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It was hell for Dalton to restrain himself on the way back to Rebecca’s apartment. 

He’d already had her twice and still he could feel his prick throbbing and twitching in his pants. That’s how he knew he’d gotten some good pussy, when his body was screaming at him to get another taste.

Luckily the drive was short. Now the two of them were hustling up the apartment stairwell - the damned elevator was busy. But Dalton didn’t mind. Not when he could ogle Miss Chamber’s tight little ass all the way up to her floor.

She was a short, slender woman, the pretty doc, but she had enough softness on her body, enough lush curves upon her hips and tushy to jiggle and quake with every hurried step. Enough to have Dalton’s mouth watering as he followed close behind.

Every so often, the doc would glance back his way and he would catch the faint blush on her cheeks. There was excitement in her eyes… but also a sliver of worry, nervousness. It didn’t surprise him. She was the do-gooder medic taking home the killer merc. And he was going to devour the poor girl once she got him inside.

It wasn’t long before they made it to her apartment door. Dalton enjoyed watching Rebecca fidget with her keys. Even looking disheveled from their last couple bouts, the doc had this aura of innocence, of purity. It was cute. And he wanted nothing more than to defile it.

But Dalton knew the two of them weren’t the only ones who’d be having fun. Unbeknownst to Miss Chambers, Tricell-Umbrella had taken the liberty of installing her apartment with bugs and cameras. Jill’s apartment as well. All at Director Gionne’s command, of course.

The cameras were meant to provide her with live feeds, straight to her personal computer, so the Ice Queen could keep close tabs on any who might pose a problem for the company. Or so Gionne claimed. Dalton’s guess was that she was just as kinky a bitch as the rest of them.

And tonight he’d be giving his most generous benefactor one hell of a show.

Rebecca slid the key in. She spared him a meaningful look, a spark of silent glee in her eyes. He caught the faintest shiver roll over her slim shoulders. Then she averted his gaze, sucking in a deep breath.

“Stop smiling like that.” Rebecca said, huffing. She gripped the bow of the key tightly, not yet turning it.

“Like what?” Dalton looked down at the fidgeting doc, feeling his smirk spread wide across his face.

“Like… like that.” Rebecca waved an arm up in his direction, shaking her head. “Like you hit the jackpot.”

“Can’t help it. Pretty lady invited me back to her place to play doctor.”

To make his point, he pointedly leered at Rebecca, drawing his eyes down her clothed form. He made a show of admiring the way her sweats clung to her legs, her hips, the curve of her ass. He enjoyed the way she left her hoodie unzipped, letting his eyes roam over her bosom, all snug in a sports bra, and her bare tummy, so soft yet taut at the same time.

“Oh, shut up. Perv.” Rebecca scoffed, rolling her eyes. But Dalton caught how her blush reddened upon her cheeks. And how her eyes lingered upon his own.

Rebecca Chambers turned the key and opened her apartment door. Opening the way of the threshold. The gates were open and the barbarian could just waltz right in.

And that’s just what John Dalton did.

He pinched her butt as she led him into her apartment. And she didn’t slap his hand away.

-  -  -

The music of sex carried through the penthouse office.

It came through speakers to fill the room with feminine moans, masculine grunts, and the slapping of skin against skin. It was a most wonderful symphony, rising and falling in rolling waves of pure carnal desire. Bliss for the ears, even if the quality was a bit strained thanks to the limitations of the tiny, hidden microphones.

Even better than the sounds were the sights. Thankfully the planted cameras were of higher quality - the footage playing upon the computer screens were crystal clear. That was what truly mattered.

A man was fucking a woman. Tall, imposing, and deliciously built, he towered over his slight, dainty partner. She was a pretty little thing with a delicate, elfin face. A face now flushed dark pink, twisted into a visage of wild, intense ecstasy.

Their bodies, so different in size and build, crashing together - a magnificent scene to behold, the ravenous brute taking his pleasure upon the helpless beauty. His hard, muscled body shimmered with sweat, strength and power being unleashed upon the lovely creature trapped beneath him.

It was a wickedly delightful show. But it had only an audience of one.

Excella Gionne leaned back in her office chair, her eyes sharp and focused upon her computer screens. Her gaze danced from one live feed to the next, taking in Dalton’s sexual conquest of Miss Chambers from every angle. In the end, it was a wise decision to plant so many cameras in the medic’s apartment - it ensured Excella would never miss a thing.

From Rebecca letting out a wild moan or a broken cry, to Dalton’s hard face twisted into a near-feral snarl, and even on to the sight of his fat cock sinking deep into the poor girl’s tight pink pussy - Excella wanted to see it all.

Years of hard work, of careful plotting and cut-throat corporate politics, of countless enemies crushed and allies stabbed in the back, it had all led Excella to this point. To her holding the title of “Ice Queen”, sitting alone in her office, watching her perfect man fuck some idealist bitch until she was screaming her lungs out. As her heart began to race, and a familiar-yet-pleasant warmth began to bloom in her belly, Excella concluded that it was worth it.

The Ice Queen drew one hand over her breasts, fingers brushing over a nipple. She sighed, her eyes fluttering some as she leaned further back into her seat. Her other hand slid lower, over her trim belly, slipping under her panties, seeking the warmth between her legs. Her fingers played there, too, finding a sticky wetness beginning to glaze over her womanhood. She stroked her own lips, fingers sliding down, down, then back up again. Excella sucked in a long, slow breath, shivering.

John Dalton continued to fuck. Rebecca Chambers continued to scream. Excella continued to admire.

John was her triumph. The first - and so far only - success in her super soldier program. Tricell-Umbrella had gone through dozens of candidates, from the US and Canada, from Europe, from Australia and New Zealand. John was the only one to come out just the way Excella desired. His strength, speed, durability, all so much beyond that of the average human.

Excella had turned the man into a superman… in all ways. Thanks to her, Dalton had become a man whose power was matched only by his lust. A happy side effect… or so Excella had explained to some of her partners. Others, like Ada Wong, had understood perfectly.

Excella Gionne was still riding that high of absolute success. Even more now after seeing Dalton in action back in Toronto. Her own personal superman performed better than she could ever have hoped for. In the field… and in bed.

“Magnificent…” The word escaped her lips as a tiny moan. Excella whined as she dipped a finger inside, sliding it into her wet heat until the second knuckle. Pleasure blossomed, spreading through her skin, her muscles, even her bones. Delicious warmth bubbling in her blood.

Dalton and Rebecca had changed positions. He was fucking her from behind now, one hand holding the smaller girl by her short hair as he drove his big mean cock into her poor little pussy. With the way she screamed and shrieked, one might have thought he was hurting her. But Excella knew better. She could see Rebecca’s face… and the wild ecstasy in the girl’s glazed eyes.

Lucky bitch… If only you knew your pleasure was a gift from me…

“Yes… That’s it.” Excella hissed, dipping a second finger into the slick heat of her cunt. She sank further into her office chair, making it creak as it leaned back. A long, quiet moan flowed from her lips as she began to work her fingers. Her eyes remained riveted to the carnal display upon her computer screens. “Make her squeal. Make her beg for it.”

Excella felt pride and pleasure rise hand-in-hand within her body, stirring up deliciously in her belly. She watched Dalton’s hips surge forward in hard, fast thrusts - his body working into Rebecca’s like a machine. She watched the medic’s tight little ass quake and wobble as Dalton’s body collided with hers, the girl’s buttocks now pink and raw. Excella could only imagine how the pain and pleasure mingled there. Envy joined the sensation, but even that couldn’t drown out Excella’s satisfaction.

Dalton fucked even faster then, grunting like a brute as he pounded into Rebecca savagely, his body working at a feverish pace. Rebecca’s screams rose in pitch, broken by squeals and desperate gasps. Long gone was the professional medic, so eager and goody-goody. Replaced now with a woman driven wild, crazed by the power of a long, fat cock - and the man who knew how to use it.

“Oh, yes… yes… fuck her good!”

Excella sucked in a ragged breath, the hand not playing at her pussy now mauling her plump breasts. Grabbing them roughly, squeezing them until there was pain. Pinching her fingers around a hard nipple until Excella wanted to cry. All while her fingers fucked quick and wild into her juicy, dripping cunt. It hurt so fucking good.

She was warm, oh so warm, imagining that it was her having her body brutalized and defiled. That it was her pussy being split apart by fat cock, Dalton’s fat fucking cock. That it was her screams and wails being made into lurid music. Oh, how Excella desired to be a part of that, to have her body join his to become artwork in motion.

He should have fucked me first. Why didn’t I order him to fuck me first?

Excella couldn’t find an answer - at least, not one that pleased her. Perhaps it was her professionalism. Despite making Dalton into her perfect man, stronger, better than all others, she wanted to see if he truly was what she made him to be. But she needed to be objective, to view his abilities from afar, to not be influenced by his… raw appeal.

It was most pleasing to witness him performing beyond expectations. It took him little time at all to gain Rebecca Chamber’s trust - enough to charm his way into her bed. One of those bright-eyed goodie-goodies, now shrieking to the heavens as he plundered her tight little pussy. Excella felt no small amount of wicked joy watching Dalton make that silly, naive girl scream.

He had the girl on her back again, his rippling bulk looming over her delicate frame in some savage mockery of missionary. But Excella had to give Miss Chambers a sliver of credit. Even as Dalton had her pinned with her wrists above her head, she too had him locked down, her thighs doing their best to wrap tight around his waist, her ankles locking together just above his firm ass. The ass that was rising and falling in fierce, relentless thrusts. Hammering away at her poor, little pussy.

By now, it was clear that Miss Chambers had no screams left in her. Only breathless gasps and broken whimpers. But thanks to the clear picture, Excella could see well the fire in the girl’s eyes, the wild, burning desire for more.

A wicked smile broke across Excella Gionne’s face, a triumphant laugh bubbling up through her throat. She shifted on her chair, lifting her legs and spreading her thighs - offering herself up to a phantom lover. She imagined the shadow of Dalton was there in the office with her, that it was his fingers playing at her soaking wet cunt.

Excella worked her fingers harder, faster, trying to imitate what she thought his manner would be. Rough, hard, brutish. His fingers were thicker than hers. So she added a third to the effort. Excella grit her teeth, hissing as they delved into the tightness of her womanhood. There they worked, sinking into her silken depths, drawing heat and pleasure with every stroke. More and more, faster and faster.

And up on the computer screens, Dalton’s body worked the same upon the short, delicate Rebecca Chambers. Excella watched him unleash his lustful wrath through lidded eyes. It was a wonder he hadn’t broken her yet. In that small way, Excella had to admire the woman.

If nothing else, she knows how to handle a cock…

But still, Excella was rooting for her greatest triumph. His grunts were a delight to listen to, though Rebecca’s wails and shrieks rose even higher. Excella licked her fingers and drew them in hard circles over her nipple. She imagined it was Dalton’s tongue.

“Don’t stop…” She whispered at the screens, watching the tense, working muscles of the man’s strong back.  “Show that little girl the power of the perfect man…”

-  -  -

Rebecca Chambers was in another world.

The all-consuming heat that engulfed her body, it was burning her out from deep inside, deep in her belly, deep in her cunt. It was a tsunami of sensation, drowning her in that crushing weight until she could do nothing but surrender to it. It was a level of ecstasy she had never felt before, relentless, merciless, indomitable.

Just like the man delivering it to her.

Flat on her back, she was nothing but meat for John Dalton. Vulnerable prey for him to savor, to devour. And that was just what he did. Dalton loomed above her, inside her, driving his long, thick tool deep into the warm wetness of her womanhood. The sensation was impossible. Rebecca could only tremble and scream as he filled her up so completely, until she felt she was just about to split apart. It was such delicious pain, stinging pleasure that seared right into her sweet flesh.

Rebecca thought she might have at least gotten a little used to Dalton by now - especially after having endured him twice already. But the man was a storm, a hurricane made flesh. Untamable. You didn’t get used to a man like Dalton. You experienced him.

Annoyingly, she didn’t even have an avenue of returning the favor this time. With her hands pinned up above her head, held firmly in place by Dalton with one hand, she couldn’t grip or scratch or slap at him. The only show of spirit or defiance she could make was to wrap her legs around him. To make him finish the job, to follow through on his crazed lust.

With the way he was rocking his hips, Rebecca had a feeling he got the message.

“Still with me, Chambers?” She barely registered his gruff, breathless voice.

“So deep… fuck… you’re so deep!” Rebecca's voice was weak, wavering. She craned her head to gaze down between their bodies, watching in awe as his length sank all the way into her pussy. Again and again and again.

Above her, Dalton let out a tired laugh.

“You already got me into bed, doc. You don’t need to butter me up.”

“Sh-shut… shut up… just keep going!

There was no smart-ass remark this time. If Rebecca wasn’t being driven near-mad from the sensation of their wild lovemaking, she might have been surprised when Dalton obeyed her without another word. Instead, she threw her head back and screamed.

His pace quickened, even more relentless than before. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled her small apartment. But the sound that held dominion was from Rebecca’s own throat, her ear-splitting cries giving voice to her unbridled ecstasy.

Then came the end. An earthquake. An eruption. A tidal wave. Sensory destruction crashing down upon Rebecca, burying her in that pit of sublime, delicious feeling.

Her whole body shook with pleasure, the sensation like fire and lightning colliding within her veins. Her blood boiling over, frothing heat shooting through to the rest of her body.

“Oh, fuck… fuckUUUUUH!

Rules, customs, they were out the window. Gone. Trashed. There was no room for them in Rebecca’s new world of pleasure. She didn’t care if her shrieks woke the neighbors. She didn’t care if she woke the whole damn building.

Let them hear the sound of her twisted paradise.

Next, she felt his cock twitch, swelling up even thicker inside her pussy. Then she felt his cum, his hot seed rushing into the nexus of her womanhood. Filling her, flooding her with splendid, sticky warmth. Rebecca let out a happy sigh.

It was perfect. Dalton was perfect.

He had to be. How else could he have made Rebecca feel this good?



Jill's going to stop by for a visit. Dalton opens the door and he's naked with cum still on his dick. I think she's going to be pissed.