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3. Her Biggest Fan

Regina ended up blowing off the fanmeet rather quickly after running into her fanboy again. Not the best look for Dentata, she knew. But she made up some bullshit story about being needed urgently elsewhere - some crime in progress that required her attention.

Of course, since Regina had her fanboy in tow - pulling him along by his shirt collar - she wasn’t sure if the rest of the gathering bought her story. But that didn’t really matter to her. She got what she came for - a cute guy with a big dick.

The trip back to her apartment went by fast - and still it felt too long. They entered through the door and Regina had to keep herself from launching herself on him. She didn’t want to seem that desperate. She was Dentata the Dark Heroine. Appearances were important in her world and she needed to maintain an aura of being in control. The wait would only make the meal that much juicier.

They moved into the living room, Regina still tugging her fanboy along by his shirt. She shoved him back onto the sofa, the tall and skinny cutie landing with a huff and wide, innocent eyes. But Regina knew better. Her fanboy - Daniel, she had learned - was not so pure of heart. Not after the stunt he pulled on her the first time around.

“You knew what you were doing from the very start, didn’t you?” She accused, standing over him with her gloved hands on her bare hips. Daniel sank back into his seat, staring up at her. His expression was one of amazement, astonishment. As if he could not believe this was happening to him. It made Regina’s heart flutter. Her lips curled upwards, her next words coming with a sharp edge. “You took one look at my juicy ass and wanted these cheeks smothering your dick.”

She smacked her rear end for emphasis, the sting of her palm sending a delightful shiver through her whole body. The fanboy’s eyes widened in… shock? Reverence? Either way, the look on his face sent Regina’s belly into a pleasurable twist. He parted his lips to speak, but Regina cut him off, pointing accusingly at his groin.

“You had a hard-on the size of the fucking Washington Monument and you wanted me to feel it, didn’t you?

Regina saw a blush creeping up on the young man’s pale face, his cheeks turning a clear shade of pink. Her smile grew and so did the warmth in her belly.

“I just… I wanted to take a picture with you.” Daniel told her in that voice of his. Not a deep baritone nor a nasally, high-pitched drone. It was somewhere in between, smooth and youthful. Others might have been fooled into thinking he was innocent. But Regina knew better.

She reached forth and grabbed his chin, her fingers pinching his cheeks and lips close together, squishing his face. Even like this, he looked adorable. She was going to eat him alive.

Bullshit.” She hissed at him, their faces inches apart. She could have kissed him, but refrained from it. Teasing him like this was too much fun. “I felt how hard your dick was, buster! Right through your pants, I could feel it! I bet you were ready to pop off right then and there. Don’t even lie to me.”

“Okay!” Daniel confessed, muffled, with his hands rising in surrender. Regina drew her hand away, letting him speak. His pink cheeks had turned darker, closing in on red. “I had… I had a stiffy, alright? You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Regina leaned back, rising again to her full height. In her heels, she towered over him sitting on the couch. She planted her hands on her hips again, pursing her dark lips. His confession satisfied her desire for the truth… but on a deeper level, she found it thrilling. That big, hard cock that she had felt… it was meant for her.

“Damn right you had a stiffy.” Regina huffed, crossing her arms under her impressive bust. She saw his eyes flash towards her leather-wrapped tits. Once. Twice. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, she knew. She smirked down at him, swaying her hips a little from side to side, feeling some prideful joy when he noticed that too. “You think I’m hot, don’t you? You like the way my outfit shows off my legs? My tits? My ass?”

She turned to the side, giving him a view of her figure in profile, knowing he’d get an eyeful of just how much her lovely buttocks swelled outward from her waist. It was Dentata’s best asset - aside from her powers, of course. Pale, full moon cheeks that turned heads anywhere on the planet. A booty that could rile up a celibate monk. And Daniel, her fanboy, vehemently agreed.

“Oh, hell yeah.” He almost croaked, looking on in reverence as Regina cupped her behind in both hands. She lifted up her dumptruck ass, bountiful flesh rising with her palms… and then released it, letting gravity pull her booty back down into place. The cheeks dropped maybe an inch or two, but the weight of those meaty mounds made their collision a sight to behold. They clapped together and Daniel let out a pained, delighted groan.

“God, your new costume is insane. Your ass is insane.” He said dreamily.

Warm. Everything felt warm. Regina’s heart was racing and her outfit, even scanty as it was, felt tight. They were both wearing far, far too much clothes. This had to be remedied.

Regina stepped forward until she was right before her fanboy. She didn’t give him a chance to say anything before reaching down and cupping his groin. Still hard and turgid from the bookstore, she felt. Even through his jeans, she could sense the weight and thickness of his manhood. Shaft and stones, both bold and big. An exclamation point for his arousal. Again, before the young man could say anything, Regina slipped her gloved hand under the waistline of his pants.

Daniel gasped, his whole body going tense. But Regina only smiled, giving her fanboy an affectionate peck on the cheek.

“I’m doing a good thing, aren’t I?” She purred, her lips inches away from his. She batted her eyelashes, staring into his wide, worshipful eyes. Her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock - even there it was almost too thick for her digits to close around him. Her smile widened with glee. “Community outreach is an important part of a superheroine’s job. Making sure my adoring fans know how much I value them…”

She began to stroke him, slowly pumping her gloved fingers down his fat length. Daniel sucked in a deep breath, sinking further back into the sofa. Regina leaned forward and pressed another series of butterfly kisses against his cheek, edging closer and closer to his mouth.

“This… is why you’re the best… Dentata…” Daniel groaned weakly, his head falling back onto the sofa’s backrest.

Regina’s heart soared.

“I am, aren’t I?” The heroine Dentata sighed, the tips of their noses brushing against each other. Then she pulled away, drawing her hand out of Daniel’s pants. The young man stared at her with a look of betrayal… that instantly evaporated when he saw her hand rising to the zipper at her throat. She pulled it down, down her chest, her belly, all the way down to her waist, exposing a bevy of pale skin. She grabbed the two flaps of her costume, throwing a wicked smile towards her fanboy. “But you don’t know the half of it. And I think it’s time for my biggest fan to find out for himself.”

Regina pulled her suit open, baring her resplendent body to his worshipful eyes. Big tits spilled out into the open, nipples already hard and tight thanks to the cool air. Her flat tummy was revealed next, the faint lines of her abdomen beckoning his gaze. Then her wide hips, supple and juicy flesh demanding someone's loving touch.

Her fanboy looked very much like a man who had realized the meaning of existence. And Regina felt like a woman made whole. It wasn’t heroics that drove her, but this. To be adored. Worshipped.

With a downward tug, the scanty suit was driven from Regina’s body, pooling around her ankles. Dentata was left nearly bare, save for the gloves and the fishnet stockings that still clung to her legs. She would leave those on. They would add a bit of spice.

Her fanboy loved her ass. That much was very clear. But tonight he was going to learn to love every inch of her.




Beautiful 😍. I can't wait for Part II. Love the genre and plot. A superhero goth 🖤 woman. Sign me up for the lifetime fan membership.