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Every second that ticked by brought them closer to showtime. Celene’s whole body thrummed with excitement. A heavenly thrill danced across her skin like lightning, traveling through her veins, through her bones. Oh, how she loved the anticipation before a performance. She almost loved it as much as the dances themselves.

The holo-curtain was up, separating the performers from the club-goers. Celene and Cerise could see out into the crowd, but the crowd couldn’t see in. But it wouldn’t be long until the two asari would grace their eyes with the perfection of Thessian beauty.

Celene could see them all. All of their faces. Asari, salarian, human, turian. Some volus. Even a couple of elcor. They all came to see her and Cerise. A fact that her daughter was more than happy to remind her of.

“See all those people, mother dear?” Celene’s daughter came up from behind, wrapping her arms around Celene’s belly and whispering into her ear.

“I do, love.” Celene hummed, enjoying the warmth of her daughter’s embrace.

“They’re all here to see you. They’re all here to see what I’ll do to you.” Cerise purred, her voice like honey. And Celene was shivering again, so anxious to finally go out on stage. It amazed her, truly. The things her daughter could do to her with just her voice and a few gentle touches. Cerise giggled then, a lovely, wicked laugh. “They all came to see you get fucked.

Celene let out a shuddering breath. Her knees felt like jelly, leaving her near-wobbling on her feet. But Cerise’s hold on her body kept her steady. Celene’s daughter giggled again, lower and softer. The matron felt a flower petal kiss press to the side of her neck then. It was a taste of what was to come, she knew. In a few minutes Cerise’s lips would be traveling all over her mother’s body.

“Athame guide me.” Celene spoke breathlessly.

“There’s no Athame under this roof, mother.” Cerise pressed another kiss to the very edge of Celene’s ear. Her daughter’s smooth, silky voice poured forth like a siren’s song. “Out on that stage, I’m your goddess tonight.”

Celene gave a low moan. She could feel her nipples brushing against the fabric of her corset. Already the matron was aching for her daughter’s touch. Gentle, teasing kisses were no longer enough for Celene. She wanted Cerise. All of Cerise. All of her daring, demanding nature. Her fierce, blistering kisses, her rough, groping hands, and her wild, lashing tongue.

Cerise, the little minx, pressed another kiss to the back of Celene’s neck.

The thumping house music stopped and then came the voice of Blueshift’s DJ, the spunky asari more than pleased to introduce the night’s main act. The woman’s voice came thundering from the speaker system, booming like a goddess from the heavens above. But the words she spoke promised the furthest thing from the divine.

Our esteemed guests! Please give a warm welcome to tonight’s star performers!” The club DJ’s voice carried over the cheering crowd. The club-goers themselves seemed to come alive - even more than they already were - most all of them turning their eyes to the stage as it was illuminated by spotlights.

Celene felt her heart hammering in her chest, exhilaration coursing through her blood. And her heart only beat fast as she felt Cerise gently fasten a thin, black collar around her neck. It was a new addition to their act that her daughter had been eager to try out. A little extra debauchery on top of an already sinful performance, her daughter had argued. And with how convincing Cerise could be, Celene hadn’t been able to deny her beautiful girl.

Cerise came to stand beside her mother then, smiling at Celene so radiantly while her eyes gleamed with wicked intent. Celene’s belly twisted so exquisitely and her sex bloomed with heat.

The DJ’s voice came again. Celene’s excitement was frothing, almost boiling over. But she was somehow calm and steady. She was a professional, after all. And it was showtime.

Blueshift! Give it up for the lovely ladies who prove that blood is thicker than water! Celene and Cerise Risala!

The holo-curtain dissipated. All those eager eyes were now set upon the mother and daughter. The effect of their scanty garb on the audience was immediate… and electric. It was like a fire had been lit in their hearts.

The cheering grew louder. Cerise turned and gave Celene a smoldering, hungry look. The matron shivered, almost in awe that she mothered such a fierce, divine creature. Then her daughter was sauntering forward onto the stage, completely nude save for her panties and the dark body paint. And in Cerise’s hand was the end of Celene’s leather leash.

There was a slight tug on the matron’s neck and a split-second later, Celene was strutting dutifully behind her daughter. The elder asari walked out onto the stage much like her daughter - with graceful steps and her head held high. But she couldn’t keep the dark blue blush from spreading across her face. A mother being led around on leash? By her own daughter? It was depraved. Deviant. And the crowd loved it.

Celene came up behind Cerise on the round stage. With the holo-lights shining on them both, the glitter from Cerise’s body paint was dazzling. Celene’s eyes traveled down her daughter’s body, drinking in the sight of her sparkling back, her soft, round ass, the backs of her full thighs… Oh, yes. Her daughter was the goddess of beauty taking mortal form. And a very pleasing form, at that.

Mother and daughter stood together on stage, basking in the lewd adorations from the horny denizens of Blueshift. The anxiousness had slipped away from Celene, replaced by a light bemusement. The matron looked out at the sea of young excited faces. Asari, salarian, turian, human. All of them wanted to see the wildest show Illium could offer.

“We’ve got a better crowd than on Omega.” Celene spoke in a low voice as she pressed a kiss to Cerise’s neck. Some in the audience hooted. Celene could only give a daring smirk. They hadn’t seen anything yet.

“It’s because of you, mother.” Cerise told her, turning her head to press a kiss of her own to the corner of her mother’s mouth. The crowd loved that even more. There came a couple of whistles. A fresh-faced maiden in the crowd urged them to use some tongue. Cerise whispered to Celene again as gave a signal to the DJ. “Didn’t I say you’d look fantastic?”

The music came alive again. But it was not the standard house music that Blueshift normally played. No, this track was special. Crafted specifically for their performance. It was slow and sensual, the low tones slithering deep into Celene’s ears. It possessed her and Cerise both, the sound of sex contained in those carnal notes taking hold of their bodies.

The cheering, the hoots and hollers from the horny audience, they faded away into nothing. There was only their music - and each other.

With sharp precision, Celene and Cerise moved their bodies with the crescendo of their special track. They were no longer mere dancers. After hours and hours of grueling practice, their bodies had become honed and tempered, so perfect in their dance that they would have appeared more machine than flesh were it not for the… abundance of the asari form.

Together they made flawless movements, no mistakes as they twisted and turned about each other. It was a seduction, a mating dance. Not just for the audience, but for each other. But of course, there was plenty for the audience to enjoy.

A quick turn here, and Celene’s proud bosom would swing and quake under the sharp and sudden move. The same for Cerise, especially with her shapely thighs and rear. A delight for the eyes. And there were so many eyes in the crowd tonight. There wouldn’t be a single man or woman who’d go home tonight not thinking of Celene and her daughter, the matron knew.

They danced. Mother and daughter, brushing and grinding and twisting against each other in a wicked display. Their lust could not be hidden. And it was never going to be.

Celene’s heart thundered in her chest, her blood running hot through her veins. The dance was only the first portion of their performance. What came next was what these people really came here to see. The lovely, sinful people of Blueshift didn’t spend their hard-earned credits to get teased. They came here to see what they couldn’t get anywhere else.

It was as her daughter had told her, Celene remembered. All these people came to watch her and her daughter fuck.

The song began to wind down. Less than a minute before it would switch to the next track, Celene knew. That was when the real show would start. Excitement twisted in the matron’s belly.

And Cerise, the devious vixen, had that look in her eyes again. And it sent Celene’s heart racing faster.

Before Celene could do anything, her daughter had one arm snaking around her waist. The matron gave a wordless cry - more of a squeal, really - as the wild maiden tugged her close… and kissed her. But this was no chaste peck of the lips. No, this kiss was deep. Fierce. A smoldering embrace of passion and lust that sent Celene’s head spinning and her legs trembling.

Celene tasted her daughter’s tongue, feeling it dominate her mouth. She could do nothing but let go. Centuries old she was, but the matron could not resist Cerise. The maiden held Celene close, their bodies pressed flush together, and devoured her mother’s moans. Beyond their little world on the stage, Celene could faintly make out the approving roar of the crowd. And it pleased her.

When they finally pulled apart, Celene was left flushed and gasping. But not Cerise. Her daughter turned and beamed at their adoring audience. The art of performance may have been in the Risala blood, but Cerise lived for it.

“What a lovely audience we have here tonight!” Cerise shouted. With no music playing now, her voice easily carried over the crowd. There came plenty of cheers, hollers, and whistles. Celene couldn’t help but smile as she watched her daughter bask in the attention. “So well behaved!”

Then Cerise turned and gave her mother a look. A look that Celene knew all too well. The matron felt a rush of excitement then. The real show was about to begin.

“...Unlike my mother here! She’s been a very naughty matron.” Cerise adopted a faux-stern tone of voice.

Cerise’s pretty face had become hard as stone, but Celene could see a mischievous glimmer in her daughter’s eyes. Cerise gave Celene’s leash a firm tug. The matron obediently came forward to stand beside her young mistress.

The audience before the stage surged with energy. They wanted what came next as much as Celene did. And the buzz only became stronger as Cerise placed a hand on her mother’s shoulder and forced her down onto her knees.

Celene’s heart hammered in her ribcage then as Cerise’s sweet voice sang out again. “I know all you fine people didn’t come out tonight just to see us dance! No, you came to see a matron on her knees, didn’t you?”

Hundreds of voices shouted back, all speaking the same answer.


Cerise gave a joyous laugh, a beautiful sound that Celene so loved to hear. The hand on Celene’s shoulder rose to cup her chin, tilting her face up to look into her daughter’s eyes. Cerise gave her mother a gentle, loving smile… while her free hand reached between her legs and pulled the c-string panties away from her cunt.

Celene looked on, mesmerized as her daughter’s lovely blue flower was revealed. Smooth and glistening it was - the wild vixen’s blood ran as hot as Celene’s did. And the scent.

Goddess, how can a maiden be made so perfect?

Cerise called out again to the now downright zealous crowd.

“And what does a matron do when she’s on her knees?” Celene heard her daughter ask. It wasn't a question that the audience was meant to answer. The maiden already had the answer ready. “Anything I want.

Then Celene felt her daughter’s slender hands on her scalp crests and an instant later found her face buried between Cerise’s lovely, firm thighs. There was no cry of shock, no voice of protest. This was what Celene lived for. The wonderful wickedness in taking pleasure upon her daughter’s perfect body. And so she dutifully began to lick, moaning wantonly as the sweet flavor of Cerise’s warm, wet cunt graced her tongue.

And beyond, lightyears away from this perfect, sinful realm, Celene could hear the audience roar.



Found this on HF, persuaded me to pay in. Love it.