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The arena burned bright with the heat of battle.

Two divine beings fought on, locked in a duel for dignity. An Amazon warrior facing off against a towering brute of a foreign god. But only one of them was armed.

With a snarl, Diana took a heavy, violent swing, going right for the towering blond’s head. A killing blow to a mortal man… and perhaps even still to a being like Thor. But Diana would receive no such confirmation. Thor evaded the deadly strike with quite maddening ease. First he was there… and then he wasn’t. Quick on his feet, he was off to the side, smiling like this was some sort of game.

Diana felt anger boil within. She was beginning to loathe that smile.

At first, Diana thought the man was insulting her - a show of his superior skill that he didn’t even need a weapon to win - and that his arrogance would lead to a quick defeat at Diana’s own hands.

But as the duel drew on, as Diana continued to swing and Thor continued to dodge, it became clearer and clearer that the Varangian captain was not at all hampered by going weaponless. He was fast. Faster than a man his size had any right to be. But then again, he was a god…

The longer the duel went on, the worse it reflected on Diana. Diana could feel the eyes of her sisters upon her, she could hear them cheering for her, shouting their everlasting support from the ruins of the arena stands. She was their princess, she could not fail them. What kind of Amazon warrior couldn’t handle an unarmed man?

The question burned in the back of Diana’s mind - only burning hotter when the princess missed her mark once again, slamming the blade of the battle-axe deep into the earth where Thor had stood just an instant before. Diana winced and wrenched the blade free, whirling around to keep the foreign god in her sight.

“I thought this was supposed to be a fight.” Diana spat. “Are you truly going to spend the whole time running from me?”

Diana clutched the weapon handle tight as she circled just inside the ring of sand. Thor did the same in the opposite direction, taking slow, measured steps. An infuriatingly calm smile remained upon his face.

“Not at all. I just wanted to get a measure of you first.” The blond raider captain answered, his deep voice just as calm and measured.

The man wasn’t concerned at all about this duel. He wasn’t concerned about her. The realization was a hot poker to her insides, stoking the fires of anger within her heart. Diana felt a surge of emotion, fury blooming hot across her face. But she didn’t let her rage control her. Instead, she focused it.

“Oh, really? Then by now you should have realized how outmatched you are.”

Beyond the ring, Diana could hear her sisters cheering. But their support brought no comfort. Diana wanted blood. Her powerful legs kicking underneath her, she surged forward towards her target. She lunged with the battle-axe, a lightning-quick strike meant to take the bastard’s head off. But, as before, Diana hit nothing.

This time, though… she was moving as fast as he was. Through the corner of her eye, she could see him swerving out of the blade’s path, pumping his legs to evade the bite of his own steel. Diana surged with fury then. Using all her strength, she took an instant, second swing.

Time seemed to slow down and Diana felt the tiniest sliver of satisfaction as she observed the calm look upon the invader’s face vanish as the blade was suddenly barreling towards his head again. But that feeling was fleeting. An instant later, Diana buried the blade of the battle-axe not into flesh or bone, but into the solid earth again. The blade sunk deep into the soil with a dull THUNK.

Diana had missed again. Thor was just too fast.

“You can swing it harder if you’d like, I won’t mind. Jarnbjorn was forged from URU. It won’t break. It won’t even wear.” The man’s voice rose up from some distance behind her. Diana could hear the smile in his words. Heat rose up in her cheeks again, rage mingling now with embarrassment.

Diana turned her head to see Thor standing at the other end of the ring, looking relaxed and at ease. Though he was not smiling now, Diana could see the laughter in his eyes. She hated it.

Diana ripped the axe free from the earth, tearing out more chunks of dark soil. Some of it still clung to the blade as she raised it up, once more battle ready.

“So I see.”

She said nothing else before pumping her legs underneath, launching herself at him in another attack. This time she would go for his gut - his perfectly sculpted gut - and open him up like fish. Angling the blade to tear across the soft tissue of the Varangian’s belly, Diana visualized it in her mind - the blow that would draw blood and send the rest of his men fleeing from this island in shame and fear. But deep down, Diana expected yet another miss.

Instead, came a sudden stop. Diana felt a dull ache jolt through both of her arms. Thor had blocked the attack - no, he caught it! His hand was clasped tight around the handle just beneath the axe head - next to her own hands, Thor’s seemed almost comically large.

But that shock lasted for but an instant. With a small grin, Thor swerved his body while still gripping the handle - following through on the momentum of Diana’s attack. Using it against her to send the Amazon stumbling forward and off-balance.

Diana regained her footing quickly - halting herself mere inches from the line of sand. The Princess took a deep breath, calming her nerves. Thor had almost made a fool out of her, she quickly realized. Very nearly sending her stumbling into an automatic loss like she was some novice fighter.

And all her sisters had seen it.

“I must confess… I am a bit surprised.” She heard Thor speak up again, mirth clear in his voice. Diana fumed, but in her gut she dreaded what his next words would be. “I thought you might fight harder. What, with your own body as the prize.”

Beyond the ring, Diana heard her Amazons curse and jeer. But those sounds quickly faded. Rage quickly clouded Diana’s senses, leaving her fueled by blind fury.

With a snarl, Diana swung at his head again - a sudden surge of strength making the blade hum low and deadly through the air. But Thor evaded it, just as he did all the others. The foreign god continued to taunt her.

“And what a fine body it is! I’ve enjoyed many women in bed. But few ever matched your beauty, Amazon.”

Diana grit her teeth, her whole body burning. But the heat that coursed through her veins, blooming in her belly and worming through her insides… she knew it wasn’t all rage and anger and humiliation. As she felt Thor’s eyes rake down her body, Diana forced herself to ignore the stirring within herself that came after.

“Go on and wag your tongue, invader.” Diana rebuked him sharply. “If I’m feeling merciful it might be the only thing I take from you.”

A deep laugh rumbled up in the man’s chest. Diana’s eyes flashed down, watching the firm muscle twitch and move under his perfect skin.

“Such a fiery spirit. I like that in a woman. It makes things fun.” He didn’t speak lecherously, like Diana expected from his sort. His words were sincere, his tone almost jovial. If Thor was threatening her, it was the friendliest threat she’d ever heard.

But his words cut her deep all the same. This wasn’t a friendly little spar like she had back on Themyscira. Diana had put up her own body as the prize. Her dignity as a woman. And from what Diana could see from Thor’s clear interest…

Her mind was clouded then, visions of a possibility that shook her to the core. The Princess of the Amazons, beaten and shamed. Stripped of her armor and her dignity. Made to please a man in bed.

Diana shook her head. She had to win. There was simply no other option.

Diana steadied herself, circling the man with his own weapon ready in her hands. She hoped the onlookers - her Amazon sisters specifically - would mistake the blush on her cheeks for the exertion of battle.

Unfortunately for Diana, her opponent saw it exactly for what it was. She caught the glint of realization in his blue eyes, followed by the twitch of lips into an understanding - and infuriatingly satisfied smirk.

“You’re an immortal like me. I can see it. But…” Thor started, narrowing his eyes some as he observed her more closely. “You’ve never been with a man, have you?”

The words sent a jolt of shock down Diana’s spine, freezing her still for a moment. Then a rush of outrage followed, crashing through her mind like a violent wave. The more reasonable side of Diana, the one molded by her mother’s teaching and hours upon hours of quiet meditation, knew that the raider captain was making a play to unsteady her. And it was working.

With a fierce snarl, Diana took a wild swing with the man’s battle-axe. Rageful and unrefined the attempt was, and the blade arced nowhere near Thor.

Diana’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, knowing her sisters were witnessing their princess slowly unravel due to her own emotions. But any shame she felt was drowned out by the fury she felt burning up in her heart, the seething anger she felt at the audacity of this foreign god.

The blond didn’t cease his wagging tongue. He didn’t leave himself unarmed at all, Diana realized then. Not when his words were cutting her deeper than his axe ever could.

“I can see it in the way you move, princess. And in the way you look at me.” Thor spoke low and gentle. He did not sound like he was taunting her. And that made it all the worse for Diana. Then his voice dropped even lower, his deep voice rumbling. “Maybe that’s why you haven’t drawn blood yet. Maybe you want to lose.”

Diana’s eyes grew wide. Her heart raced… and her blood boiled. Another flash of white hot rage lit up her insides. It was almost like going blind. But with that sudden rise of anger came an eerie calm. She did not charge forward like a screaming berserker. She kept on her feet, slowly circling the ring… with a faint tremble rolling through her legs.

Stop talking.” Diana snapped. She fumed, exhaling sharply through her nose.

She gripped the battle-axe so hard her knuckles had turned white. She imagined cleaving the barbarians head from his shoulders. He would not get away with insulting her like that.

The Amazon charged again, her muscled legs pumping underneath. Each step kicked up dust as her feet struck the earth. She started low this time, swinging the axe upwards, aiming right for the bastard’s throat. Thor didn’t evade or dodge, rooted to the spot as the blade barreled towards his flesh. Diana felt a rush of excitement then. Perhaps she caught him in his thoughts, that this would win her fight.

But Thor caught his battle-axe by the handle again, the sudden stop sending an jolting ache through Diana’s arms. The blade had halted mere inches from the man’s jaw. Diana sneered and tried to push the blade up to his skin, an attempt to draw blood and end it. But the axe wouldn’t budge.

Thor was too strong. Stronger than her, she realized as cold fright raced down her back.

The blond grinned down at her… and wrenched the axe out of her hands. Diana stumbled forward, giving a small shout of shock, while Thor took some steps backwards, putting him out of her reach again. When Diana regained her balance, she realized that his men, the Varangians, were laughing and shouting with excitement. Embarrassment followed, sending a shameful heat crawling up the back of Diana’s neck. She didn’t dare glance towards her sisters in the stands.

But when she looked up at Thor, she saw that he hadn’t moved. He stood there, still grinning so maddeningly, holding his own battle-axe in both hands. For an instant, Diana tensed up, awaiting the foreign god’s counter attack. But it never came.

Instead, to Diana’s shock - and the shock of all those in stands - Thor tossed his battle-axe away. It landed with a heavy thud… outside the ring of sand.

For a moment, the arena was silent. Then came some murmurs, confused muttering. And for Diana, she felt her belly coil and twist from the rush of emotion. Her cheeks still burned, as did the back of her neck.

He’s insulting me again, Diana told herself. And embarrassment once more turned to anger.

Diana launched herself at the towering blonde, the beautiful invader who so desired her as his own prize… and punched him right in the face. Her fist collided with his jaw, the force of the blow turning his head and making him stagger. It was a solid hit. So solid that Diana’s wrist ached.

But the Varangian leader only laughed. With a smile, he reached up to stroke his jaw.

“A good strike.” He praised her, his eyes glittering with mirth. “But this fight was to first blood, was it not?”

His arm shot out then, sudden like a striking serpent. It was a testament to Diana’s training that she was able to catch the punch in time. But nothing could have prepared her for the sheer power behind his attack. All her life, Dian had sparred only with her sister Amazons. And with the blessings of the Greek Gods, she had grown accustomed to their strength - which was beyond that of mortal men.

But Thor was not a mortal man. Diana knew that the moment she laid eyes on him. And so the princess chided herself for not expecting this. For ever thinking that this would be an easy fight.

It was then that Diana felt neither shame nor anger. Instead, she felt an eagerness. A shock of daring, the same sort that lifted her spirits right before she had left for Delos. That thrill of experiencing the unknown.

Diana felt excitement then. The prospect of defeating a stronger adversary… The appeal was something she could not ignore. Or deny.

“To first blood… or until one of us yields.” Diana shot back, a smirk spreading across her face. “What will your men think, brute? When their captain is flat on his back and a woman is making him beg for mercy?”

“Lucky captain?” Thor snorted, his own smile turning a touch lecherous. His eyes drew up her body slowly, deliberately.

The smile dropped from Diana’s face just as quickly as it appeared. The man’s eyes and the lust they held were a stark reminder of just what Diana was fighting for. Or rather, what she was fighting to avoid.

With the cheers of their supporters rising from the stands, the two came together again. Now armed with only their fists and their nerves, they traded blows - two divine beings joining in a common fistfight. Diana would have found it funny if her own dignity was not hanging in the balance.

The Princess and the Invader traded punches, kicks, knees to the gut, and elbows to the ribs. Some they each managed to block and deflect, others not so much. Through the dull pain brought forth by each landing strike, Diana couldn’t help but marvel at Thor’s immaculate musculature. Every hit she managed to land on his body, she found her touch lingering for just a fraction of a second, taking the briefest moment to feel the heat, the perfection of skin, and the solid muscle just underneath.

It was a silly chance to take, letting her curiosity take precedence over the fight. And Thor would punish her for it. The tiniest moments she gave to feeling him up, he was quick enough to take the advantage. Diana should have seen it coming, the wrapping of his arms around her waist, coiling around her like thick, pale serpents. An unbreakable hold. Then he threw her aside, sending her tumbling through the air.

Diana grit her teeth, managing to land on her feet. Again, she had come inches from being sent out of bounds. Finding her balance quickly, Diana did not resume the attack. Instead, she kept her distance. Caution took priority now. Her inner voice shouted in her mind, hammering it home that her body, her virtue, was forfeit.

Thor circled her slowly, a calm surety falling across his handsome face. Diana simmered at the sight. It was vexing how pleased the man looked.

“I understand if it makes you nervous.” He said. “But you don’t need to be afraid of me.”

Diana bristled at his words.

“I’m not.

It was the truth. Diana wasn’t afraid of this foreign god. Nor was she afraid of his band of brute raiders. She had heard enough stories from her Queen mother about the barbarity of man. But nothing could dull the distress she felt at an unknown future. Of what this man might do to her should she lose their duel.

There came visions again, flashes of a carnal nature racing through her mind. She and Thor stripped bare, naked bodies joining together in a wild union. What would he make her do, she wondered? She imagined him forcing her onto her back… or down onto her knees… or maybe make her lay flat on her belly…

Would he pull her hair? Would he slap her, beat her, treat her like a cheap slave whore? Her stomach turned at the thought. Or would he be gentle? Would he fuck like an animal, but sing sweet words into her ears? Would he boast of his conquest to his followers, taking her like a bitch before their lustful eyes? Diana breathed in, damn near shivering.

The intrusive thoughts would be her undoing. They came suddenly, a moment's distraction. But that moment was all her opponent needed.

Diana had lost focus, sinking into thoughts of Thor taking her that she didn’t notice the man barreling down on her until it was too late. She only had time to give a shout of shock before Thor tackled her to the ground.

He forced her onto her belly, planting a knee on the small of her back while he held both of her wrists together in a steel grip. Diana’s cheeks burned with rage and shame… or was it because of her hot tears?

For a long moment, the princess jerked and twisted underneath the foreigner’s massive bulk, thrashing her legs where she could in a useless attempt to kick up at his head.

From then it only took seconds for the end to come. Diana gave more struggle, thrashing and writhing against Thor’s thick arms, but as time went on it became clear it was in vain. Thor was stronger than her. She could not break his hold. No matter how hard she kicked, screamed, or cursed his name, there was nothing she could do to change the result.

Diana of Themyscira had lost.


Thor’s voice was even, but hard, unwavering. He spoke that single word with such commanding authority that Diana went still - even with the storm of emotion within her heart.

But beyond the two of them, she knew there were onlookers. Witnesses to her defeat. She could hear them, that band of foreign raiders cheering and celebrating the Amazon princess brought to heel. And at the hands of a man.

Diana couldn’t bear to look at her sisters. She could only imagine the shame on their faces, the horror in their eyes… Mala, Penthiselea, Trigona, all looking upon the disgrace of their beloved princess. The very idea was a stab to Diana’s heart… and a sick turning of her gut. She closed her eyes. And then she shouted.

I yield!

Though she could see nothing, Diana heard the cheers of the arena fade into silence. Amazons and Varangians, neither spoke a word. It was unbearable.

Then she felt Thor lift his knee from her back, his hands drawing away from her wrists. The unshakable weight was gone from her in an instant. But the Princess of Themyscira didn’t immediately stand. For a moment she simply lay there in the dirt, thinking, dreading about the indignities that awaited her in the future.

When Diana finally stood, she still didn’t dare look towards her sisters. She didn’t want them to see the flush across her cheeks, nor the dishonor in her eyes. But in the end, it couldn’t be helped. Penthiselea entered the ring soon after, standing between Thor and Diana.

The princess wound up meeting the taller woman’s eyes for a second. Diana expected anger, disappointment. And indeed the expression on Penthiselea’s face was that of shock, disgust… but directed at the victor, the barbarian called Thor. For Diana, the woman looked dismayed. In her eyes, Diana could see concern and worry. Just as Diana feared her own future, so did her sisters. A small soothing for the princess’ dismay.

“In the eyes of gods and mortals…” Penthiselea announced, her voice carrying loud and clear over the stands. “The victor is Thor Odinson!

The Varangians cheered. The Amazons remained silent. Diana again felt a rising wave of shame wash over her. She had failed her sisters. She had carried the dignity of the Amazons and lost it to some foreign god. Anger began to rush back in, swirling within her soul, her heart. Anger at herself for losing, at Thor for defeating her.

But as Diana turned her eyes to the tall, blond champion, she saw that he was shockingly calm. Rather than smiling and laughing and shouting in celebration like his men, Thor was much more reserved, stoic even. He was not wild with triumph like she expected him to be, only giving a wave or two to his loyal men. But to Diana, he gave a meaningful look. And in his eyes, where Diana expected a beast’s unrestrained lust, she instead found respect… and sincerity.

“I meant what I said, princess. You need not be afraid of me.” He turned to fully face her, giving a short bow of his head. A small gesture to honor her effort in the ring. It did not soothe Diana’s disgrace… but it did give her a moment to think.

Beside her, Penthiselea scoffed. But when the taller Amazon seemed to move to confront Thor, Diana reached out and took her hand. Her sister whirled her head back, looking upon her princess with confusion. But Diana only shook her head. It was enough for Penthiselea to understand.

Diana straightened her back, standing with pride and poise as she looked upon Thor again. She took in a deep breath, settling her nerves the best she could.

“So you say. You swore your men would keep the peace on this island no matter the victor.” She gave Thor a pointed look.

“And they will. We swore by the gods and by our honor. The people of this island will see no violence from us.” Thor spoke with surety, sincerity - and loud enough for his men to hear in the stands above.

Diana could sense no lies in his words. She shared a look with Penthiselea and nodded. For just a moment, her taller sister appeared to relax. But only just so. The same Diana could see in the rest of her party, sitting up in the stands. For Diana and her sisters, it was a relief.

And it only cost my body. My dignity.

“Good.” Diana exhaled, attempting to maintain her veneer of calm. She regarded Thor again, this time with a cold gaze. “You know I cannot thank you.”

“I understand.” Thor answered, taking her bitterness in stride. He stood tall, proud, regal… looking just as royal as Diana’s own queen mother. A far cry from the barbarian she had seen landing on the docks just hours before. A spark of interest flashed across his eyes then, as he drew them up Diana’s body. A stark reminder of what the Amazon princess had to endure soon. The lusts of this man. “But all the same… I do expect you in my tent tonight.”

Beside her, Penthiselea bristled. Diana could see anger in the tensing of the woman’s shoulders. But her sister said nothing. It was not her place to interfere in the arrangements of her princess.

The Varangians began to disperse from the stands. Thor shared one last look with Diana, awaiting her answer. All she could give was a single nod. It was enough for him. The towering, muscled blond turned to join his men. And Diana did the same with her Amazons.

Like Penthiselea, the rest of her party were silent, all looking upon their princess with expressions of concern, of worry, of barely contained dread. Diana did her best to maintain her calm grace, striding forth with purpose as befitting royalty. Trying to maintain the illusion of dignity.

The small party departed the ruins of the arena, none speaking a word. Save of course, for Diana’s dear friend Mala.

“You don’t need to go to him, Diana.” She whispered urgently, reaching out to take her by the hand. “He’s just some raider. A barbarian! His word is worthless!

Some of the Amazons, Penthiselea, Trigona, they murmured in agreement. But Diana shook her head.

“But mine is not.” Diana lifted her chin high, drawing her hand free from Mala’s. She looked upon each of her Amazons, standing every inch a princess. A reminder to them… and to herself. “I am the princess of Themyscira. I must keep my word.”

Tonight, I will give myself to this man.

Tonight, I share a bed with Thor Odinson.



Magnificent story but the slow burn is killing me :)


It won't be long until Diana knows where Thor's true strength lies...