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AN: The start of a new, lengthy project that I'm sure many of you were excited to read.

Thor: Champion of the Realms, much like Thorne's Lance, takes place in a crossover AU between Marvel and DC Comics (and a little bit with God of War: Ragnarok). Our favorite god of thunder will indeed cross paths with a good number of beautiful superheroines.


Update: Made some additions at the behest of the commissioner.

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Tomorrow, I will be king.

The thought echoed through Thor’s mind, over and over and over, ringing like a thunderous bell. The pride of Asgard lay naked in bed, staring up at the high ceiling of his private chambers, tracing the golden arches with his eyes.

Everything my father built. And his father. And his father before. Tomorrow, it all falls to me.

Even through the thick, gilded doors, Thor could hear the muffled sounds of drinking and revelry happening in the halls of the royal palace. For a fortnight, Valaskjalf had been host to all manners of celebrations and festivities, each day louder and wilder than the last.

Asgardians slaked their thirst with the finest wines and sweetest meads, sated their lusts with the most buxom and willing of wenches. All to honor the ascension of their new king. Their new All-Father.

Thor Odinson.

It had been a year since Odin had announced to his family his intent to resign the throne, Hlidskjalf, to his eldest son. Only now was the reality setting in. But Thor still couldn’t truly believe it.

Were the prince a millennia younger, he would have been out and about, celebrating harder than any Asgardian. He would have been drinking his friends and family under the table, filling his belly with the most succulent roasts, taking intimate pleasure with eager female company. For a younger Thor, this would have been the prelude to the greatest day of his life.

But now, today? The Prince of Asgard was not so sure.

“I know that look.” A lovely voice swept away the silence. Thor felt a pleasant warmth rising in his heart as the sound of bare feet approached his bed. “Even now you feel unsure of yourself, Odinson.”

Thor craned his head upwards, a faint grin forming at the sight of his beloved Sif. A tall woman she was - and just as naked as he. Her long, sensual legs stretched upwards into the delightful curves of her hips, turning to the faint swell of her otherwise flat belly, and up even further into pale, plump breasts. The elegant lines of her face were home to sweet, full lips and sharp, blue eyes. But her most alluring feature was her hair. Rich golden locks tied into a long, wondrous braid trailing all the way down to her knees, its length tied with charms and beads and norse runes.

She was his beloved wife. And every inch a queen. Even if he’d wanted so desperately to marry another, he did not regret making Sif his Asgardian bride.

Nonetheless, Thor briefly felt a pang of guilt. But it was soon washed away as he continued to admire Sif’s beauty.

Thor’s smile widened as she drew closer to the bed. He could see then that she carried a jug, holding it by her side. Whether it was full of wine or water, he did not know. But he did know why she brought it: lovemaking between a god and goddess was a uniquely strenuous task.

As Sif set the jug down upon a golden night table, Thor continued to admire her beauty. He drew his eyes slowly over her body, delighting in the curve of her wide hips, the small tuft of golden hair between her legs, then upwards to the tattoos that line her right arm and neck, runes set upon her perfect skin in pale blue ink. And upon her wrist, a band of gleaming golden uru, engraved with Nordic runes. Engraved with his name. Their symbol of marriage. Marking her as one of Asgard, one of his.

“I’m simply thinking about what is to come, my love.” Thor answered, shifting his body so that his head and upper back came to rest on an incline of pillows. A century of marriage or a dozen, he always enjoyed a better view of Sif’s splendid nudity.

Thor did not attempt to hide his appreciation. Sif saw his desire. And he could see in her eyes that it pleased her. With a spark of daring in her eyes, his most loyal warrior crawled back into bed with him.

Even after hours and hours of making love, they both craved more.

Sif let out a soft hum as she draped herself over her husband, pressing her generous curves against his firm, solid muscle. Her warmth enveloped him, her love pouring out from body, seeping into Thor’s muscles and bones. Her breasts flattened against his chest, the only way for the abundant flesh to escape was to spill out to the sides. The blonde beauty sighed, her nipples brushing against Thor’s skin as she slid up his body.

Thor felt his cock stir to life, his hardening rod twitching slightly against the softness of Sif’s inner thigh. The god of thunder gave a rumbling chuckle, his arms rising to hold his woman close. He knew he could live a thousand Asgardian lifetimes and not once tire of the delights womankind had to offer. Especially from a warrior so fierce as his beloved Sif.

Her love belongs to me.

Sif laid upon him, saying nothing. Though she did brush her fingers over the uru band set upon his bicep. Like the one on her own wrist, it was a symbol of their marriage. Engraved with Sif’s name… and the name of one other, etched in foreign runes. Sif drew her thumb over the second name, a faint smile tugging at her lips. Again, Thor felt a swell of guilt. Odinson’s other great love was perhaps the most ill-kept secret on Asgard, but Sif had never once pressed the issue.

A magnificent woman, the lady Sif. Perhaps more than I deserve…

Her eyes were warm, but expectant. For his words, he knew, not for a showing of his bedtime prowess.

“Even with all my strength and power, I cannot know what the future holds.” Thor continued, sighing. He let his head fall back onto the pillows, returning his gaze to the gilded ceiling. “I can’t help but wonder what kind of king I’ll be…”

Sif gave a snort which quickly broke into giggles. Thor raised a brow, holding his wife close as she trembled lightly in his arms. She lifted herself onto her elbows, steadying herself on her husband’s broad chest. Her eyes glittered with amusement, her soft lips curled into a teasing smile.

“You, who wields the mighty Mjolnir?” She spoke with mock-incredulity, snickering through her words. “You, who led Odin’s armies against the corruption of the Dark Elves? Against the tyranny of Apokolips and the madness of the Black Quadrant? You, who defeated the Fire Giant Surtur in single combat?”

“Good warriors don’t always make good kings.” Thor answered plainly.

Sif rolled her eyes. She dropped down to press a single gentle kiss to his chest, before laying flat upon her husband’s body once more. Her arms slid upward, wrapping about his shoulders. Her warmth seemed to pool over him a second time, even sweeter than before.

“That is true. But you are more than just a good warrior, my love.” Sif whined softly, pressing more sweet kisses to Thor’s body. “You are wise, kind, and just. You have protected countless innocents throughout the realms, no? And if that’s not enough, you will have me by your side to keep you honest and steady. You are ready to be king.”

Thor took a long moment to consider her words. That the loyal and fierce Lady Sif had so much faith in him was humbling indeed. Even more so than having her love and devotion.

The would-be king sighed, running a hand down his woman’s naked back, feeling her smooth, soft skin. He traced the curve of her spine, traveling lower until his hand came to rest just above her ass. For a moment, he had a mind to reach even further down and grab himself a nice handful. But he restrained himself. There would be enough time to play later.

“There was once a time when that wasn’t true.” Thor admitted after a silence. “When I was arrogant and brash. When I wasn’t even worthy to wield Mjolnir.”

Thor’s head lolled to the side, casting his eyes upon the hammer in question. The blunt head was colored a dark gray, the face smooth save for the runes etched along the edges of the head, and the handle just long enough for him to wield it with one hand. Created by the dwarves in their secret forge that brought both wonders and horrors into existence, it was made from the legendary uru metal - and thus nigh-indestructible. It gleamed in the candlelight, never once losing its polish even after centuries of use. Thor could feel its thunderous power thrumming faintly through the air, buzzing over his bare skin. A mighty weapon made specifically for Thor’s hand - but enchanted to only come to him when he had proven himself worthy.

Thor remembered then just how many years Mjolnir spent waiting.

Sif squirmed atop him, following her husband’s gaze. She giggled, rich and sweet, as she sat up in his lap. She ran her hands over his chest as she did, wiggling her bottom as she found her balance. Thor let out a light huff, his half-hard cock now finding itself nestled pleasantly against her plump buttocks. Sif’s lips curled into a teasing smirk as she wiggled her ass in his lap again, batting his shaft gently between her soft cheeks.

Mmm.” The blonde hummed, leaning forward just enough for her breasts to hang down. The great swells just barely brushed against his skin. She continued to play her fingers upon his chest, walking them over the tight and firm muscle. Beyond the naughtiness in her eyes, Thor caught her fascination. He smiled faintly, knowing his wife adored exploring his body as much as he did hers. “Back in your untamed youth, of course. I’ve heard intriguing things.”

There was something else in her eyes then, a flash of interest. Thor raised a brow, his smile growing.

“Have you? What sorts of things?”

Sif pursed her lips, idly tracing one of Thor’s battle scars with her finger. The interest in her eyes was joined quickly by a girlish excitement, an eagerness that he could feel fluttering through her body.

“A hot-blooded prince, eager to prove his worth.” Sif almost sang the words, cooing as she rose back up to sit in her husband’s lap. She drew her hands down his body, dragging her fingers softly and sweetly over the corded muscles of his stomach. Her eyes lit up, her lips spreading into a dazed smile. She felt his body, admiring him through loving touch without fear or shame. Just as Thor liked it. Her gaze locked with his. “Spending his wild years fighting and fucking his way through the nine realms and beyond. Does that sound familiar?”

Another giggle bubbled up in Sif’s throat. She rolled her hips in his lap, slow and wanton, drawing her warm sex over her husband’s hardened shaft. Thor grunted low and deep, feeling his manhood twitch angrily, the pride of Asgard now swollen and throbbing.

“Very.” Thor answered, the single word coming out coarse and clipped.

Sif’s sweet laugh turned into a naughty cackle. She flipped her long, golden braid over her shoulder, bearing both breasts to Thor’s hungry eyes. Succulent swells, deliciously round and plump, capped with puffy pink nipples. But still Thor kept his eyes locked with Sif’s.

Very? Oh, there must have been many lustful wenches, yes?” Sif bit her lip, rolling her hips again. The warmth of her womanhood had turned to heat and he could feel her arousal glaze the length of his swollen cock. Sif’s voice dropped low, smooth and sweet like warm honey. “How could there not have been? The pride of Asgard is splendid, indeed.”

It was Thor’s turn to laugh, a deep chuckle rumbling up through his chest. His arms rose, coiling around his beloved’s trim waist like steel serpents, strong and unyielding. He drew her close, holding her lush curves and rousing heat flush to his own body. His wife’s lecherous side was infectious. She was perhaps the only woman in the realms who was as lustful as he… aside from perhaps one or two others.

“I admit, there were women.” Thor confessed, stealing a quick kiss from his wife. But his lips did not start there. He continued on, kissing and tasting of her neck, her collarbone, the upper swells of her breasts. He grinned, murmuring with his face buried between her mounds. “There were many women.”

Sif shoved him back, pushing him flat onto the bed. But Thor knew it was not from anger. He smirked up at his magnificent woman, noting with silent glee the burning arousal in her eyes. She was not jealous, never jealous. Instead, hearing of Thor’s sexual triumphs pleased her. And from the slick heat Thor could feel dribbling down onto his cock, it pleased her greatly.

The fierce Lady Sif planted both hands firmly upon Thor’s bare chest - a move that sent delightful ripples through the soft flesh of her tits. Her blue eyes were bright with keen interest.

“Tell me a story, my king.” Her pleading came soft, but there was feverish passion trembling just beneath the surface. “I wish to hear of your scandalous youth. Give me an adventure… perhaps with a wench or three.”

She gave a wicked smile then. She drew one of her hands back, reaching behind her. Thor sucked in a deep breath as her fingers sought his manhood, stroking his cock against the swells of her ass. He was at full hardness now, his staff so long and mighty the head prodded at her back - not her buttocks. Even as Sif stroked godly length she continued to grind her dripping cunt against him, smearing it with her arousal.

“Actually…” Sif sang, purring. Her eyes were dark with desire, piercing down to Thor’s very soul. “Tell me the story of her. Tell me about the woman who stole my husband’s heart. The woman whose scent I’ve smelled on your skin. Whose sweet cunt I’ve tasted upon your cock. The woman you still leave Asgard to visit, even to this day. I want to know about the woman who can make even the honorable and just Odinson unfaithful.”

Thor let out a heavy sigh. There was no sharpness to Sif’s words - she had long ago accepted her husband’s godly appetite for female company. Sometimes she even liked to watch. His wife was only teasing him. But the guilt cut through him all the same. Even so, he knew he could not deny a servant to the throne so loyal as Sif.

If his wife wanted to know of the other woman, he would tell her. Though now that he was soon to be king, perhaps he would no longer need to keep them separate…

“Alright.” Thor answered in a strained voice. A faint groan followed as Sif began to pump his cock harder. He could hear it now, the sounds of her hand working over the slick shaft. “You wish to know of my first great love. She’s… a sensational woman. Strong. Fierce. Blessed with divine beauty - much like yourself.”

Sif slowed her strokes, using her fingers to massage his swollen cockhead. The blonde smirked down at her husband, very pleased with his praise.

“Do continue.”

Thor nodded, taking a deep breath. Slowly, he ran his hands over her full, soft thighs. He took a short moment to enjoy the warmth of her skin, the lushness of her womanly curves. There were few women so perfect as his beloved Sif. And tonight she would know of one.

“Let me tell you of the time I met the Princess of the Amazons…”


Basilisk Basilisk

Good start, im looking forward to more of this, do you have an upload schedule for this? And I assume all of the future chapters will be about Thor’s past conquests or will we get to read some with him as king?


The first arc takes place in the past, but the real story takes place in the present, covering Thor's tenure as King of Asgard. The commissioner and I have a number of story arcs planned, each focusing on a different corner of this shared DC/Marvel universe. You can expect multiple updates for this story each month through the end of the year. Thor: Champion is looking to be the next mainstay of mine, right alongside Primal Imperative, Superman: Brides, Thorne's Lance, True Blue, and The Stormlander.