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1. Something to Fanboy Over

There was something truly special about a great hero outfit. To be great, it had to go above and beyond. It couldn’t just be flashy or stylish. Nor could it be purely functional, like simple body armor with pouches on top of pouches on top of pouches. No, to be one of the greats a superhero outfit needed to bridge the gap between form and function. It needed to be an exemplar of both fields.

Or at least that was the prevailing viewpoint among most super circles. Regina, however, had a differing opinion. In her eyes, the best superhero outfit was the kind that made her look like the sexiest bitch on the fucking planet.

Function didn’t matter one bit to Regina. Why would she need body armor when her skin was bulletproof? Tools and equipment were equally useless to her. She was a supe for fuck’s sake! She could bend steel with her bare hands. She could lift up a pick-up truck without breaking a sweat. She could break through a solid concrete wall with a single punch. As far as Regina was concerned, all her super suit needed to do was make her look like a total babe.

Which it did. In spades.

“I really ought to send Debbie a ‘thank you’ note or something…” Regina mused out loud as she inspected herself in her bedroom mirror. The tall superheroine twisted and turned her body this way and that way, her eyes fixated on her own reflection. She took in the beauty of her own body. Or rather, she appreciated the way her outfit accentuated that beauty.

When she had first started down the superhero path, before she joined Team Titanic, Regina knew that she had to have a killer costume to catch the public’s attention - particularly the attention of younger men. So Regina met with Debbie Kasdan, a woman who owned a lingerie shop back in her home city. For the both of them, it was their first attempt at creating a superhero costume. And together they created the sexy, fierce number that Regina wore as the gothic heroine Dentata, ensuring that Regina would forever stick in the minds of men and boys alike.

Some might have called it pandering, but Regina was no fool. If she was to be a successful superheroine, then she needed a loyal fanbase. She needed to be popular. And what better way to be popular with horny young men than to flaunt her natural talent?

And boy, did Regina have some serious talent. Long, toned legs put on a particularly drool-worthy display thanks to a set of black fishnet stockings and garter belt combo. Wide, womanly hips flaring out from a trim waist - Regina had to be careful there, eating enough to give her hips a delightful plushness but not so much that she lost her feminine figure.

Then there was the shiny black leotard, riding high on her curvy hips and wrapped snug to her body. Zipped all the way up to her neck, the outfit afforded no look at her cleavage. But it didn’t need to. The sights of her ample teats stuffed tight into what was practically a one-piece swimsuit was tantalizing enough.

To finish off the whole ensemble were the fingerless, elbow length gloves and the crown of thorns, both a deep midnight black like the rest of the suit. Sure, the gothic angle might have been a bit tacky but it drove all the guys fucking wild. What red-blooded young man didn’t want a pale, busty goth babe to ride him raw?

There was no denying it. The superheroine known as ‘Dentata’ was a real sexy bitch. She was the powerful goth goddess of men’s dreams. But if there was one complaint that Regina had about the costume it was that the leotard often rode up on her ass while she did all her superhero stuff.

Regina pursed her black-painted lips then, turning her body so that her rear end faced the mirror. She turned to look over her shoulder to inspect the reflection of her derriere. Indeed, the thong of her leotard had disappeared between the pale, juicy swells of her beautiful buttocks.

Regina smiled as she took in the lovely sight. Uncomfortable as it was for her to deal with her suit giving her a super wedgie, the pros outweighed the cons. With her sumptuous buttocks on such lewd display, Regina looked damn good. It would be a wonderful treat for any man to see. But there was only one man that Regina wanted to impress.

He was one of her superfanboys, a real nerdy type. The guy was tall and thin, but not so skinny that he’d tip over in a light breeze. No, he had a wiry build, slim but not quite skin and bones. He had pale skin like he’d spent most of his time indoors - probably to check out pics of Dentata on his computer, Regina imagined. His dark brown hair always looked slightly tousled but never dirty or greasy. That was a good sign. It meant that he at least knew how to shower and wash himself, unlike other desperate losers in Dentata’s fanclubs.

His name was Daniel or David. Or maybe it was Derek? It was something with a D, for sure. And speaking of Ds… Regina’s nerdy fanboy was especially blessed in the manhood department. That was something she discovered at a fanmeet event. She took pictures with everyone, signed autographs, but only her fanboy had the balls to ask her to have a picture taken with her sitting in his lap.

Had anyone else made that request, Regina would have turned them down flat. She might have even given them a nice slap for good measure. But Regina admired the young nerd’s audacity. So she gave him what he wanted. She sat her sweet, nearly-bare ass right on his lap. And she felt something big.

Her fanboy was a cute nerd with a big dick. Most superheroines weren’t nearly so lucky with their adoring, pervy fans. So Regina made it her mission to keep this one hooked on Dentata - and only Dentata.

Regina gave her pale ass a firm spank, smirking as she watched her booty jiggle in the mirror.

Oh yeah, Dentata would give that nerd something real big and juicy to fanboy over.



A super sexy, super powerful goth chick deciding to give one of her fans something that most of us dream about? Lucky bastard