaths. She did not break the man’s gaze, even as she pulled her robes back on, clasping the pins upon her shoulders again. She narrowed her eyes, searching Thor’s face for something, anything else. But his expression remained like stone, betraying nothing.

“Are you… freeing me from our arrangement?” Diana tilted her head back, the question coming tentatively.

“No.” Thor answered simply - and firmly. He leaned back, clasping his large hands together over his lap. “You wagered your body and lost. I am owed the prize that I won. But I won’t take you to bed like this. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. Of bedding me.”

The fire of her spirit surged again, if only for a moment. Diana almost scoffed.

“I am not afraid of you.” Her voice held only the faintest hint of an edge.

Diana caught the tiniest of grins upon Thor’s face. His eyes shone with the same vigor from before, the same she saw back on the beach… and back in the arena.

“But you’re afraid of what I might do.” Thor guessed. Correctly, much to Diana’s chagrin. “I am a man, not a beast. Come back to me when you are ready, princess.”

And with that, he gestured towards the flaps of his tent. Waving off the Princess of the Amazons.

The warrioress stood stunned. She didn’t know what to say. Was there anything she could say at all? What could she do in the face of his dismissal? Argue, insist that he bed her right then?

Diana’s belly didn’t twist this time… but she did feel a warmth. It fluttered like glowing embers rising from a campfire. It was faint, barely there at all. But Diana felt it.

For a long moment, Diana did nothing. But, eventually and without another word, she turned and exited Thor’s tent.

Above the glow of the torches and campfires, Diana saw that the moon had risen up into a cloudless sky, casting its silver rays upon the Island of Delos. It gave the princess new clarity.

She had misjudged the Varangian captain. Thor Odinson had surprised her once again.

- - -

AN: Made some small edits at the behest of the commissioner.


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