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“Humans greet each other in all sorts of ways. Do you want me to show you?”

Eric was somehow able to keep his voice level and calm. Tail or not, the creature standing before him was clearly female. And a nude woman in the flesh was more than enough to send the young man’s heart racing.

Eric watched as her golden eyes lit up in excitement. The strange, beautiful being called Neeko did a little hop, her wet hair flopping as she did. A few rogue droplets of cold pond water pelted Eric’s face.

“Yes!” The girl with a tail cried gleefully. “Neeko loves to learn! And making friends is a good thing, no?”

Had he been a cartoon character, a wicked smile would have spread across Eric’s face. Instead, the human male gave a simple, friendly nod.

“Making new friends is good.” He agreed. His devious plot was going smoothly so far, but now it was time for the true leap of faith. Eric would either win big or Neeko the lizard-frog chick would go jungle-wild on his ass. He set both of his hands on her damp, glistening shoulders. Neeko did not push him away. “But being friends with humans is fun. I’ll show you. This is called a hug.

Then he hugged her. She was naked, her pink and green body dripping wet, and he hugged her. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, coiling behind her back, and he drew her close. She made a high-pitched sound at his sudden embrace, but it was one of mild surprise rather than of fear or indignation like Eric feared. That was a good sign.

An even better sign was how he felt her nipples brush against his chest, even through the fabric of his shirt. They were hard and poking, likely due to the chill of taking her wet body out of the pond. But Eric liked to think it was partly a reaction to him as well.

His shirt and pants were getting damp, the fabrics drinking in the sheen of water that covered Neeko’s bare body. But Eric didn’t care. He had a dryer at home. And he was touching, feeling, groping this exotic, nude woman. Sure, she had a tail. But that only added to her exoticism.

Just when he felt that Neeko would push him away or try to squirm out of his hold, the lizard lady started to hug him back. He felt her own slender arms circle his waist, tightening their embrace. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder, letting loose a very pleased hum. The feel of her, the sound of her, it only sent Eric’s heart hammering faster.

“Wow! Eric is so warm!” Neeko cooed, her voice slightly muffled as she buried her face into his chest. Over her shoulder, Eric could see her tail swishing back and forth. The young man couldn’t help but smirk.


“You’re very soft.” Eric shot back, giving a short chuckle. He rubbed small circles into Neeko’s back, enjoying the truth of his words. And she wasn’t just soft. Like Eric himself, the lizard lady oddly had some warmth to her body as well. “Feels good doesn’t it?”

“Yes, very good!” Neeko giggled, squirming giddily in Eric’s arms. Eric stifled a groan, feeling his prick stir in his jeans. He doubted the girl knew how she was torturing him. From any other woman it might have been frustrating. But from Neeko, the innocence was charming. Alluring, even. She drew her head from his chest to look him in the eyes, leaving a damp spot on his shirt. She beamed up at him, her golden eyes glimmering in the light. “You will be Neeko’s very first human friend!”

Eric gave a warm smile. But hidden underneath his kind expression was a devious, wicked mind with a devious, wicked plot. And he decided then that it was time to really put it into motion.

“In that case…” He started, gently running his thumbs over the soft skin of Neeko’s arms as he held her. “Let me show you how human friends spend time together. It’s very fun. I promise.

Neeko giggled again, bouncing in place. It did very interesting things to her lithe body, particularly her breasts. Two humble mounds they were, but even so they possessed a certain plumpness. The soft flesh wibbled and wobbled as Neeko bobbed her body on the balls of her feet, offering an entrancing sight for any red-blooded man.

“Show me! Neeko wants to know!” She moved into his space, planting her small hands on his chest.

On instinct, Eric’s own hands fell to her slim waist. His palms settled on the small of her back, right above where her hips and rear began to swell outward from her spine. It was a good place for a man’s hands to be, Eric noted. Neeko, god bless her, was too eager to notice just how crooked her new friend’s smile was.

Eric gathered his nerves. The time for hesitation was long past. Before his more noble aspect could convince him to stop, Eric’s head darted forward. He caught Neeko’s lips in a quick kiss.

The pink and green lizard lady gave a small squeak as their mouths connected. Eric felt her slim body seize up in his arms. He preferred to think it was due to shock and not revulsion. A moment passed and both remained still, locked together at the lips.

Her lips… God, they’re soft…

Another moment passed and Neeko still hadn’t slapped him or shoved him away. Eric took that as a win. He moved his lips over hers, attempting to deepen their embrace. And to his delight, Neeko did the same, kissing back with tentative enthusiasm.

Neeko made a sound against his lips then. A soft hum as she caught his lower lips between hers. Was it a moan of enjoyment? Or was she telling him she wanted a break? Eric didn’t want to push his luck too far, so he broke away a moment later.

“That’s called a kiss.” He told her, his voice low and rumbling. “It’s something that very close friends do.”

His cheeks felt warm. His whole body too, in fact. His blood was up, hot and frothing in his veins. Eric could feel his cock swelling madly against his jeans. But he couldn’t just whip it out immediately. That would have been… impolite.

Neeko gave a low hum, shivering slightly in his arms. She wiggled her body closer to his, pressing her belly flush against his groin. The young man blinked. Eric hadn’t realized just how short she was.

“Kissing feels nice.” Neeko cooed, squeezing his arms with her small hands. Eric swelled with a measure of pride as he noted the look of appreciation on her pink face. She looked up at him, her big golden eyes melting and jump-starting his heart in equal measure. “Can we do more?

The smallest pinprick of guilt needled Eric in the back of his head. He ignored it and pressed onward with his very naughty plan. There was no turning back now.

“Sure.” He said, smiling. “Sometimes humans kiss even deeper to show how much they like you.”

Eric went on to demonstrate this. And Neeko, so sweet and trusting, accepted his affection with giddy enthusiasm. Their lips joined in a deep kiss, certainly deeper than the one they just had. This time Eric took the time to taste this exotic creature. She had lips like a human girl. Her body and her mouth felt like a human girl’s. But she was not a human girl. She was Neeko. And Eric couldn’t get enough of her.

This was a bad thing. He was a bad young man and he was taking advantage. But how could something so bad feel so good? If this was wrong, why was she so willing? Why did the feeling of her tongue writhing and twisting against his own make his head spin?

Because the forbidden fruit is the sweetest…

Neeko, for her part, took from their joining as much as Eric did. As the human lad dominated her mouth, Neeko devoured him in turn. She pressed her body into his, her little hands grasping desperately at his chest, his shoulders, his neck, his back - any part of his body that she could grope, she groped. She wiggled herself closer, eager for more of his warmth. She moaned into his mouth, soft whimpering sounds that had Eric twitching so madly in his pants that he feared he might spend right then and there.

Then she pulled away suddenly, gasping for breath. She planted her hands on his damp chest, putting a modest distance between them. But still he held Neeko by her narrow waist. Even with his head spinning, his heart hammering, Eric noted that Neeko’s tail was swishing excitedly behind her.

“Wow.” The beautiful creature said after a moment. Her voice came quiet and breathless. Eric saw her pink face was now flushed a deeper hue and her eyes had a hazy look to them. Eric wasn’t the only one getting riled up, it seemed. “I feel… strange. Warm. But it feels nice.

“Kissing is supposed to make you feel like that. It’s why humans do it so much.” Eric’s voice was strained. It was a feeling shared across his entire body. His clothes, damp from the wetness of Neeko’s body, were becoming an annoyance. His primal desire burned in his heart. He wanted to be free, unleashed. And the only way to do that was to push onwards. The guilt he had felt before now barely registered. Eric stole a quick kiss from Neeko then, breathing hotly onto her lips. She squirmed delightfully in his arms. “Human friends also touch each other to feel good.”

“Like hugging?” Neeko asked him, effortlessly cute and genuinely curious. “Or like what Neeko and Eric are doing right now?”

Eric chuckled. The big bad wolf giving an evil laugh.

“Not quite. More than that. More than this. It can be pretty intense.” He made a show of sounding like he was warning her, but he left enough in the air to purposefully pique her interest.

To his wicked delight, Neeko took the bait.

“Like wrestling? Neeko loves wrestling!”

She was hopping on the balls of her feet then, her tail swinging quickly back and forth. What did it say about himself, Eric wondered, that Neeko’s cuteness made his cock so rock hard?

I’m so going to hell…

“I think it’d be better if I showed you.” The words came far too easy for Eric’s liking. But a darker part of his mind was relieved for the same reason. “Would that be okay?”

Yes!” Neeko beamed up at him. The trust and sincerity in her eyes made Eric feel like a pile of shit… and he had never felt hornier. His cock, swollen with blood and desire, was perhaps the biggest it had ever felt. All because of the naked lizard chick who was all but begging him to fuck her. “Show me how human friends make each other feel good!”

…the deepest, darkest, most scorching hell there is.

Eric didn’t dwell on his damnation. Instead, he started to strip down. Neeko was completely naked, after all. It was rude of him to remain clothed for so long.

First went his boots and socks - thankfully the ground was soft and mossy. No sharp rocks or twigs to bother the undersides of his feet. Then went his shirt, now covered in dark spots of dampness thanks to Neeko having gotten cozy with him. Then finally, his pants. Eric didn’t waste any time putting on a show. Jeans and boxers were tugged down together. His manhood swung free, swollen cock and full balls swaying between his thighs.

It was crazy, this whole situation. Where had Eric’s unflappable confidence come from, the young man wondered? Why was he so calm about stripping naked in front of the pink lizard-frog babe?

There was no answer that he could find. Neeko herself had none for him, either. She simply stared at his junk, tilting her head in fascination.

“Neeko has never seen a naked human man before.” She said absently, her voice light and ponderous. She pursed her lips, as if deep in thought. Her eyes narrowed as she took an idle step forward, her gaze still centered on Eric’s hard cock.

“How do I look?” Eric asked. He couldn’t help himself. He wanted to know the hot lizard chick’s verdict.

“Different from human women.” She told him. She brought her fingers to her chin, taking another moment to really observe Eric’s equipment. “But not ugly.”

Then she was advancing on him, getting close as she did before. She went right up to him until there was less than a foot of space between them. Her hands reached out, her fingertips gently brushing against his flat stomach… And slowly drawing lower.

“It’s good to see new things.” Neeko spoke in a soft voice, her words flowing like smooth honey. It was almost sensual. “This is how Neeko learns.”

“I’ll do my best to be a good teacher.” Eric rasped out. Neeko’s fingers had reached the root of his cock. The young man shuddered slightly as he felt them start to drag slowly along his shaft. His own hands moved of their own accord, settling again on Neeko’s slim waist. The exotic babe gave a soft squeak as he drew them closer together. Eric stifled a groan as she cupped his manhood. “That right there… That's what humans call a ‘cock’. Or a ‘dick’. There are… actually quite a few names for it…”

Neeko gave his length a soft squeeze. Not enough to hurt. But certainly enough to make the taller human suck in a trembling breath. Eric grit his teeth, groaning again. His female company, however, seemed as curious as ever. She began to stroke him, her soft hands sliding up and down his shaft in torturously slow pumps.

Cock. Dick.” Neeko tried out these new words, humming thoughtfully. Her tail swished back and forth behind her. Before, it was cute. But now? Now it was a tease that was driving Eric mad. His cock throbbed in Neeko’s small hands. “Oh. Your cock moves on its own?”

Eric inhaled deeply through his nose. He gave her a short nod.

“It feels good when someone touches it.” He managed to growl. His hands on her waist dropped down below her swishing tail to her pert, little buttocks. He had already taken it this far? Why not add shameless groping to his list of sins? He took a couple handfuls of pink-and-green ass. Soft. She was so damned soft and warm. It made Eric’s blood bubble and froth in his veins. But half-crazed with lust as he was, Eric still had a mind to give some warning to the curious lizard chick. “But gently. Softly. It’s easy to make a man feel good. But it’s also easy to hurt him. Especially his cock.”

She smiled at him then. So innocent and sweet, her golden eyes shined with the happiness that came with making a new friend. It squeezed at Eric’s heart. And Neeko’s hand squeezed at Eric’s cock.

“Neeko will be careful.” She said, raising herself on her tiptoes to kiss him at the corner of his mouth.

She began stroking him in earnest. Her soft hands - both of them, Eric was proud to note - ran up and down his length. Eric let loose a deep, guttural sound, holding firm to his new friend’s slim body. The pleasure bloomed from his groin, stoking the fire in his gut into a white hot blaze. He let the pleasure wash over him, the molten heat spreading through his veins.

Neeko was not particularly skilled at the art of the handjob - Eric couldn’t expect high talent from a first-timer. But what Neeko lacked in natural talent, she made up for in enthusiasm… and the fact that she was a quick study.

She watched him as she milked his cock, her keen eyes studying his face, picking up on his tells. True to her word, she was a woman who loved to learn. And she learned fast. When she squeezed too hard or stroked too fast. When to speed up and when to slow down. How his swollen head was particularly sensitive and it drove him crazy when she rubbed her thumb over it in teasing circles. Little things like that.

Naked in the woods. Getting jacked off by a pink chick with a green tail. The life of Eric the would-be champion photographer.

“This feels good, yes? I can tell by your face.”

Eric gave a low huff, watching Neeko draw both her hands up his shaft, squeezing just so to make him shudder. Then she slid her hands back down to the base, smearing some of his precum along the protruding veins. She tilted her head up to face him, golden eyes shining with eager excitement. She gave a cute little smile then, awaiting his answer.

“You’re doing…” Eric inhaled sharply as one of Neeko’s hands went to cup his balls. Her slender fingers cradled them gently, rubbing slow circles into the underside of his sac. “...An excellent job.

Neeko’s smile grew. And oh, did her eyes glitter so beautifully.

She began to stroke him faster.

It was a testament to Eric’s willpower that he didn’t spend in her hands right then. He was already damned for this twisted fantasy, he figured. There was no way he’d let himself be finished off by a mere handjob. For his soul, Eric wanted more.

“Fuck…” His voice was strained and gritty, like rocks breaking against each other. He pulled one hand from Neeko’s lovely rear and grabbed her by the wrist, slowing her eager strokes. “You know… A real friend would use her mouth.”

God, I’m really, really going to hell…

The lizard girl gave a soft hum, looking at him with puzzled eyes.

“Neeko’s mouth?” She asked, so innocent and sweet. Her soft voice was almost enough to make him end it right there, pull his clothes back on, and flee to the nearest confessional. But her lips… those plump, purple-pink lips… So full and inviting…

As long as I’m damned… I might as well…

“Yeah.” Eric smiled down at her, hoping that she wouldn’t pick up on the desperate wickedness in his eyes. “But only the best, closest friends are allowed to do it. Do you think we could be best friends, Neeko?”

God, his prick was so damn swollen and throbbing, brushing maddeningly against the girl’s soft belly. He was certain that he might have actually gained an extra inch, just from being so fucking horny for this chick with a damn tail.

Eric had never felt so slimy in his life. But with Neeko’s hand still cupping his balls, gently prodding her fingers into his sac… And with his cock hard like an iron bar… Eric just didn’t care about being a good guy. He needed that nut. And Neeko was the chick to do it.

Yes!” She cried, giggling joyfully. She bounced on her feet again, sending subtle quakes through her small breasts. “Neeko would be honored! Neeko will show you how good of a friend she can be!”

Eric watched in morbid reverence as the pink-and-green girl knelt between his legs then. His length pointed right at her cute face. Neeko stared right back at the twitching stalk of flesh, visibly eager to inspect it more closely. It looked so damn big as it loomed over her face, the veiny monstrosity pulsing with hot, frothing blood. Eric felt a flash of concern that perhaps Neeko might not even be able to handle the damned thing.

Then Neeko had a look of determination on her face. She clearly didn’t share Eric’s reservations. She was the adventurous type, he had learned. A new thing like a big, swollen cock was just another challenge.

Neeko leaned forward then, her lips brushing against Eric’s cockhead… But he set his hands on her shoulders, stopping her.

No teeth.” He told her suddenly. His voice was firm but not impolite. “Just lips and tongue.”

Neeko gave an understanding nod. A sweet, girlish giggle bubbled up in her throat. She gave the tip of Eric’s cock a gentle kiss, soft like a flower petal. Then she smiled, cradling his length against her cheek with her hands.

“Eric worries too much.” She hummed. “Neeko told you: she can be very gentle.”

Neeko leaned forward and took Eric’s cock into her mouth. The human lad gave a low, shuddering groan as the forest girl’s lips and tongue slid down his shaft, bathing his manhood in heat and delicious wetness. She didn’t make it all the way down to the root, of course. Eric couldn’t expect something like that from a novice, however eager to please she was. But the portion of his prick that she did manage to suck down, she lavished upon it such enthusiastic affection that Eric thought he might have gone to paradise.

“Oh, shit…”

Eric went weak in the knees, very nearly dropping his ass onto the mossy ground. His hand instinctively went to Neeko’s bobbing head, his fingers running through her purple-pink hair. The girl gave a pleased hum at his touch, swirling her tongue eagerly against the underside of his cock. Then she drew back to do the same thing to his throbbing cockhead. Eric doubled over, letting loose a guttural sound - more like a beast than a man.

After what felt like a lifetime, Neeko slurped away from Eric’s cock. She gave his cockhead another soft kiss, smiling up at her new human friend.

“Kisses are good, yes?” Her voice was like music, entrancing. For a moment, Eric couldn’t even form a response, his brain was so fried.

Eventually, he managed to give a dumb nod.

“Kisses are very good. Especially down there. Tongue, too.” Eric spoke with a strained voice, clearly struggling to get the words out. But Neeko didn’t seem considered in the slightest. In fact, she appeared to be very, very pleased. Proud, she likely was, at being a natural cock-sucker. Before Eric could stop her, she was darting forward to take his cock between her lips again. “Holy shit.

Neeko didn’t just suck him. She milked him. Lips and tongue and hands, all working in tandem to massage, stroke, and lick the swollen, veiny length of meat that swung between Eric’s legs. She didn’t try to deepthroat him, and Eric thought that might have been a good thing. It was better to have a nice suck-off than a poor throat-fuck, he figured. And Neeko was nothing if not enthusiastic.

So for the rest of the time, Eric simply enjoyed having Neeko bathe his cock with her tongue. She sucked and licked with the heart of a champion, bobbing her head quickly. Eric felt his end coming, like magma bubbling and frothing deep in the core of a volcano. Hot seed roiled in his balls. Eruption was imminent.

Fuck! Neeko… Neeko, gonna cum!

In hindsight, he should have known Neeko wouldn’t have had a clue what that meant.

Instead of drawing back and getting clear of the blast, Neeko remained where she was with Eric’s cock set firmly in her mouth. With his willpower thoroughly spent, Eric didn’t have the strength to push Neeko away… Nor could he stop the rush of hot, sticky fluid from shooting forth into her waiting mouth.

I’m definitely, definitely going to hell. God damn

Even through the haze of white hot ecstasy, Eric was sure that Neeko would pull back, squealing in horror at having her tongue - and the entire inside of her mouth - coated in Eric’s cum. He thought she’d scream in disgust, or maybe curse him out. But those reactions never came. 

The girl's eyes widened in surprise, but there was no etching or gagging in disgust. Instead, Neeko continued to dutifully suck the rest of Eric’s offering from the twitching source, letting his seed dribble onto her waiting tongue. And when the well finally ran dry, only then did she let Eric’s manhood slip from her mouth. Looking up at him with those gorgeous, golden eyes… Neeko tilted her head back and swallowed.

“Oh, wow…” Eric’s mind went blank for a short moment. Neeko’s giggle brought him back. He gave a breathless laugh of his own, running his fingers through her hair. “You didn’t seem surprised by that…”

The lizard girl drew a finger down Eric’s half-hard shaft, smiling.

“Neeko makes herself feel good sometimes.” She admitted. Her smile curled into a smirk. “Neeko wanted to try it with someone else.”

Eric breathed out another laugh. “And?”

Neeko pursed her plump lips, adopting a thoughtful look. Then her smirk returned. And her golden eyes glimmered.

“Being friends with humans is fun!”

Before Eric could reply, Neeko returned her mouth to his groin, her lips planting more flower petal kisses to his balls. She nuzzled the sac, humming in delight as she once more took in the human’s flavor and scent. For a man with a damned soul, Eric figured he had it going pretty good.

I picked a good day for a walk in the woods…


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