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I've been a fucking writing machine these last couple months, huh? I'm aiming to maintain this level of productivity through the rest of the year.

The good news? 

We've reached the BAD END final act of Birds of Prey: Twisted Desire. Only a few more chapters the struggle between our heroines and the Brotherhood reaches a thrilling climax - one that many of you have been waiting a long time for. I'll be doing my absolute best to make the finale the lewdest, juiciest bunch of chapters I've ever written.

More Orc Harem chapters will be coming as well. I'm hitting a good stride when it comes to output on that particular story. I'll just say that our hero, Adam, will be living the good life in the upcoming weeks.

You'll also be seeing more chapters for Wonder Woman: Twisted Dominion, The Stormlander, Thorne's Lance, GANTZ: Second Chance, and Mass Effect: Twisted Indigo. So if you've enjoyed those stories then you'll have plenty to look forward to.

I'm also looking to resume production on my other original stories: Superboy: Unchained and Speedster's Gift. As well as a couple of other ideas that have been swimming around in my head...

And the final piece: I'm open for direct commissions again, though I reserve the right to turn down scenarios and kinks that don't interest me. I'm open to commissions involving original characters and settings or established fandoms and franchises.

For story commissions, my rates are $15 for every 1000 words.

Regarding commissions, you can contact me through email (ryswelltheo@gmail.com) or through discord (ryswell#0880).


Now onto the not-so-good news.

Mass Effect: True Blue will be taking a break for a bit. I've talked things over with the commissioner and with the holiday season coming up quick, they're trying to be careful with their budget. Understandable, in my opinion.

I've also halted work on HARD PLANET. I was really excited for that project some months back, but I realized I didn't have much other than a premise. So I'm going to be taking some time to really hammer out just what that story is going to be before I finally put pen to paper.

All in all, I think I'm really hitting my stride when it comes to content output. The routine I've settled into these last couple months seems to be the one for me. 

Gonna close this out by once more thanking all of you who have chosen to support my writing. It really means a lot and I hope the work I'll be putting out continues to entertain you.

- Rys




Good on you for hitting your stride man!