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Neeko was no stranger to pleasure. Ever since her body had bloomed into maturity, she had spent many lonely evenings exploring herself, bringing forth delight with her curious hands.

Tonight was a different sort of exploration, however. She’d touched herself before, yes. She’d even touched another, just recently with the human Eric. But she’d never been touched, not by a pair of hands that were not her own.

It was… an illuminating experience. But not at all unpleasant.

Neeko let out a long, trembling sigh, her head falling back onto the mattress. Pleasure, warm and wet, rolled through her body, blooming from between her legs - where Eric’s fingers played - and from her breasts - where Eric had latched his hungry mouth.

She squirmed on the bed, one of her hands reaching down to clasp the human’s wrist as he sank one of his thick fingers into her slick folds. Neeko sucked in a breath, releasing a tiny moan soon after. A wordless cry for respite - but it would go unanswered, ignored. Eric simply grunted, continuing to swirl his tongue around one of her hardened nipples, his digit sinking deeper inside her as his thumb played up higher.

Neeko made a fist in the bedsheet, desperate to hang on to something lest she fall into that abyss of sensation.

“Eric… is a very good friend…” She managed to say in a weak voice. The words came out trembling, just like the rest of her. She felt herself quiver, clenching around Eric’s finger. Her own body acting of its own accord, trying to draw in more of the human. “And… very good… with his hands…”

Eric grunted again, pressing a wet kiss to the upper slope of Neeko’s breast. He lifted his head to face her, a dopey grin fixed under his glazed eyes. Like he was drunk. Drunk on Neeko.

“Happy to hear it.” He said, huffing out hot breath over her slick nipple. Neeko sighed as his intruding finger sank just a little deeper. All the way to the second knuckle. He kissed her breast again, his other arm snaking underneath her body to coil around her waist. Neeko gasped as he drew her body closer to his. “I may not be the most experienced guy… but I aim to please.”

He pressed his thumb against her, rubbing insistent circles. Not hard or rough, but… urgent. Enough to have Neeko bucking her hips against the hand of his that was… that was having her.

“Eric knows… just where to touch…” Neeko shuddered, moaning.

“I guess it’s a good thing you’re so similar to human women.” The human’s voice rumbled from deep in his chest, almost a growl. His body loomed over hers and he caught her other breast in his mouth. His teeth grazed just so against her nipple, drawing a helpless squeak from Neeko’s lips. He pulled away, chuckling. “Everything is in the right place… all the old tricks work like a charm.”

Neeko found herself humming in agreement… as well as appreciation. There was a familiar pressure already building in her lower belly. Like a boiling pot bubbling over, ready to burst.

Eric’s hand continued to work diligently between her legs, the human slowly adding a second finger to his invasion. The two digits together spread Neeko apart, making her whole body tense up as she was filled twice as much. There was some discomfort, at least at first. Enough to make Neeko wince. But that soon gave way to even more maddening pleasure.

Her thighs closed tight around Eric’s hand, her body acting once more on its own. But Eric only gave a low chuckle. His lips drew away from her breasts, finding a new point of attack on her vulnerable neck. Neeko trembled underneath him, moaning, whining. Her whole body felt hot.

“Oh…” The word flowed from her lips, bubbling up from deep in her belly. Every nerve was coming alive, her blood blazing in her veins. “Oh… Eric… Neeko is…”

Her warning came too late. Not that either of them cared.

The end came quickly. A flood, a tidal wave of all consuming delight. Drowning Neeko in an endless ocean of white heat. A blossom. A starburst. Deep in the pit of her belly and blooming outward until she was nothing but embers.

It was perfect bliss. Eternal. But a moment later it was over. Then she was floating back down to Earth. Every muscle in her body had that pleasant ache. Her throat was sore. Had she been screaming?

Neeko could feel Eric’s mass pressing into her flank. The warmth of his body was exquisite. And the sensation of his hot breath on her skin made her want to sing. She would settle for a kiss.

Enough strength returned to her that she caught his chin and turned his head to face her. She caught his lips with her own, a giggle bubbling up in her throat. She tasted the human with a smile, moaning into his mouth.

When she pulled away she was breathless. So was he. Neeko could tell even through her hazy vision. The human was flushed, pink-faced with damp hair falling over his wide, lovely eyes.

“Did you…?” He asked. A question with an obvious answer. But Neeko found it sweet all the same.

“Yes. Neeko finished.” She laughed, reaching out to stroke his flushed cheek with a gentle hand. “Are you ready to go again?”

-  -  -

Eric was indeed ready to go again. And he performed his duties admirably. How could he not?

With the kind of lucky streak he was on, he felt invincible. Seeing Neeko writhing under his touch, brought to ecstasy thanks only to his mouth and fingers, that lit a fire inside him. He wasn’t just sprung, he was rejuvenated. His vigor, his stamina was like that of the most stalwart champions.

A very curious thing it was, the effect of a girl craving one’s cock had on a young man. And damn was Neeko craving it. She had to have been, seeing how she was letting Eric take her from behind.

Neeko, the hot lizard girl, was on all fours. Her tail swished happily right in front of Eric’s face. But the young man didn’t care. Not when he had his prick buried deep in the molten sweetness of her pussy. Tight and wet and agonizingly warm, bathing his manhood in such perfection that he could barely keep his body from trembling.

Eric’s grip was firm on the curve of Neeko’s hips, fingers sinking into the soft flesh there. He thrust himself into her, huffing like an enraged bull. Neeko’s delight was much more obvious. And loud.

Squeals and moans and whimpers pouring from her lips without shame. That was the way Eric preferred it. Why should she be ashamed of how good she felt, he wondered.

He drove himself deep, all the way to the hilt. Her cunt gripped him tight, silk folds gliding over his shaft, drowning his manhood in the sweetest depth there was.

“Uh…” He grunted, working his hips, his body like a machine. His bones, his muscles, they ached. It was a good sort of ache. He was chasing that exquisite feeling. He needed more. “Fuck… so tight…”

Neeko met his thrusts with desperate urgency, pushing her pert ass back into his groin. Her tail swished even more wildly then. The lizard girl whined, throwing him a heated look over her shoulder.

“Neeko… didn’t know… it would feel like this!

Her voice, normally sweet and bubbling, was now strained. Like she was speaking through bared teeth. Eric slowed his thrusts, ignoring how his body screamed for him to continue. He didn’t want to hurt Neeko.

“You want to slow down?” He slurred his words, speaking between heavy breaths. But his concern was sincere.

“No!” Neeko gave a snorting laugh, thrusting herself back onto Eric’s cock, trying to nestle him deeper into her needy pussy. “Neeko loves it! Neeko wants it harder!

Eric huffed out a short laugh of his own. Then he began to oblige the lizard girl. He wanted to be a good host, after all.

Green skin covered her thighs and tail, but her sweet, little buttocks were a nice shade of pale pink. Eric watched those perky cheeks quake and wobble as they slapped against his waist. He watched his prick sink into her dripping wet cunt, his veiny length disappearing between those tight folds. It was hypnotic. Eric could not look away. He needed to see.

“It’s like being… stretched in half…” Neeko rasped, making fists in the bedsheets. Some of her purple hair clung to her sweaty back. She dipped her head forward, pressing her face into the mattress while raising her behind up into Eric’s thrusts. Offering herself. Her voice was muffled then, but the human could still hear her words. “Eric is… very, very big.”

Eric couldn’t help but swell with a little pride at her praise. Likely it was that Neeko didn’t know just what that meant to a man, but Eric didn’t care. He worked himself harder, faster, drawing such sweet sounds from the lizard girl’s lips. And so too did her tail work harder and faster, right in front of Eric’s face.

This time it was enough to be distracting. So Eric took hold of the base to keep the swinging tail from slapping him. A firm hold. Enough to make the girl beneath him seize up and moan.

“Sorry!” Eric said quickly, now very alert at the prospect of hurting his bedmate. “I didn’t mean…”

“No!” She shook her head against the mattress, slamming her palm against the bed. “Grab it! Hold it tight!”

Eric realized then that she was soaking wet, drenching his cock and dribbling down over his balls.

Huh. That’s something.

Dutifully, he took a firm hold on Neeko’s tail. And so continued to fuck the hot lizard girl just the way she liked it. Neeko let loose another wild moan, her pussy clenching tight around him. Like a damn vise.

“Holy shit…” Eric grunted, his thighs slapping against Neeko’s ass. Their bodies were colliding. This was not tender or gentle. Neither wanted that. This was something else. Primal. They needed it, human and lizard babe both. “Fuck!

“More!” Neeko cried, reaching back to clasp her hand onto Eric’s leg. A desperate attempt to get him to go harder, to go deeper. “Neeko wants more!

Eric didn’t know if that was possible. Already he was on the very brink. Any moment he would tip over and fall into the abyss. But the lady had made a challenge of him, one that he couldn’t ignore as a man. He gathered his strength and his nerve and gave Neeko the lizard girl everything he had.

Bodies joined together. Skin slapped against skin. The sound - and smell - of sex filled the air. Surely, the apartment next door could hear them. And the apartment above them. And the apartment below them. But Eric was beyond caring. He’d listened to enough bedtime activities through thin walls. Now it was their turn.

Neeko’s arms and legs gave out first. She lurched forward, flattening onto the bed, weak moans pouring from her lips. Eric felt her spasm around his cock, her end gushing down around his shaft and onto his sac and his thighs. Eric’s heart was burning white hot. It thrilled him.

The human grit his teeth and fucked her. He rode it out until his own ending. And when he finally came, he came hard.

Pleasure, it soaked into his body, pouring through like lava, burning him up from the inside out. There was no better feeling. Through his veins, his muscles, his bones, it took him over. Every inch of his body struck with bliss, trembling. Scalding hot seed surged from his balls, down the length of his cock, shooting deep into Neeko’s soaking wet pussy. Shot after shot after shot, he filled her up. And she took it all, moaning sweetly into the bedsheets, her cunt milking him for every drop.

When the well finally ran dry, Eric huffed through his nose and drew himself away from Neeko. His manhood, slick and glistening and half-hard, slapped against his thigh. He flopped onto the bed beside his strange lover, breathless and spent.

A moment ago, he felt weightless. But now, gravity was quickly returning. Groaning, he rolled over onto his back, feeling himself sink into the bed. He let out a deep breath, his chest falling and falling. He was quite literally drained.


A long moment passed. Eric was content to simply stare at his bedroom ceiling. But then he felt his guest squirming on the bed beside him. He turned to look and found that Neeko had shifted to lay on her side, facing him. She wore a shy, cute smile, placing a hand on his bare chest.

The lizard girl began to trace circles on his skin with her finger, wordlessly watching him. Eric watched her back, meeting her golden eyes. It was like staring into heaven.

“That was fun, yes?” Neeko asked him quietly. She squirmed again, inching herself closer to him. She threw her thick leg atop his thigh, curling it around his leg. Entwined again they were, if more intimate than carnal. “Neeko made Eric feel good?”

She was laying on his arm. But enough of it was free for him to draw it up to curl around her waist. He saw her smile widen, her eyes glittering dazzlingly in the dim light of his room. Eric felt a grin of his own tugging at his lips.

“Oh, yeah.” He told her, drawing her closer. She snuggled into his side, clearly pleased at their new arrangement. “Hell yeah. Like a pro.”

Neeko gave a small hum. She laid her head down onto Eric’s chest, letting out a soft whine as she touched her cheek to his warm skin. Her hand dropped down to his stomach, tracing the faint lines of his abdomen. It tickled some, but Eric was too weak to stop her.

“Then Neeko is happy.” She finally said. “Happy to be Eric’s very special friend.”

“Same.” Eric replied, chuckling. His eyelids were starting to feel heavy. Neeko really had drained him. He grunted, pressing his nose into her purple hair. Damn, she smelled nice. Like wild fruit. He couldn’t really place it. But it was a scent he could get used to. “I’m happy I ran into you in the forest.”

“It was good fortune, yes.” Neeko agreed. She pressed a kiss to his chest. Then another. Eric groaned as he felt her tongue swipe against his skin. His cock, already milked for the third time that evening, was stirring back to life. It twitched with his heartbeat, surging with blood. Neeko brushed it with her thigh.

“Neeko…” He warned, but the lizard girl shushed him, lifting her head to look him in the eyes.

“It was good fortune.” She insisted. Her lips cracked into a daring little smile. The twinkle in her golden eyes did not bode well for the contents of Eric’s balls. Or maybe they did. Her next words came sweet as sugar, but holding naughty promises all the same. “And it was good fortune that I felt so curious about humans.”

Her thigh nudged his cock again. He was fully hard now. And throbbing.

“Damn good fortune.” Eric all but croaked.

A giggle spilled from Neeko’s lips. Music to his ears. She reached out and brushed her finger over his lips.

“Being friends with Eric…” Neeko spoke low and quiet. “Is going to be very, very fun.”



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