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Reika braced herself against the window, planting her hands high on the floor-to-ceiling glass. Kei took a moment to savor the sight. He drew his eyes up her body, drinking in those great swaths of bare, pale skin. She was beauty, living and breathing.

Every inch of her was divine. The supple softness of her thighs, the fertile curves of her hips, dipping inward to a delicate waist and the sensual line of her back. And her breasts, so large and luscious that Kei could see the side swells peaking beyond her flanks. But he had already taken his fill of Reika’s bountiful bosom. Right now, Kei Kurono wanted something else. Something far more intimate than her delectable teats.

Kei wanted Reika’s ass. And it just so happened that Reika wanted him to take it. Thus a most desirable agreement had been made.

Kei Kurono, slayer of beasts, was about to become the conqueror of Reika Shimohira’s tight ass. And it was time for him to get to work.

The young man advanced on the waiting idol singer, grabbing a bottle of lube from a nearby coffee table. Convenient, but Reika had likely set it there some time ago. She had been looking forward to this just as much as Kei, hadn’t she? And Kei had long stopped questioning his good fortune.

Kei squeezed the bottle, squirting a strand of lube directly onto his stiff length. It was cool on his skin, but not cold enough to wilt away his hard-on. His blood was up, boiling in his veins, and his cock was throbbing, aching with anticipation. The fat, veiny thing damn near had a mind of its own, desperate to spear deep between Reika’s full-moon buttcheeks.

He stroked his manhood, using his hand to smear the thick lube all over his length. He coated the swollen cockhead with the stuff, rubbing his thumb into the tip of his cock until it glistened. Then he stepped up behind his willing woman, setting his other hand on her slim waist just above her beautiful ass. But they weren’t quite ready yet.

Kei drew his fingers down his length, gathering some excess lube on his fingers. Then he pressed those same digits into the rosebud between his lover’s cheeks. Reika gasped then, jumping slightly. But she did not struggle as he pressed his fingers deeper. He rubbed slowly, delicately, applying the leftover lube to her tight hole. Considering his size, he knew she would need it. When he was finished, he pulled his fingers free. Reika sighed again, a slight tremble rolling through her back.

“I hope you’re ready.” He warned her, sighing as he pumped his dick a couple more times. The whole shaft was slick with lube, tingling against the cool air. He urged his hips forward, nestling the throbbing tool right between Reika’s cheeks. The head was pressed nicely between the dimples above her ass. A delightful image for him to store away. “You’re about to handle a lot more than my fingers.”

“You don’t need to be gentle.” Was her clipped response. Her voice was wavering slightly, but there was a strength in her words. Reika had faced the same monsters that Kei did and suffered the same horrors. She was determined to handle his cock.

Kei was pleased to hear it. But still, Reika was his woman. She had proclaimed it herself. That meant that her comfort was his responsibility. And the last thing he wanted was to be a poor master. No, Reika deserved better than that.

“Are you sure? You said it yourself, I’m big enough to split you in half.”

But Reika was not a woman to be dissuaded. She threw a look over her shoulder. Kei could see that her eyes were wild, blazing with lust.

“I want you to fucking ruin me, Kei!” Her words came out heated and fierce. To make herself clear, she pushed her rear back into his groin, wiggling her soft rump around Kei’s stiff prick. “I want you to own my ass!”

There was no hesitation in her voice that Kei could hear. The idol singer was genuine, resolute in her desire. She wasn’t just trying to prove herself. She needed his fat cock all the way up her ass.

Who was Kei Kurono to deny her?

Kei gave her a short nod, satisfied. Then he reached down, wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock. He held the thick member steady as he pressed it right up against Reika’s ass. The swollen, bulbous head prodding her rosebud.

“Okay then.” Kei murmured, using his other hand to take a firm hold of Reika’s waist. He hoped she was as ready as she claimed to be. “You’re offering. So I’m taking!

Kei started to push his thick prick into Reika’s ass. It took a bit of effort, getting the club-like cockhead to break past the tight, puckered ring. Reika’s body was resisting him, naturally. It was clear that she was new at this, despite her vocal desire to get her ass pounded. But Kei didn’t falter. He wanted what belonged to him. He wanted to go deep. And when he finally got through, there came a haze of twisted satisfaction.

He was fucking Reika Shimohira in her ass!

Or, rather, he had started to. Many men, both young and old, had dreamt of such paradise. But for Kei Kurono, it was his new reality.

Reika, for her part, was taking it like a champ. She had given little more than a soft groan as he speared his cock through her tight hole. Now she whimpered quietly as his shaft slowly, slowly sank between her pale buttcheeks. Only his cockhead and spare change were stuffed inside. Kei felt a naughty sort of glee, knowing that Reika still needed to suffer through quite a bit more before the entirety of his shaft was nice and snug in her tight ass.

Her tight ass, of course, was heavenly. This was not Kei’s first time enjoying a woman’s rear-end. Sei Sakuraoka had been the woman to teach him those delights. And she had taught him thoroughly.

Like Sei, Reika was tight and warm. It felt like her ass was going to strangle his dick. On all sides, little Kei was being smothered. This made the lubricant necessary. Slowly, Kei slid deeper into Reika’s ass. The way her ass squeezed his manhood, it almost felt like he was being sucked in.

Kei’s blood was up. He could feel it simmering, frothing in his veins. He stared down at where his body joined with Reika’s, watching his shaft sink deeper and deeper into that tight hole. The sight of that pale bubble butt being spread apart, skewered by his cock, would be forever burned into his brain. And there was the sound of her voice…

“Oh my God… Oh… Fuck!

Her normally soft voice was now strained, guttural but also wavering, unsteady. It was most pleasing to the darker parts of Kei’s mind. He relished the way his cock seemed to be dominating the poor girl’s senses.

“Damn.” Kei grunted. He could see that his shaft was now halfway buried between Reika’s cheeks. He couldn’t help but feel a little impressed. “You’re really tight back here…”

Kei could see a shudder roll through Reika’s back. Her arms trembled as they supported her against the glass. But she still had enough fire to cast a heated look over her shoulder.

“I’ve never… had anyone… back there… before.

Kei felt a measure of pride spike in his heart. It was… pleasing to know that he was popping Reika’s anal cherry. No other man would have what Kei was having. The chance to claim the idol singer as his own. The chance to violate her body through sexual conquest.

The young man plunged his cock deeper into Reika’s ass. She gasped, her voice petering out into a whining fit. Most of his length was nestled in the tightness of her ass now, his waist only inches from touching her buttocks. Just from the way her body was responding to his invasion, Kei could tell it wasn’t easy for Reika to take him. But she must have been getting some pleasure out of it, he figured. Why else would she endure the torment of her ass being ravaged?

Pleasure rolled down Kei’s shaft, the clenching around his cock massaging, smothering every inch of it. The tightness of Reika’s ass was divine, feeling even more snug than her pussy. A fire was blazing in his gut, a churning in his balls. Kei gave a low huff, gripping tightly to Reika’s waist. He leaned forward, kissing the back of her neck, sighing.

“You’re so tight around my cock.” He groaned, rocking his hips against hers. He was so deep inside her now. He could feel his balls brushing against her buttocks. His cock was now stuffed all the way inside. Every inch of him smothered, gripped tight by her ass. Kei damn near collapsed forward, pressing Reika up against the window. She gave a cry of shock as her tits were pressed up against the cold glass.

“How does it feel?” He asked her in a lustful daze.

Reika didn’t answer immediately. She gave a long, low moan, her body trembling in Kei’s arms.

...Big.” She finally told him, hissing through her teeth.

Kei huffed through his nose. Like an enraged bull. He began to rock his hips again, harder this time. The response was immediate, with Reika gasping as her own hips bucked against him. He started to fuck her then, trying to force his cock just a little deeper. Short, quick thrusts - as quick as her tightness allowed.

“You like that?” He breathed into her ear, the words spilling out like he was a drunk. In a way, he was. Drunk on Reika and her perfect derriere. “You like my fat cock up your ass?”

Yes!” Reika hissed again, pushing her body back into his thrusts. He had to hand it to the idol singer. She gave as good as she got. She spoke up again, her tone heated and demanding. “I love it! Keep going! Harder!

Kei did so happily. His thrusts became harder, more urgent. His cockhead felt like it was punching even deeper into Reika’s ass. The sensation of the heat, the tightness around his prick, it was bliss. And the sounds!

Reika’s voice, her weak moans turning to wild, desperate shrieks. And her body, the blessed noise of her sumptuous buttocks slapping against his waist. It all fed into Kei’s twisted arousal. He felt savage, primal. His claiming of Reika’s body was violent, medieval, and sublime.

Beyond even that was the shamelessness of their coupling. Right up against her apartment window. Anyone out in the city could look up and see the famous Reika getting her ass reamed out by a big dick stud.

Kei’s heart hammered, hot blood surging through his body. Lust had taken control, guiding his actions. He needed to fuck Reika. He needed to fuck her good.

His hips surged forward, working his cock into Reika’s ass like a piston. It punched in deep, plunging into that dark, forbidden pit. His waist collided with her buttocks, her full, rounded ass wobbling deliciously in the face of his assault. Those soft, pale cheeks clapped with each thrust, a most wondrous sound to his ears. Kei was in a brutish state, defiling the idol beauty without mercy. But he still had enough possession of his mind to speak.

“You feel so fucking good, Reika.” He rasped into the back of her neck. He pressed his face into her silky, black hair, taking in her sweet scent. It didn’t compare the feeling of her wrapped around his cock, but it still drove him mad.

“Go… go deeper!” Reika cried breathlessly. She sounded needy, desperate. And though he was of a brutish, lecherous mind, Kei kept his heroic spirit. He would always provide for a woman in need.

So he did as she asked. He fucked harder, deeper. With sweat dripping from his brow, he held firm to Reika’s waist and pounded deep into her ass. He stared down, mesmerized by the way her buttocks collided beautifully with his waist. The quakes that rolled through her soft flesh made his mouth water… and set his heart on fire!

He was like an animal, savage in his rutting. He was of no mind to treat Reika delicately. She had offered her lovely rear-end to be used to his desire. He was simply collecting. Kei Kurono was fucking his fill.

Reika moaned weakly as her poor bottom was reamed out. Too spent to shriek or squeal like she did when Kei took her cunt, the young man figured. But the noises she made as he claimed her ass were sweet all the same, a delight for his ears.


Yes, Kei was claiming Reika’s ass. Conquering it. His prick was his flagpole and he was planting it deep. And his balls tightened at the thought. Within, he could feel them roiling with seed. Pressure was building. The pipe was about to burst. Every thrust brought Kei closer and closer to that blissful eruption.

Grunting low and beast-like, Kei coiled his arms around Reika’s belly. He held her body close, pressing himself into her warm, sensual curves. He had fucked Sei just like this, hadn’t he? Holding on tight while he hammered into her from behind. His hips worked hard and fast, his cock pumping into Reika’s depths. The pale beauty was shrieking now, splitting Kei’s ears. She wasn’t too spent for that, as it turned out.

“Fuck…” Kei snarled, pressing his face into Reika’s back. There was a blazing heat writhing in his gut. He fucked into Reika’s ass as hard and fast as he could. Hot. Everything was hot. The sensations, the pleasure, all dialed way up. His cock, thick and swollen, moments away from bursting. He was going to plant his seed in Reika’s ass. He was going to breed her ass. Kei’s voice came out as a growl. “Gonna cum! Gonna fill you up!

“Do it, Kei!” Reika shot back, lust seething through her words. “Fill my ass!

Reika demanded it. So it was.

Kei was never the type of man to deny a beautiful woman his cum.

The slayer of aliens and beasts one more faced the only enemy to take him down: the warmth of a woman’s embrace. He buried his cock into Reika’s ass, his whole body trembling as he held her body tight to his own. The entirety of his length was wrapped up in the tightness of his lover’s bowels, her ass engulfing his cock all the way down to the root.

Kei came and came loudly. He howled as he erupted deep in Reika’s ass, scalding hot seed rushing through his length like a raging flood. His cock pulsed with every shot, more and more cum launching from his churning balls. Reika squirmed in his arms, squealing as she felt her bowels flood with his seed.

White hot bliss came next, a rush of pleasure rolling over his whole body like a tidal wave. It surged through his veins, his nerves, tingling beneath the skin. He could feel it throbbing deep in his bones. The aftershocks of ecstasy were strong, intense. Kei damn near forgot how to speak. He held onto Reika, sucking in ragged breaths as he slowly floated back down to Earth.

“Fuck.” He uttered, reaching up from her belly to lazily paw at one of her tits. The softness of her flesh was comforting, not unlike a pillow. Sighing, he pressed another kiss between her shoulder blades. He whispered to her then, breathless. “That’s it. It’s mine. Your ass belongs to me now, Reika.”

“I feel so full…” She answered quietly, pointedly not denying Kei’s claim. Even after a fuck session like that, Kei was keen enough to notice. Something that gave him a measure of pride. But not as much pride as laying claim to Reika’s body. Not much could top that, Kei knew. Reika wiggled her well-fucked butt back into his groin. That drew a tired groan from the young man. Then she spoke again, throwing a satisfied look over her shoulder. “You came so much, Kei.”

“You did that, driving me crazy.” He grunted, slowly drawing his manhood from her bottom. He gave a low sigh as his cock fell free, slapping down wetly against his thigh. He looked on with his own sense of satisfaction, watching the seed he shot into Reika’s bowels dribble out of her twitching rosebud. “That’s all for you, babe.”

Kei felt a swelling in his chest. Was it pride? Arrogance? Kei didn’t know for sure. But the proof of his conquest made Kei feel mighty. Without thinking, Kei’s hand shot out. He gave Reika’s pale buttocks a nice, firm slap.

The idol singer squealed, jumping a little. But Kei’s eyes were fixated on that perfect, jiggling ass. The sight pleased him greatly. Rather than snap at him, Reika only gave a soft whimper. And to Kei’s further delight, she wiggled her rump playfully. Like she was begging to be spanked again.

Instead, Kei chose to grope. He cupped one of those soft cheeks and squeezed, content to feel up the juicy plumpness. Reika moaned, pushing her rear into his touch.

Oooh…” She cooed softly, sweetly.

“Damn.” Kei murmured, groping to his heart’s content. “Such a perfect ass. Made for my cock.”

He gave his woman another spank, but it was half-hearted. Meant to tease, not to sting. The idol singer hummed pleasantly, wiggling her juicy rear against his groin again.

“Yours.” She told him, so adoring. “Only yours.

An all-too-pleased smile spread across Kei’s face.

“Good to hear.” He said with a weak chuckle. He drew his hand gently over her flawless skin, tracing circles right above her ass. How could a woman be so perfect? “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Reika. Because I’m not ever getting tired of you. There’s going to be plenty more where that came from.”

Reika turned to face him then. Her ass disappeared from view, his vision now filled with those amazing tits. But Kei didn’t get a chance to drink in the view. Reika took him by the chin and kissed him, deep and loving.

When she finally pulled back, she breathed hotly onto his lips. Her eyes stared into his own. And Kei knew he was loved.

“I’m going to hold you to that, stud.” Reika whispered to him. Then she captured his lips in another kiss. Claiming dominion over his mouth as he had over her body.

Being a clone wasn’t so bad, Kei knew for sure then. Not when his luck was so damn good. He had been granted the gift of all gifts. One that he wasn’t going to waste.

Kei Kurono didn’t just have a second chance at life.

He’d been given a second chance at love.



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