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Cersei brought the silver goblet to her lips, sipping the Arbor red. It tingled on her lips and tongue, fruity at first but then followed by an oaky aftertaste. It lingered even as she gulped it down, the aroma sticking to the roof of her mouth and the back of her nostrils.

The wine was sweet… but not so sweet as the vision before her.

With interest most keen, the lioness watched as her newest sworn sword enjoyed the rewards that he had so diligently earned. Ser Damon looked quite pleased to be outnumbered - doubtless, this was due to the two women who loomed over him.

Lady Taena sat astride the bastard knight, naked but for the silk gown bunched around her belly. She was rolling her hips with urgent need, moaning with abandon, tossing her head back upon a particularly hard stroke. Her long, dark locks danced over the lovely line of her bare back, brushing away at the tiny droplets of sweat. Lower, Cersei delighted in Taena’s full, plump ass resting atop Ser Damon’s balls. She knew the entirety of his manhood was engulfed in the warmth of the Myrishwoman’s soaking cunt.

But the pleasures did not end there for the queen’s sworn sword. Up further, his other head found all new delights. Resting upon the soft thighs of Alanaya like they were pillows, Ser Damon’s attention was pulled between two - Taena, the noble lady rocking upon his cock, and the Summer Islander whore whose dark, ample tits hung low into his face.

Every so often, Cersei watched the man crane his neck, reaching up with his lips to kiss and suck at the lower slopes of Alanaya’s bosom. Cersei could see the whore was amused, delighted by the bastard knight’s ravenous lust.

The Summer Islander giggled sweetly, stroking her long fingers through Ser Damon’s dark red hair. Then she drew her legs out from under his head, putting the man flat on his back. A moment later, she was upon him just as Taena was - capturing his lips in a deep kiss.

The queen’s sworn sword was best upon - but as the seconds ticked by, he seemed to mind the women’s aggression less and less. It was the sort of bout that a man didn’t care to win - the real triumph was facing it at all.

Enjoying the company of two women at once - this was the reward Ser Damon had killed for. Cersei admired the simplicity of it. The daughter of Lannister had learned long ago - men were not complicated. And the pleasures of the flesh were a powerful motivator.

“Fuck him harder, Taena.” Cersei commanded, enjoying another sip of wine. The tingle danced upon her tongue, the warmth buzzing through her veins. “It’s not a trial if he’s not being tested.”

“As it… pleases you… my queen…” The Myrishwoman spoke between her panting, breathless. She threw a glance over her shoulder, sharing a quick look with Cersei. It was enough for the queen to catch a glimpse of the fire in the dusky woman’s eyes. She lived to please her queen.

As Taena continued riding the bastard knight, Cersei circled the bed, enraptured by the way their naked bodies writhed together. Her smile grew as she watched Taena’s hips rock faster atop Ser Damon’s lap. The sound of the man’s muffled grunts thrilled the golden lioness.

Ser Damon was being smothered in pleasure on two fronts - his cock buried nicely in Lady Taena’s sweet silken core and his mouth held under the dominion of the spirited Alanaya. Taena rode him even harder, gasping as she rocked her hips fiercely - in turn drawing similar desperate sounds from the man beneath her.

Damon broke the kiss with Alanaya, letting loose a wavering groan as his head fell back onto the bed. His hands came up, taking the Myrish noblewoman by her ample hips. He held firm, taking back a measure of control as Taena rocked atop him in a quick, desperate rhythm.

Cersei watched the tremble of pleasure roll through his body, delighting in the tension and release along the muscles of his chest, his abdomen, even his arms and legs. But her sworn sword did not break. He caught his queen’s gaze for only a moment, but it was enough to light a fire in his heart. The resurgence came quickly - Ser Damon rose, sitting up to hold Taena in his lap.

The dusky woman gave a cry of delight, laughing as the Stormlander’s strong arms coiled around her waist. He held her close, grunting rough and ragged as he fucked hard between her lush thighs. His eyes were wild, blazing, and his pace only quickened from there. Taena’s moans rose in pitch, turning to squeals… then into unbridled cries, desperate and needy.

Cersei looked on, enthralled, even proud of her sworn sword. She herself knew well the pleasure of Lady Taena’s intimate touch. To keep his strength and composure under the honeyed sweetness of her body spoke well of his endurance… and his own skill in bed.

The lioness queen studied Lady Taena’s face, noting the dampness along her brow, the trickle of sweat down her temple, the flushed skin of her cheeks… and above all, she saw the ecstasy that shone brilliantly within her dark eyes. Cersei knew that the stirring in her belly was envy… but still she did not dare to join them.

When Ser Damon finally earned his place in Cersei’s bed, the queen would have him all to herself. Even better was that he would be most grateful to her. A man’s loyalty could be bought with gold and sweet flesh - Cersei had both.

“My queen is… most generous…” Ser Damon huffed, his hard eyes peering at Cersei over Taena’s shoulder. He took ragged breaths, speaking between low grunts as he held firm to Taena’s rolling hips. “Allowing me to enjoy… the pleasures of the flesh… without limit…”

Alanaya was at his back then, gently sliding her hands over his muscled shoulders. Cersei watched her many bracelets clink together upon her wrists, the gold shining in contrast to her lovely dark skin. The whore brought her lips to Damon’s ear as she slid up to cradle him from behind.

“The only limits are those of your body, Ser.” The Summer Islander sang softly, peppering his neck with light kisses. One of her hands reached forth to stroke Lady Taena’s cheek, playing with a lock of her dark hair. The Myrishwoman managed a small smile through her dazed expression, laughing tiredly. Alanaya giggled in turn, a sweet and musical sound. She brought her lips to Ser Damon’s ear again. “Can you outlast the both of us? I’ve heard stories about you from the Street of Silk.”

“Have you?” The bastard knight smirked.

“Word travels quickly in King’s Landing. There are few secrets in this city.” Alanaya purred, nipping playfully at his earlobe.

Ser Damon again shared a quick glance with Cersei. She took another sip of wine, not daring to break first. His confidence was a delight to see. The man’s eyes lit up and his smirk grew. He turned back towards the Summer Island beauty, their noses brushing together.

“Then you already know what sort of man I am.” He spoke low, almost growling.

His arms coiled tighter around Lady Taena’s waist, his firm body working even harder against hers. Alanaya at his back, kissing and licking at his neck, only seemed to drive him deeper into his frenzied lust. He fucked hard into the dusky woman in his lap, burying his face in the swells of her bosom. Not even two women could satiate him completely - a man untamed by the feminine. Cersei saw it then - the truth that she had chosen a most capable sword.

It was not a surprise when Lady Taena quickly found her release - nor was it a surprise that she voiced her pleasure without modesty. Taena signaled her climax with a wail that might have had her mistaken for a banshee. She rocked her hips, riding out her ecstasy upon Ser Damon’s hard cock - the man himself remained unshakeable.

Gods…” Taena shivered as her body slowed to a gentle, leisurely pace. She clung to Ser Damon, locking hands with Alanaya as they sandwiched the man between them. The two shared a soft but lingering kiss and again Cersei felt a spike of envy - the queen knew well the wonderful softness of Taena’s lips. The Myrish noblewoman met Cersei’s eyes again, her gaze still sultry and inviting even after being undone by the man beneath her. “Your sweet knight… is a blessed man, your grace.”

“So I see.” Cersei felt a smile tugging at her lips. Lady Taena loyalty had been bought by the crown and by House Lannister some time ago, but her praise was satisfying to hear all the same.

The queen took another sip of wine - the last of what remained in her goblet - looking on, enraptured by the vision of their naked bodies finally pulling apart. She watched as Damon’s manhood slipped from Taena’s weeping cunt, the thick length smeared with both her ending and his own. Even after reaching climax, he remained hard, swollen. Just what Cersei wanted to see.

“Sample the delights of the Summer Islander, Ser Damon.” Cersei commanded as she drifted towards a nearby table - and the pitcher of Arbor red resting atop it. She poured herself another full goblet, not taking her eyes off the naked trio on the bed. “Show her the prowess of Westerosi stock.”

“As you desire, my queen.” Ser Damon answered in a rough voice.

If the man was tired, he didn’t show it - reaching over and easily scooping Alanaya into his arms. He drew the dark-skinned beauty into a deep kiss, setting her right in his lap. Cersei watched as the whore’s full, plump ass came to rest upon the knight’s turgid spear, smothering him with the softness of her rear-end.

Alanaya happily accepted his affection, kissing back with much fervor, moaning into his mouth. His hands rose, roaming across the sensual lines of her back. Cersei breathed in softly, finding the contrast of Damon’s pale hands against Alanaya’s dark skin to be more alluring than she’d ever thought. A foreign treasure, an exotic delight consumed by Westerosi lust. It felt more than just carnal - for Queen Cersei, it felt right.

The Summer Islander spoke then, moaning softly - giving words to Cersei’s thoughts.

“I love you Andals.” Alanaya hummed, cradling Ser Damon’s head as he pressed kisses to her full breasts. Her long, slender fingers threaded through his hair, gently stroking his head. “Always so handsy… and so lustful!

Seemingly intent to prove the whore correct, Ser Damon gave a playful growl. He took hold of Alanaya by her hips and flipped her onto her back. She gave a cry of shock and delight, giggling as the pale man brought his lips to her bosom again, kissing up her chest until he reached her neck. With his knees, he nudged her thighs apart, spreading her legs so that her sex was open, vulnerable. The glistening pink was ripe for him to take, to conquer.

He speared her next, sinking his cock inside her in a single, swift thrust. Alanaya squealed, clutching hopelessly at the man’s arms and back. There was nothing she could do but be taken.

“That’s my Stormlander blood, sweetling. It runs hotter than other men.” Cersei heard Ser Damon rasp, his voice coming strained and rough as he started to work his body into his second woman of the evening. The Summer Islander gave a pitiful moan, writhing weakly against him as he sank deeper into her cunt.

He held her wrists, pinning her to the bed. Cersei felt a warmth in her chest, in her belly, feeling then just how tight her gown was. She sipped at her wine, breathing deeply as her sworn sword began to fuck the foreign whore right before her eyes.

“He’s a bastard, as well.” Cersei found herself speaking, the words pouring forth suddenly. She couldn’t stop herself, stepping towards the bed to get a better view of their naked, writhing bodies. “You know their sort well enough, I’d imagine. Lecherous creatures. Slaves to their carnal desires. All they know how to do is fight and fuck.

Cersei looked down upon Alanaya’s pretty face, her soft, exotic features twisted in pleasure. Their eyes met, curiosity and desire mixing together. The Summer Islander held the queen’s gaze… then offered a faint smile.

“He’s my favorite sort of man, your grace.” Alanaya answered, breathless. Next, she gave a tired laugh. “I might have done this for free!”

Ser Damon dipped his head down, stealing a kiss. Cersei watched his ass rise and fall, thrusting steadily between the woman’s thighs. He grunted, the muscles of his arms and back growing tense. But still he managed a laugh of his own.

“Serving Queen Cersei… I’ve found it to be most rewarding.” He japed, a chuckle rumbling in his throat.

Cersei at first said nothing, touching the edge of her goblet to her lips. Beyond the coupling, she could see Lady Taena stir back to consciousness. That was good. She didn’t want her dear friend to miss the show.

“Stop talking and fuck this whore.” The Queen commanded.

Ser Damon gave a nod and obeyed. Beneath him, the Summer Islander gave a wordless cry, her nails digging into the man’s back as he fucked his fill of her tight cunt. Their bodies collided, Westerosi strength leading a conquest of the foreign, exotic femininity. Plundering the sweet treasures of Alanaya’s dark and luscious curves.

Soon, the whore was screaming, crying out to her foreign gods. Ser Damon remained undaunted, tirelessly working himself against her, inside her, making this woman come undone with only his strength and his skill. And Cersei watched. She admired. The beauty of man and woman joined as one flesh - and the spirited effort displayed by her sworn sword.

Cersei again felt a smile spreading across her face - her delight was sincere. Ser Damon had once more vindicated his queen’s decision.

Lady Taena had spoken true - something Alanaya was now experiencing for herself.

Ser Damon Storm was indeed a blessed man.


Lord Mehmeh

Finally I paid my membership because of this story


Well, there'll be more updates coming up for The Stormlander! Glad you've stuck around!


More! (Great chapter!)