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“So… What do you think?”

Reika stood at the door to her walk-in closet, smiling bashfully. Kei, for his part, couldn’t keep the smirk off of his face. From his seat on her bed - their bed - he drank in the sight of her.

A few choice words came to mind. Magnificent. Exquisite. Gorgeous.

There was a reason Reika Shimohira was such a popular idol. Well… two big reasons. And right now they were both tantalizingly close to spilling free from a cow-print bikini top.

The bikini theme was fitting to say the least. Reika’s bosom was… impressive. And expansive. Her tits were so large, so often just barely contained by the cups of her many lacy bras, that they were damn near bovine.

A lesser man might have been intimidated by such vast swells of proud, pale flesh. But not Kei Kurono. He was a proud tit-man. He lived to feel their weight and heft in his hands, to feel their softness and their warmth.

If there was a reason he was put on this earth - other than to fight aliens and beasts - it was to experience the joy of burying his face into a nice pair of jugs. Licking them, kissing them, sucking on them, tasting their sweetness on his tongue. That’s what Kei Kurono was made for. And there was no better woman to do it with than Reika Shimohira.

She proved that well enough when she had the kinky idea to model for him. Lingerie, swimwear, and other cute, scanty outfits that she would never have had the opportunity to wear lest they scandalize her rabid fanbase. Every day since their first night together - back when Kei chose to live rather than just exist as a clone - Reika would show him why he made the right choice in staying with her.

There would be a new outfit every evening. A new delight to peel away from her lovely body. Kei still couldn’t get over how insane Reika’s measurements were. Her breasts were incredible, that could not be overstated, but the rest of her damn near drove him mad. With a waist so thin, hips so wide, and an ass like peach, Reika almost didn’t seem real. But she was. And she was his.

“I think…” Kei gave a low, appreciative hum as Reika drew forward slowly on bare feet. His eyes drifted up her smooth legs, the subtle swell of her belly, lingering on the deep valley of cleavage created by the slightly-too-tight bikini top, before finally rising to meet her gaze. Reika’s eyes glimmered with excitement. “I think I’m damn lucky you decided to clone me.”

The idol singer giggled. Even her laugh was lovely. High musical notes. Sweetness for his ears.

“You’ve said that so many times already, Kei.” She said as she came to a stop before him. She stood tall like a goddess. A heavenly beauty, come down to reward Kei for his bravery.

“It’s good to remind myself, that’s all…” Kei hummed again, low and deep in his chest.

He reached out to run his fingers over Reika’s bare belly. She gave a cute little gasp, but otherwise did not move. She was still, allowing him to do as he pleased. And that made his heart hammer in his chest and his manly spirit burn hot. Her skin was so warm and so soft. He leaned forward and kissed her above the belly button. She smelled like strawberries.

Again and again he kissed her, feathering her abdomen with affection. Some were small pecks, others were more lingering. He planted flower petal kisses as he traveled up her body, until his forehead brushed against those delicious mounds that swelled outward from her chest.

The whole time, Reika was giggling, her body trembling slightly against his touches. Eagerness thrummed through her. Kei could feel it, how it frothed just under her skin.

His hands had been on her bare hips, holding her in place as he peppered her belly with kisses and playful nips of his teeth. But as his mouth traveled upward, so did his hands. Up her flanks they went, ghosting over her smooth, flawless skin, until finally - just like his head - they reached her breasts. Tilting his head back so he could see her face, Kei gave Reika a wolfish grin. He cupped her big, fat tits through the cow-print bikini top and squeezed.

The effect was instant. Reika gave such a soft moan, so sweet to Kei’s ears that he thought his heart might burst. Her flesh felt even softer, the bountiful tit-meat so warm and plump in his hands. The feel of her breasts resting in his palms made Kei’s head spin. He had spent over a week getting intimately familiar with Reika’s lovely body but he still hadn’t gotten used to it.

The cow-print bikini top did not last long. Those small triangles of fabric that barely covered Reika’s breasts, Kei roughly tugged them upwards. Two large, pale swells of flesh swung down into view, dominating Kei’s vision. They were so perfect and mouth-watering that he would have been in tears had he not been near-drunk with lust.

Kei stared. And two juicy tits with cute, pink nipples stared back. They demanded his touch and his hungry mouth. And Kei could not deny them.

If the moan Reika had made just before was sweet and lovely, this next one was lewd and tawdry. Kei filled his mouth with tit-meat, grasping both of Reika’s mounds in his grubby hands. He sucked greedily upon her teats, his tongue lashing wildly against her nipples. He savored the taste, letting loose a satisfied groan as he slurped from one tit to the other. Eventually he used his hands to squish Reika’s breasts together so he could kiss and lick and suck both of her hard nipples, switching between them quickly. All the while, Reika let out desperate, panting moans, her slender hands grasping at Kei’s shoulders and the back of his head.

But then she was pulling him up. Reluctantly, Kei slurped away from Reika’s heavenly tits. He rose to his feet, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest as he locked eyes with his woman. Hers were large and glimmering, two gentle pools of caramel brown. Almost doe-like they were, only adding to Reika’s maddening beauty.

There was a very large tent pitched in the gym shorts Kei wore. And Reika reached down to palm it. The cloned hero let out a rough grunt, a shudder rolling through his body.

“Remember what I told you during our first night together?” She asked him softly, sweetly. Her slender fingers rubbed torturous circles over the swollen head of his prick, massaging him through the fabric of his shorts.

Kei grunted again, fighting the urge to throw Reika on the bed like some caveman. His hands fell to her hips, his fingers sinking into her soft flesh. He leaned forward as the minx continued to rub and stroke the bulge between his legs, his forehead pressing against her collarbone. He felt her press a soft kiss to the side of his head and that only made his cock swell even more.

“I remember you telling me a lot of things.” Kei hissed through clenched teeth. Reika’s groping became more daring. Insistent. She wanted his cock as much as he wanted her, he understood.

“I told you that you could have me. All of me.” Reika whispered into his ear. She pressed another kiss to the side of his head, her tongue swiping against his earlobe. Kei shuddered again, his hands moving from her hips to her supple rear end. He grabbed a handful of that soft, plump ass, groaning at how perfect it felt in his palms. Reika gave a lovely whine, lighting Kei’s blood on fire. Then he heard her voice again, now hotter and more desperate. “Anytime. Anywhere.

Kei gave a low, rumbling chuckle.

“Haven’t I been doing that all week?” He asked her.

Next thing Kei knew, Reika had grabbed him by the front of his shirt. An instant later, she pulled him in for a deep, searing kiss. Their lips collided in a fierce battle, a heated exchange of tongues and saliva. For a moment it even felt like the beautiful idol singer was taking control of their joining. But Kei’s blood ran hot and his whole body burned with unquenched desire. Reika’s lead lasted only a moment before Kei took charge again.

He dominated her mouth, her body, holding her close by her slender waist and plump ass with his strong hands. Her body was so warm and so soft that it almost drove Kei into a frenzy. He held her so close that he could feel her heart beating in her chest. Or maybe the heart was his own? It didn’t matter. All that mattered to Kei right then was holding Reika, touching Reika, loving Reika.

Reika pulled away, gasping. She pressed another quick kiss to his slick lips, moaning softly. She breathed hotly against his mouth. His cock surged with hot blood, the swollen length straining against the inside of his shorts. Reika’s hand, the one that had yet to move from his groin, gave an insistent squeeze.

“You still haven’t taken my ass.” She whispered against his lips. She gave him another quick kiss, this time at the corner of his mouth. Her voice came again, soft and smooth like warm honey. “I said it was all yours, Kei. I’ve been waiting all this time for you to take it.”

Kei breathed in deeply, feeling an urgent tremble slither through his gut and his chest. His balls, so full and roiling with seed, ached between his legs.

“Tonight, huh?” His voice came strained, but he managed a small smirk. “You sure you can handle me?”

Reika tugged down the front of his shorts then. Kei’s prick sprung free, the thick and swollen length swaying in the cool air. Reika’s fingers were upon him swiftly, her warm touch making Kei stifle a groan against her shoulder. She stroked him, slowly sliding her hand up and down his manhood.

“You’ve had my mouth, my tits, my pussy… I’ve spent all week handling you, Kei.” She told him. Her voice was heavy with need. Kei throbbed in Reika’s hand. “Now I want you in my ass. Because I’m the girl who can handle it. I’m the girl for you.

Kei leaned back so that he could see her face. Her flawless porcelain skin was colored a warm pink on her cheeks and her soft, brown eyes were shocking in their intensity. She absolutely meant what she said to him. And that had his spirits burning as hot as his blood. As screwed up as the world was, Kei couldn’t say that life hadn’t thrown him one hell of a bone.

“Alright. Let’s put those words to the test.” Kei’s voice was hard and raspy as he tugged off his shirt. He let his shorts fall down his legs as well, leaving him completely naked.

He stepped out of Reika’s hold, his hard cock batting against his thighs as he moved. He took a moment to drink in Reika’s nudity, the sweetness of her soft belly and her proud, prominent bosom. Then he turned his eyes towards the bedroom’s open door, gazing out into the living room… And noted then the floor-to-ceiling windows that made up one of the apartment walls. It didn’t take long for the horny young man to devise a deliciously lewd idea.

The young cloned hero gave his girlfriend a wolfish smile.

“Up against the glass.” He ordered her, gesturing with his head towards the living room.

Reika followed his gaze and saw. It didn’t take long for her to understand his wicked intent. Her cheeks took on an even darker shade of pink then as she glanced nervously from the windows to Kei then back again.

“The glass?” The intensity her voice had a moment ago had withered, replaced now with a bashful lilt. Kei’s smile widened. It was cute, almost pitiable. But she was the one who offered him anytime, anywhere. Reika’s voice lowered to a scandalized whisper. “People might see…

“Then they’ll get a damn good show. Up against the glass.” This time his words came firm, hard like steel.

Perhaps getting chosen by the GANTZ sphere was a good thing, Kei figured. If he hadn’t been picked as a fighter, he might not have developed the daring spirit he had now.

I never would have met Reika…

Kei watched his woman with a keen gaze, his eyes locked on Reika as she slowly nodded and started towards the living room. His chest filling with a decidedly chauvinistic sense of satisfaction, he stopped the idol singer on her way out, peeling the scant bikini-bottoms away from her shapely rear. He pulled them down her long, smooth legs and she obediently stepped out of them as they reached her ankles.

…And I never would have gotten the chance to do anything like this.

Then she was off again, off towards the glass windows that would expose her to the whole city. And as she strutted away, Kei enjoyed the sight of her pale ass quaking and jiggling subtly with every step. A magnificent vision that he counted himself lucky to behold.

Such a perfect ass, Kei thought with a pleased grin. And it’s all mine.

Kei kicked his shirt and shorts aside and followed after Reika. His cock, thick and swollen and throbbing, was already dripping precum from its bulbous head. His whole body thrummed with excitement, an eagerness that he hadn’t felt in some time. Kei knew he shouldn’t have been surprised. The prospect of taking a beautiful celebrity’s perfect ass would inspire damn near any man. Any with a pulse, at least.

And Kei’s pulse was strong. His heart and spirit had gotten him this far. He was alive. Even if he was a clone, he was the same man that killed monsters. He was the man who fucked his fill. Kei Kurono had fought for his world. He had fought to live. And now he was going to enjoy what this new life had to offer.

He was going to fuck Reika Shimohira in the ass. And he’d do his damned hardest to give Reika a pounding she’d never forget.