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Lor took his time adorning his armor. It didn’t feel right to rush, not on a day this important. The ancestral armor of the House of Zod, it meant something. Generations of blood and sweat were soaked into the plates, into the very fibers of its black cape. Blood and sweat that built his family’s name. Lor would not treat that lightly.

The Zod warriors of old deserved that much. On this day, every skirmish, every battle, every defeat and triumph, every moment of hardship the House of Zod faced would be vindicated. The legend of their name, restored.

Today was the day.

The start of his father’s conquest.

Just the day before, Lor had believed he would be anxious, overwhelmed. But instead there was only an eerie calm. His mind and his spirit were serene, undisturbed. Lor had the blessing of clear purpose. The House of Zod was bred to do this. Bred to rule.

As the youngest of the House of Zod finished fastening the black cape to his armor, there was a small chime from the door to his quarters. A visitor.

Lor turned and saw his step-mother enter the room. Faora-Ul strode into his quarters, hand clasped behind her back. She looked over her step-son, her cold blue eyes then holding a sliver of maternal pride.

Their gazes met. There was a moment of understanding.

“It is time.” She announced.

Lor gave her a short nod. With nothing else to say, she turned and left, leaving Lor alone once more.

The young man breathed in, the gravity of the situation finally settling in. The planning, the coordination, the alliances forged in secret, they were all prologue. What came next was the real deal.

The conquest.

In his heart, in his blood, in his very bones, Lor-Zod knew that his father would not fail. Earth would fall under the House of Zod. This world would become his father’s kingdom. And after that, years from now, it would become Lor’s.

The young man breathed out. With a clear mind and a clear purpose, he turned and followed his step-mother. Heavy boots thundered against the cold, metal floor.

It did not take long to reach the War Chamber. As Lor expected, his father was already there, waiting for them.

Though the elder Zod’s face was hard, solid like stone, it was clear from his voice that he was pleased to see them, Lor and Faora, both.

“My son. My love.” General Zod greeted them, beckoning them to join him before the round holo-table at the center of the chamber. He stood in full Kryptonian plate, the sigil of his house emblazoned on his chest. The dark red glyph almost seemed to glow hot, a stark contrast to the deep black of his armor. “Today is a momentous day. A new beginning for our people.”

“I am so proud of you, my husband.” Faora praised him, showing a softness reserved only for the General and the son she accepted as her own.

Lor could see the ghost of a smile playing at the corner of his father’s mouth. But as expected, General Zod kept his face like stone.

As Lor and Faora took their places beside their leader, the holo-table brought up a visual of the planet Earth. Upon the surface of the miniature globe, a red point could be seen blinking in steady rhythm. It represented the Black Zero’s current location… in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep under the waves.

That was how they had remained hidden after slipping through the planet’s orbital defense grid. King Orin’s support had turned out to be invaluable to the secrecy of their campaign. Zod and his warship had been hidden under the sea all this time.

Then the blinking red point began to move. Rising. Around them, Lor could hear the Black Zero groaning as the wild waters parted above it. The ship was heading to the surface.

“No more hiding.” Growled General Zod. The man kept his eyes fixed firmly on the holo-display of Earth, watching the red point move across the surface. Though none of them could feel it, they were hurtling through the world’s upper atmosphere. There was no going back now. There was no way the humans wouldn’t notice them.

Zod stood straighter, somehow appearing even taller. He clasped his hands behind his back, looking on with pride and purpose as his grand design was finally put into motion.

He spoke again, his voice thundering louder within the War Chamber.

“The time has come for the House of Zod to take primacy. As we always should have.”

Faora drew closer to her husband, taking his arm in her hands. A breach of discipline from a trained soldier… but Zod accepted his wife’s affection without rebuke. She had become so much more than his trusted lieutenant during their years in exile, Lor knew.

“If these humans are wise, they will see you the way all true Kryptonians saw you.” Faora insisted, her arms curling tight around the General’s. “Not just a leader. A champion.

If they are wise.” Zod agreed flatly.

The holo-table blinked, the display of the globe zooming in to better show the Black Zero’s trajectory. The course had been locked in some time before. Zod had wanted to reveal himself to the Earth at a place of great significance. To the humans. And to himself.

The shipboard AI was placing the Black Zero… over the city of Metropolis. The city Superman had once called home.

Lor had only heard of the city in stories. But now he was about to see it first hand. The supposed exemplar of the human race. The reason Kal-El had turned his back on his people and his homeworld.

The younger Zod watched intently as the holo-map showed the Black Zero coming to a stop above the sprawling city. Floating in the sky above the dozens upon dozens of gleaming spires. A wordless declaration.

The House of Zod had arrived.

A chime came from Faora’s communication device. She drew away from the General, tapping keys on her wrist. Then she reached out and took Zod’s hand in hers.

“Our forces are in position.” She said to him. She kept an even tone, but Lor could see the excitement in her posture. “They will strike on your command.”

“Good.” Zod spoke with iron conviction. “But first…”

Lor watched his father tap some keys at the rim of the holo-table. The display of the Black Zero hovering over Metropolis blinked away. Replaced with a screen of Zod himself. A live feed, Lor realized.

“It’s time for this world to see the face of its new ruler.” Zod’s deep voice rumbled. Next, he gave a command to the shipboard AI.

“Tap into the planet’s communication feeds, as many as possible. I wish to deliver a message to my subjects.”

-  -  -

The penthouse office at Wayne Tower offered an extraordinary view of the sprawling Gotham City. A perch that many wealthy men and titans of industry would kill for.

But Bruce Wayne cared little for the sights. His focus was on the television mounted above his office’s private bar. The screen showed a news channel. It didn’t matter which. All of them were covering the same thing.

The very large, very imposing vessel floating precariously over downtown Metropolis.

Bruce watched the proceedings silently, listening to the anchors speak while the ship continued to hover ominously in the sky. His hands tightened into fists, his face hardening. He caught himself, but for just a moment the Batman slipped through his usual suave billionaire affectation. Even in private, he always made sure to keep that side of himself tied only to the cape and cowl.

Just then, he heard the double doors to his office swing open. Footfalls clopped on the marble floor. Leather loafers. Familiar gait. Bruce didn’t even need to look.

“I don’t suppose it’s the Martians, come to play nice with their neighbors?” Lucius Fox cracked dryly, slowing to a stop at Bruce’s side.

“Not Martians. Different ship design.” Bruce answered, his voice deep, clear, and steady. The Batman could wait until he put on the suit. But with Lucius, he had no need to affect the playboy identity.

“Of course. How silly of me.”

“Your daughter, Tamara. She still attends Metro U?”

“She does.” Lucius answered, unease creeping into his voice.

“Call her. Tell her to get out of the city.” Bruce didn’t command so much as urge.

“And go where?”

“Bibbo’s Diner, off the corner of Siegel & Shuster. She’ll be able to zeta tube to the secure bunker under the Hall of Justice from there. Just have her tell the waitress that Matches Malone sent her. ”

Lucius nodded, digging into his coat pocket. He drew out his cellphone, thumbing through to his contact list. As he did, he shot another look towards the TV.

“You think things are going to get ugly?” Lucius asked. From the tone of his voice, Bruce could tell the man didn’t want to hear the answer.

But before Bruce could speak, the news feed cut out. Replaced with static and an unnerving whine. Then, a sharp crackling sound.

A man’s face took over the TV screen. A familiar face. One Bruce had hoped the Earth would never see again.

How the hell did he escape the Phantom Zone?

From the screen mounted above the bar, the infamous visage of General Zod stared down at them. Regal superiority was etched on his stone-like face, hard and proud. The rogue Kryptonian began to speak.

“Citizens of Earth. My name is General Dru-Zod. Many of you might remember me…”

Bruce Wayne frowned. He turned to Lucius, finally answering his question.

“With him? I think things are going to get very ugly.”

-  -  -

Jump City may have been bright and sunny… but there were some things in Gotham that a man couldn’t get anywhere else.

Like getting a sweet taste of Batgirl.

Even as teenagers, Dick knew what a knockout she was. The silky red hair, the bright green eyes, those full lips, and God, the way she filled out her suit even back then. And now, all grown up, the woman was irresistible. Not even tension with Bruce could keep Dick from making a trip to the Clock Tower every chance he got.

And every time Barbara Gordon proved oh so worth it.

Every inch of her was delicious, every moment with her was a dream. Peeling her out of the Batgirl suit was like unwrapping a gift, revealing inch after inch of soft, pale skin. He would kiss, lick, nip with his teeth, devour her like a starving wolf. And Christ the sounds she would make, every little gasp and moan and whimper pouring into his ears, driving him to go harder and faster. Her screams and shrieks echoed off of the high ceiling, filling the Clock Tower with the sweet sounds of primal music.

He had her right where she belonged. Underneath him, on her back, taking his cock. Wailing and screaming as her nails dug into his back. The sting raking over his skin was sublime. The sensation of her tightness, her warmth wrapped around him was perfection.

“That’s it… that’s… fuck!

The sound of her voice, fiery and desperate, spurred Dick on. He wanted more sweetness to spill from her lovely lips. He worked himself into her, faster, harder.

Barbara wrapped her thighs tight to his waist, her hands rising to clutch the back of his head. She let out a sharp gasp, staring straight into his eyes. A silent dare - no, a command. Dick understood.

Keep going. Don’t fucking stop.

“You like that? You like getting fucked?” Dick growled, hammering his manhood into the sweetness between Barbara’s legs. The bed - the cot - shook under the intensity of their joining, creaking and groaning as their bodies collided with ferocious passion.

Barbara answered him not with words but with a sound. A trembling, desperate wail. Her head flew back onto the cheap mattress, exposing the sultry lines of her neck. Dick attacked with his lips and tongue and teeth, sucking at the sensitive skin offered up to him.

The redhead cried out, clutching insatiably at Dick’s body. He was as close to coming undone as she was, the delight of her pussy wrapping tight around his long, fat cock stoking the fire in his gut until it was blazing, burning so big and hot that his whole body felt like an inferno. His balls ached, clenching, ready to unleash the payload where his primal mind knew it belonged: the depths of Barbara’s sweet, fertile cunt.

Dick was close to letting go, ready to fill his lover up with hot spunk like his body demanded.

But then came a familiar - and very unwelcome - chime. Two of them. Both of their phones were ringing loudly beside the straining bed.

Bruce was trying to reach them.

Dick ignored it. He tried to keep going, to keep fucking, chasing the ecstasy that was just within reach… but it was Barbara who slowed their lovemaking to a stop. She had always been the more responsible of the two.

“Babe.” She said, breathless. “It might be important.”

Pointedly, she lightly slapped his shoulders. A clear message: That’s enough, big guy.

With a heavy sigh - and a heavy heart - Dick Grayson nodded and drew away from the warmth of Barbara’s arms… and the sweetness of her pussy. He rose from the bed, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and quite unhappy with his mentor’s timing.

“Alright. Fine.” He said in a clipped tone. But he managed to throw her a half-hearted grin all the same. He could never be mad at Babs.

Barbara had risen from the bed as well, going over to her desk to check out her phone. Dick took a moment to admire her nude form, drinking in the subtle but pleasing curves lining her slender body. Not quite built like an Amazon, Barbara Gordon had a modest, homegrown beauty. It had a distinct allure that Dick couldn’t shake. Every inch of her drove him mad.

As the lights from her many, many computer screens illuminated her profile, casting a sensual silhouette, Dick could no longer contain himself. She was facing away from him, looking at her phone, but the width and plushness of her hips beckoned him over. A siren song made flesh.

He strode over slowly, palming one of Barbara’s pale, plump asscheeks, groping shamelessly as he pressed hot kisses to her shoulder blades and then her neck. She squirmed against his touch… but did not push him away. Dick grinned wolfishly, pressing his still-hard cock against the softness of her buttocks, grinding himself against her. He reached around her body with his other hand, planting it firmly on her flat tummy. Trapping her.

“Were you close? I know I was.” He murmured against her ear.

“Holy shit.” Barbara whispered.

Dick blinked. He’d have liked to think those words were a reaction to his prodding cock. But Barbara sounded serious.

“What? What’s wrong?” He drew away from Barbara’s warmth again, the arousal and primal need slowly seeping from his body. Replaced with concern. It was back to business.

“Gotta turn on the news.” Barbara said, tapping at one of her many keyboards.

The screens flickered, changing from the Clock Tower’s private systems over to live television. But what appeared on screen wasn’t the news channel that the lovers expected.

Your greatest hero, the one you called Superman… is dead.

General Zod was addressing them, an impossibility staring Dick and Barbara right in their faces.

And without your champion, your world is defenseless…

-  -  -

This is why I have returned. I bring not death nor destruction, but order and protection. With Kal-El gone, I will become Earth’s mightiest champion. I offer my strength to you, to humanity… so long as you recognize the primacy of my rule. Accept the House of Zod as your sovereign… or you will be made to.

The chair impacted General Zod’s face dead center. The television screen crumpled under the sheer force at which the chair had been thrown, sparks and shards of plastic shooting outward from the tiny shockwave. The TV sputtered and sparked and fell to the tile floor in a ruined heap.

Karen Starr glared at the mess, as if the destroyed screen had been General Zod himself. The tall blonde fumed, her hands clenched tight into fists. Beside her, she could tell that Kara Danvers, her younger alternate self, was feeling much the same.

Clark was their cousin, even across dimensions and timelines. And to see that bastard disrespect his memory like that…

The rest of the gathering remained silent. Whether it was decency or wariness at angry Kryptonians, they knew better than to interrupt.

“That son of a bitch…” Karen snarled, doing her level best not to burn the remains of the TV with her eyes.

“So… we’re kicking this guy’s ass, right?” A deep, growling voice spoke up behind.

The two blondes turned to face their fellow heroes. Unfortunately, the Hall of Justice was looking pretty sparse at the moment. Only three other Leaguers present in the central chamber aside from Karen and Kara.

To the right of the large round table were the Thanagarians, Hawkman and Hawkwoman. The husband-and-wife team. Born from a tough and hardy race, the Hawks were quite durable, useful in a fight. But neither were on the same level as a Kryptonian. Still, Karen wouldn’t turn down a couple of extra hands. Especially if Hawkman was so eager to get in on the action. That guy was always itching for a fight.

At least they both looked formidable. Hawkman with his impressive height at 6’6’’ and the musculature to match. Hawkwoman with her gilded - and surprisingly form-fitting - armor and her noted ferocity against larger foes. And both possessed gnarly electrified maces.

The same couldn’t be said for the other hero in the room.

On the opposite side of the round table was but a single Green Lantern. And not even one of the League veterans, either. Where Karen would have preferred Hal or Kyle or John or even Guy, she was instead left with Jessica Cruz.

Karen tightened her jaw, quietly observing the slender latina. This was the woman who couldn’t leave her house a year ago. But the power of the Green Lantern ring couldn’t be ignored. And Jessica had been chosen for a reason. Supposedly.

“Shouldn’t we wait and coordinate with the rest of the League?” Jessica chose that moment to speak. “General Zod’s not an everyday thug. He’s Kryptonian.”

“The first time this asshole came to Earth, Superman beat him all by himself.” Karen told the shorter woman. “This time he’ll be facing two pissed off Kryptonians.”

She punched a gloved fist into her other palm. The Hawks appreciated the bravado. Jessica didn’t seem convinced.

“And two pissed-off Thanagarians.” Hawkwoman added, smirking.

“And a Green Lantern.” Kara finished, floating over to Jessica’s side. “If you’re with us.”

Karen stepped forward, hands on her hips. She raised her chin, hoping she looked even half as inspiring as Clark did.

“The longer we wait to act, the more advantage we’re giving Zod. Come on, Jessica. We can take him.” Karen urged.

Jessica looked at each of the other heroes in the room. Karen watched as she idly rubbed the Lantern ring on her finger. The hesitation was clear on her face, her delicate features colored with worry. But Karen saw it slip away. Jessica’s face hardened. Her eyes glowed with resolve. Then they glowed green.

The Green Lantern rose off the floor, carried by a strong, green aura that covered her slender body.

Jessica Cruz shared a look with Karen, giving the blonde a meaningful nod.

“Let’s go kick his ass.”


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