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There was a feeling of lurid awe that swirled within Rafe. He sat at the bar, still as a statue, his wide eyes riveted towards the nightclub’s central stage. Upon it was an absolutely filthy performance unfolding before the cheering crowd - two lovely, lithe creatures locked in a carnal embrace.

Their enticing curves presented them as womanly. Their blue skin displayed them as asari. And the signs that advertised the show told Rafe that they were family.

Blood-related. Mother and daughter.

Fucking up on stage.

Rafe Thomas had grown up a colony kid. Born to honest, hard-working parents who raised their son to be an honest, hard-working man. A good man. The sort who would keep to his principles even when he ventured out into the wild, cutthroat galaxy.

He had been taught to stand for decency, to be upstanding and respectable. And though he didn’t always live up to his own standards - he had come to Blueshift to get drunk and ogle the half-naked dancers - he still mostly held true to his upbringing.

So why did the incestuous obscenity happening on stage turn him on?

One half of the deviant pair was standing - Cerise, the daughter - her long, lovely legs spread into a wide stance. The other asari knelt before her, almost in reverence. Cerise cradled the head of her other half - her own mother, Celene - forcing the older asari’s beautiful face right up into her groin. From what Rafe could see, the slight movements of Celene's head, the rolling of Cerise’s hips, the fluttering of the daughter’s eyes, the young man knew in his heart that carnal acts weren’t simulated.

The asari matron was eating her daughter out, right there on stage. Licking and slurping obediently between the shapely maiden’s legs.

A wicked smile spread across Cerise’s face, her lips parting in delight. Rafe could tell she was loving it. And from the thunderous cheer that rose from the rest of the club patrons, he knew they did too.

Rafe shifted on his barstool, the beginning of a hard-on stirring in his jeans. Thankfully, not a single soul in the club was paying attention to the human. Not when there was an asari depravity to watch.

Even through the pulsing music and the loud cheers, the sound of the performers’ lewd, lurid moans reached Rafe’s ears. Passionate, sultry, sweet as honey. They sent his heart racing even further, heat spreading through his body.

“Oh, shit. You weren’t kidding.” Rafe muttered absently to the bartender.

The salarian snorted, giving what Rafe thought was a smirk.

“I never kid. And I bet you’ve never seen anything like that.” The bartender nodded towards the stage. He didn’t seem quite as engaged with the sordid performance as Rafe or any of the other club goers. But Rafe caught perhaps a bit of interest all the same, even within the alien’s dark eyes.

Rafe downed the rest of his drink, not even feeling the usual burn. He turned his eyes back to the mother-daughter asari pair. Cerise held her mother’s head with both hands now, forcing the elder asari to tongue deeper into her dripping cunt. The movement brought forth delightful jiggling through the softness of both of their bodies. Rafe swallowed, his cock hardening quickly, straining against the fabric of his pants.

“No.” The human admitted. “Can’t say that I have.”

“Another beer?” He heard the bartender offer behind him.

“No thanks.” Rafe breathed in deep, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He leaned against the bar, resting on his elbows. The two asari continued to join in their wicked union. Rafe was unwilling to look away. “I want to be sober for this.”

Cerise drew Celene’s head back from her soaking cunt, the mother’s lips and chin smeared with saliva and slick. There was a glazed look in Celene’s eyes, a dreamy expression on her sculpted face. Rafe understood it well. He envied the woman’s position.

He envied it even more when the daughter forced her mother onto her back… and sat upon the elder asari’s head. The crowd cheered. And Cerise let loose a wild moan, rolling - no, grinding her pussy into her mother’s face.

Rafe felt his cock twitch, smothered against his inner thigh. He tightened his jaw, exhaling slowly through his nose. But he did not move an inch.

Good God… If this is what they do on Illium… I wonder what the asari get up to on Thessia…

-  -  -

Cerise sighed, enjoying the sensation of her mother’s tongue dutifully lapping at her cunt. Had she been the fresh-faced maiden of a century ago, the sheer pleasure would have had her legs give out. Even now, Cerise felt a faint tremble rolling through her thighs as she crouched over Celene’s face.

The maiden bared her teeth, hissing in delight. She rolled her hips, grinding her womanhood harder against her mother’s eager mouth - and Celene worked her tongue even harder in turn. It was molten bliss between her legs then, sloppy, wet, and white hot. It was an inferno that rose through Cerise’s body, frothing up from deep in her belly, filling her chest, boiling in her veins, before finally pouring out through her lips in a long, wavering moan.

But ecstasy wasn’t the only sensation that bathed Cerise’s body. She too felt a wicked excitement, a dirtiness that gave the wild maiden a potent thrill. It stirred deep inside, a serpent coiling within the blazing heat. Every eye in Blueshift was fixed firmly upon her and her mother - riveted by their filthy performance.

Mother and daughter, their lithe bodies of indigo twisting together, crossing the line of decency without shame and without hesitation.

Yes… watch me… watch us… tell us how much you love us…

The wicked thrill gave way to devious delight, Cerise feeling a splendid thrum course through her nerves as the cheers rose higher and higher from the crowd surrounding the stage - their little island of depraved pleasure.

The asari maiden shuddered as her mother’s tongue wormed its way deeper into her slick cunt. Cerise let loose a shaky breath, nearly doubling over. As she leaned forward, she saw Celene’s lovely body laid out before her. Wearing a dirty smile, Cerise reached forth and palmed one of her mother’s breasts, her slender fingers groping the soft mounds. Her other hand slid down Celene’s supple belly, ghosting just over the skin until she reached the junction between her mother’s legs. There she found Celene slick, dripping wet from arousal. Cerise gave a devious, delighted hum.

Already this turned on? You really are a kinky little whore, mother.

Cerise slid her fingers over Celene’s slick mound, enjoying the velvet softness of her mother’s azure. Beneath her, Cerise could feel Celene tremble at her touch, the lashing of her tongue becoming wild, unrestrained. Cerise sighed happily, shivering as Celene released a deep moan, muffled by her own daughter’s cunt.

The crowd knew what was happening, knew the delights the mother and daughter were bestowing unto one another. Their cheers grew into a thunderous roar of praise. The entirety of the room, asari and aliens alike, swept up into the wicked thrill just as Cerise was. It spurred the asari dancer on even further.

“I told you they’d love us, mother.” Cerise spoke.

Even with her face being used as a seat cushion, even over the cheers of the crowd, Celene had heard her daughter… and could only give a muffled moan in response. The heat and vibrations were pleasant enough.

Cerise giggled, rolling her hips to press her sex harder against her mother’s face.

“Show them how much you love your special little girl!” The lustful maiden demanded, letting loose a sordid laugh.

Celene obeyed - Cerise could feel her mother begin to devour her cunt. Now clinging to Celene’s creamy thighs for support, Cerise kept her composure, only letting out a deep sigh.

Celene is such a good partner, Cerise thought warmly. She deserves a little something for being so diligent.

Flashing a bright smile towards the onlookers, Cerise then leaned forward, laying her body along Celene’s… and bringing her face right up against her mother’s slick, dripping wet pussy.

But just as she was about to bury her face between her mother’s legs, one of the onlookers caught her eye. All the way at the back, sitting at the bar, Cerise locked eyes with a human. A male human, young and fresh-faced, just as Cerise herself had once been. He was cute enough, she decided, with his eyes wide in shock at their bawdy display.

Cerise had heard stories of human men, about how horny they tended to be. The idea that she and her mother had left one so stunned with their performance delighted her. But there was something else within the young man’s dazed expression that thrilled Cerise. Beyond his shock, she could see something else.

There was awe in his eyes. Admiration. Reverence. He looked like he was going through a religious experience. Like he was looking upon the goddess Athame herself. Or whatever it was that humans worshiped.

Cerise liked it.

The way the human was gazing upon her and her mother filled Cerise with a pleasant warmth, even beyond the thrill she felt from others witnessing their debauchery. She wanted to explore that further, so the maiden decided right then. She was going to make this show one that the human would never forget.

She took one last glance at his cute, wide-eyed face… and dove her head between her mother’s legs. The warmth of Celene’s thighs, the softness of her skin, the heavy musk of her arousal, all graced Cerise at the same time. It enveloped her senses and became her world, her singular purpose. She was going to make her mother cum.

Lips met lips. Cerise, like a good daughter, began to lick and slurp dutifully at her mother’s dripping cunt. The potent, delectable flavor graced her tongue. Cerise drank it down.

Beyond, on another world, the cheers grew wild. Beneath her, Cerise could feel Celene squirm and writhe from the sensations brought forth by her lashing tongue. The maiden felt a spike of satisfaction then, mingling with the pleasure. It was a delight, knowing that her own mother was putty in her hands.

For a long moment, the two were locked together like that. Their bodies linked face to pussy, each pleasuring the other and being pleasured in turn. Mother and daughter, devouring and being devoured. A cycle of pleasure and wickedness, flesh and blood made into a work of art as obscene as it was magnificent to behold.

Cerise tongued Celene. And Celene tongue Cerise. Lashing, licking, slurping, and sucking with abandon.

Cerise just hoped the human hadn’t passed out from shock. She wanted him to see. It was a preview of what was to come for him, after all.

This went on for a time. But then Cerise drew her face up from between Celene’s legs. The audience could see that her lip and chin were smeared with a mix of saliva and her own mother’s slick. It sent a wonderful shiver down Cerise’s back. She wanted them to see. Especially for what came next.

The next stage of their performance.

Cerise sat back upon Celene’s face. Her mother’s hands rose, coming up to cradle the swells of her ass. The maiden cackled as the crowd roared with approval.

“You all like what you’ve seen?” Cerise called out over the sea of astonished faces.

Yeah!” The patrons of Blueshift cried together.

Wicked delight thrummed through Cerise’s body. Their love, their adoration, their lusts and desires, it fueled her spirit, setting her heart ablaze.

She lifted her hips off of Celene’s face for a moment. Beneath her, she saw her mother laying upon the stage with glazed eyes and her face smeared with Cerise’s own fluids. Cerise shivered wonderfully at the sight. The two shared a look. Love in the eyes. They were both game for what came next. Cerise sighed, lowering her dripping cunt back onto her mother’s yearning mouth. Celene resumed her dutiful, insistent licking.

Cerise turned to the crowd, beaming.

“Well you haven’t seen nothing yet!”

Cerise dove back down between her mother’s legs, bringing her mouth and Celene’s cunt together into a deep, searing kiss. Slick lips met in a fierce embrace, Cerise’s frantic and heated. She moaned against her mother’s dripping wet cunt, low and wavering from deep in her throat.

Their bodies drew flush together, arms coiling around waists, curves and skin meeting in warmth and possessive touches. Cerise cradled her mother’s thighs, probing her soaking sex with her tongue. Celene groped at her daughter’s ass, dueling back with her own tongue. They licked and devoured, neither willing to stop or give ground.

They were on another world. Not even the cheers of the crowd could reach them. The next step would only take them both further.

Cerise felt it, the pulse of eezo and the wispy blue shroud that glided over their writhing bodies. It only took a second for the two of them to be engulfed in Cerise’s biotic field. A feeling of weightlessness came next, making Cerise feel that the floor had given way out from under them.

But both asari knew the truth. It was part of the show. The routine they practiced so hard to perfect.

Up on stage, mother and daughter, locked together in their carnal depravity, began to rise into the air. They continued to lick and suck and grope and enjoy the sweetness of each other’s flesh, even as Cerise’s biotic field carried them higher and higher to hover over the Blueshift patrons.

And, as with every time the Risalas performed, the crowd loved it.


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