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AN: Back after a long time. Sorry for the wait. Not even time can keep Lance Thorne down!

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Lance stared up at the ceiling of Jessica Drew’s apartment, finding himself settled nicely with a feeling of pleasant satisfaction.

His very first outing as a superhero had gone fantastically. He saved the day from a giant robot, netting the Titan instant notoriety… and afterward, got cozy and sweet with a gorgeous superbabe, the lovely Spider-Woman.

Not bad for a rookie hero.

The hybrid god smirked as he glanced at the lithe, feminine figure snuggled into his side. All delicious curves and pale, rosy skin, Jessica Drew was naked the same as Lance. Her arm was thrown over his broad chest, her leg wrapped around his, and her pretty face was pressed into the crook of his neck. He found her scent faint and sweet, and her hair soft as silk. But above all, he found her delightfully warm.

His own arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her close. His hand had found a nice spot to settle, right upon the curve of her hip. There was a heat that roused within him then, a pleasant stirring as his fingers sank into the softness of her flesh.

Not bad at all…

“So… a hybrid god?” Jessica murmured into his neck. She stirred beside him, lazily attempting to draw him further into her embrace… or to climb further atop his bulk.

Lance smiled, feeling her breasts brush against his skin. Soft, just like the rest of her curves. But there was something uniquely pleasing about Jessica’s plump tits. Maybe it was a male-thing on his part. He felt a similar sort of way about her delectable derriere as well. And her wide hips. Her juicy legs. Her elegant face. Her full, pillowy lips.

He liked Jessica quite a bit. That was why he was going to keep her. And if he was going to keep her, then it was only fair that he told her about his true nature. Everything about his true nature.

“Yep. New God. Asgardian. And a little Kryptonian genetics thrown in for good measure.” Lance chuckled softly, curling his arm just a little tighter around Jessica’s waist. The superheroine gave a pleased hum, squirming playfully against his side. “I guess you could say I’m kind of a super-mutt.”

Jessica cooed thoughtfully, drawing her hand over his bare chest. She lifted her head slightly to look him in the eye, softly drumming her fingers over his firm muscle.

“A mutt? I’d say your genes are impeccable.” There was humor in her words, but hunger in her eyes. She began tracing circles upon his pecs with her finger, her lips curling into a smirk. “HYDRA might be an evil bunch of tossers… but they did very good work on you, handsome.”

“It doesn’t bother you does it? That I was created in a HYDRA lab?” Lance already knew what her answer would be. His pheromones were quite potent - perhaps the most potent on the planet. But still, Lance thought it would be nice to hear it from Jessica’s lips.

The superheroine giggled, lifting herself some in order to throw her leg all the way over his waist so that she straddled him. Planting both her hands on his chest, she sat right above his groin, smiling down at the rookie hero who saved her perfect ass. The perfect ass that Lance could feel smothering his half-hard cock.

“If it bothered me then I wouldn’t be sitting in your lap, now would I?” She drew her hands down to his abdomen, slowly dragging her fingertips over the lines of his muscles. Lance could see her eyes light up, her nostrils flaring as she drank in his nude form. He wasn’t even using his pheromones at that moment, but she was still getting lovestruck. She may as well have had hearts for eyes. Her next words came breathless, almost dazed. “And you’re not even with them anymore, right? You escaped. You fought your way out and came here. You chose to become a hero.”

Lance couldn’t help but smile. His effect on the fairer sex was quite total. A useful ability, he knew that for certain. One that would do him well going forward. Many women would fall under the spell of his god-like allure. But Jessica was special. The first heroine of his harem. Lance had a certain appreciation for that. HYDRA saw no use for sentimentality. It was just another thing they couldn’t drill out of him.

Jessica began to slowly grind her hips as she sat upon the hybrid god. Lance breathed out through his nose, enjoying her plump butt-cheeks massaging his cock… and the delicious heat radiating from her pussy. He could smell her arousal, the heavy, feminine musk of her slick cunt.

He loved the effect he had on women. He really, truly did.

Lance grinned, his hands finding themselves settling on Jessica’s soft thighs. He rubbed them up and down, eager to touch, to fondle, to feel the heat of her tight, willing body. It fed the fire growing inside him, blazing through his chest, all the way down to his groin.

“You seem quite willing to trust me.” The rookie hero noted, his hands rising to take hold of Jessica’s hips. The superbabe smiled back, wiggling her plump bottom atop his now fully-hard prick. Lance gave a low grunt, his manhood throbbing between her soft buns.

“Well, you have a trustworthy face.” Jessica sighed, continuing to shamelessly feel up his abs. Up and down her hands traveled, tracing the lines and indentations of his muscles. His body wasn’t just fascinating to her, Lance realized. For Jessica, his musculature seemed intoxicating. She drew her glazed eyes back to his face. She giggled again, biting her lower lip. “I’d hate to think an angel like you would have nefarious motives. My heart couldn’t bear it.”

“Angel, huh?” Lance raised a brow.

Jessica didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she leaned down to press a soft kiss to his chest. Then another. A third kiss followed, this time lingering. A fourth. A fifth. More and more pecks rained down upon Lance’s body.

She showered his body with tiny, flower petal kisses, faint and soft but wholly affectionate. His chest, his abdomen, her plump lips adored them, covering them with her delight. All the while, her hands roamed - and groped - to her heart’s content. His arms, his shoulders, whatever parts of him she wasn’t loving with her mouth. Her desire was clear - she just wanted to feel him.

Eventually, her frantic kisses slowed to a stop. She hummed, pressing her face right into the firm wall that was his chest, forcing her nose right up against his perfect, bronzed skin. Then… Jessica took in a big, deep whiff.

Lance was bemused but not surprised. He knew his scent was intoxicating… and addicting as well. The hybrid god allowed a smile of satisfaction as Jessica lifted her head, letting loose a shuddering, dreamy sigh. Her eyes, just yesterday having been sharp and keen as a heroine’s should be, were now clouded and glazed. But not just with lust, Lance saw. With love as well. But it was mostly lust. Lance could feel the proof from Jessica’s womanhood grinding against his thigh - the wetness and the sheer heat emanating from her sex had his prick stirring back to life.

Angelic.” Jessica finally clarified, her soft voice thrumming with need and excitement. “You did say you were a hybrid god. That kind of makes you divine in a way, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t know about that…” Lance trailed off, thinking of his time spent in captivity. None of the races HYDRA spliced together could really be considered holy or heavenly… at least, not in the way humans understood those terms. Asgardians. New Gods. They weren’t infallible beings. They were often altruistic, yes. But many of them were wrathful, petty, prone to mistakes just as mortal beings were.

But before Lance could dwell further on his nature as a hybrid god, Jessica drew his mind back to more pleasant, carnal thoughts. Her lovely lips found their place upon his own, a gentle, lingering kiss that captured the young man’s full attention. Especially when she pulled away, with his lower lip caught teasingly between her teeth.

Jessica drew back so that she was sitting up again, giggling either at the look on Lance’s face… or the way he cock felt twitching between her asscheeks.

“What we did, though…” The heroine hummed, wiggling her bottom atop his lap, stroking Lance’s manhood with the plumpness of her derriere. “That was divine. It certainly felt divine.”

Lance’s felt his cock swell even harder, now a solid rod of swollen heat to which not even adamantium could compare. The rookie hero snorted, a small chuckle rumbling from his throat.

“Happy to provide.”

Jessica gave him a wicked smile, her eyes blazing bright. She sat back further upon his lap, dragging her dripping wet pussy over the length of his shaft - glazing him with her need, her arousal. The heat and the wetness had his cock thrumming with hot blood.

“I’ve got another round in me.” She said, breathing in deep. Lance found his eyes drawn to her bare breasts. The pale swells rising and falling upon her chest, set with hard nipples - begging for his hands, for his lips and tongue. Her voice turned sharper, more daring. “Is the mighty Titan up to the task?”

Lance Thorne gave Jessica Drew - and her challenge - a hard, heated look.


-  -  -

Her apartment looked like a tornado had passed through. Jessica couldn’t imagine how long it would take to clean everything up. But Jessica didn’t care one bit. Not when she’d lucked out and snagged herself a stud like Lance Thorne.

There was just something marvelous about the sensation of being so utterly filled. Lance’s cock, like the man himself, was a cut above the average bloke. Long and girthy and so wonderfully shaped, the shaft and bulbous head felt as if they were molded specifically for Jessica’s pussy. Lance’s cock split her, stretched her, claimed her, making her feel like her whole body was coming undone.

She was on her back, screaming, shrieking to high heaven. The rookie was above her, his muscled bulk looming over her smaller frame, using his weight to sink himself deep, deep into her soaking cunt. Both of his hands had taken a firm grip around her ankles, holding her legs apart… and low.

He had bent her into a pretzel, both of her feet flanking both sides of her head. She couldn’t break free. She didn’t want to break free. She was completely vulnerable. All Spider-Woman could do was lay there under the Titan and take it. Take him.

It was just the way Jessica liked getting fucked.

I really lucked out…

Lance’s hips rose and fell. They were quick, feverish, relentless thrusts. His big, fat prick hammering away at her quivering insides, battering her poor pussy. Every punch inside her forced some of the air out of Jessica’s lungs, ripping gasps and desperate moans from her mouth. Hours of this had turned her voice strained and raspy. Her throat ached - as did the rest of her body - but Jessica needed more. The thrusts - and the screams - just kept coming.

“Oh… OH… Oh-UNHF-FUCK!” The blood in her veins sang, her nerves buzzing with pleasure and joy. But her mind was a storm and the words spilling from her lips were delirious. It was as if she was drunk.

Drunk on Lance. And his fat fucking cock.

“You hanging in there?” The rookie stud grunted above her. Jessica almost didn’t register his voice over the lewd sounds of his balls slapping against her ass, or the squelching of his cock sinking into her cunt.

Jessica sputtered out a weak giggle. She thought it was so sweet that he cared.

Lance huffed through his nose like an enraged bull, working his hips harder, grinding his cock roughly into her tight depths. She moaned, low and deep, writhing under his bulk. The sensation of hot, exquisite, the feeling of him stretching her insides out setting her nerves ablaze. She reached up, clutching desperately at his forearms. A part of her delighted in how firm she found the muscles there, but mostly she was just seeking something to hold on for dear life. Her nails scraped against his perfect bronze skin as she hissed through clenched teeth.

“I… I can take it!”

Lance smiled down at her, his silver eyes alight with affection. Jessica felt joy bloom in her heart… and delicious heat bloom in her belly. She felt her cunt tighten around him. Lance quickened the pace of his thrusts in turn. As another long moan spilled from Jessica’s mouth, Lance leaned down, pressing his forward to hers.

“You sure can.” He said. Then he gripped her ankles tighter and really started to fuck her.

Struck with sensory - and emotional - overload, Jessica threw her head back and unleashed a long, deafening wail. She felt joy at the praise and thunderous bliss as their bodies clashed together.

There was discomfort, even pain. Lance’s mad thrusts dragged her bare back against the hard apartment floor, and his cock pounding between her legs stretched Jessica to her limit. It felt like she was going to split apart, her body aching under the young god’s relentless domination.

The pain was harsh, aches and spasms rolling through her body. But it was exquisite. And just beyond the lovely torment was delicious pleasure. The unrivaled satisfaction of being so. Fucking. Full.


They were lewd sounds. Obscene sounds. The carnal music of two bodies becoming one. The slaps of firm muscle against soft flesh, the brutish grunts and ear-splitting shrieks, the moaning, the gasping, the wild wailing, they came together to create the symphony of fucking.

Jessica’s world swirled into a storm of feeling, pleasure and pain coursing through her body, her blood, her bones. Unquenchable fire burning her out from the inside, a supernova blooming in the pit of her belly. So bright that Jessica thought she might have gone blind.

Her orgasm struck her full force, her body seizing up in white hot ecstasy. She couldn’t even make a sound with the air having been forced from her lungs. All she could do was lay beneath her godly stud, writhing and squirming helplessly as pleasure crashed over her like a tidal wave.

Flooded with delight. Flooded with his cum.

Jessica could feel it. She could feel Lance’s cock twitching between her folds, his length swelling just a tiny bit more, stretching her so perfectly. She could feel his offering shoot down his length, rushing forth into her tight, warm sex. She could feel it slosh into her, rope after rope after rope of hot, wonderful seed. It was the umpteenth time she’d enjoyed a warm cream filling courtesy of Lance Thorne. And it was just as good as the first time. Jessica sighed, savoring the sensation of heat pooling inside her, adoring how his seed felt splattering her insides.

She imagined for a moment that Lance would just keep flooding her womb with cum, his cock firing off load after load after thick, heavy load until her belly bulged outward. Jessica gave a tired giggle at the thought.

Spider-Woman. Stuffed. Bred like a needy bitch.

Bred… Yeah…

Jessica’s sight came into focus again, letting her stare up at Lance with dreamy eyes. He had risen up onto his knees, drawing her legs back from her head, and Jessica found herself drinking in his towering, muscled form. Her gaze was fixated on his tight chest, glistening beautifully with sweat, rising and falling hypnotically as he breathed.

I wouldn’t mind being his breeding mare… probably pregnant by now anyway… with how many times he’s filled me up…

Lance gave a small huff and drew his cock out from between Jessica’s legs. The well-fucked heroine gave a pitiful whine as she felt his manhood depart… followed shortly by his seed beginning to dribble out of her poor, little pussy. In vain, she reached down to cup herself, desperate to keep the warmth inside.

The rookie stud smirked, lifting his cock and letting it rest on her belly, almost possessive-like. Jessica sighed, sparing the fat, veiny thing a glance. It was smeared with a mix of his ending and her own, a sloppy, well-earned mess. But beyond that, Jessica still found herself shocked.

“Oh, wow… are you… are you still hard?

Lance released his hold on her legs then, letting them fall weakly to his sides. Jessica moaned weakly as her body flattened out onto the floor. Her strength was gone. Sapped away by her efforts to wear down the Titan.

The rookie hero sat back, bumping into the side of her couch. He sighed, running a hand through his wavy brown hair. Though his silver eyes held a flicker of amusement.

“Yeah.” He said, letting out a short laugh. “Hybrid god, remember? Heightened endurance, heightened stamina, way more than the average human. Heightened metabolism, too. Bodily fluids replenish a lot quicker.”

Jessica gave a laugh of her own, though weak and exhausted. She tried to roll over onto her side, but she didn’t even have the strength for that.

“Good lord… I can’t… I’m spent, handsome.” The sensational, totally fucked Spider-Woman gave a lazy wave of her arm, signaling defeat. “I don’t think I can keep up with you.”

“Don’t worry about it. You might not be able to wear me out, but a superbabe like you can get me off just fine.”

That drew a happy smile from the naked heroine. The affirmation that she didn’t disappoint. That she still meant something to him. Jessica’s hand slid between her battered, sore thighs. Her fingers grazed gently over her leaking cunt. She hissed softly, her most intimate place left quite sore from Lance’s brutalization. She was out of the game, at least for a while. But deep in her soul she knew it was completely worth it.

“You’re just loving this, I bet.” Jessica groaned, letting her hand rest upon her lower belly. She craned her head, looking up at Lance over the swells of her breasts.

“What do you mean?” The beautiful stud prodded back with a teasing tone.

“You’re a living, breathing sex fantasy. The super-stud that’s too much man for one superheroine to handle.”

There was another spark in his silver eyes then. Less teasing and more… knowing. Jessica decided she liked the look.

“Is that right?” He asked, smirking.

Jessica returned his look with one of her own. Spider-Woman might not be able to keep up with the Titan, that was true. But who said she needed to handle that task alone?

“Mmhmm.” Jessica took a deep breath, excitement building within despite her exhaustion. It was a wild offer she was about to make… but there was no way a man like Lance would turn it down. “And it just so happens… that I know some women who’d be willing to lend a helping hand.”



Ahhh...This was perfect. I love it.


So any details as to who's DNA was used? Odin for Asgard? Highfather/Darkseid for New God? Zod/Superman/Supergirl for Kryptonian?


Details that may or may not be revealed later! You'll just have to wait and see, friend!