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It was fair to say that Kei Kurono had experienced far more than the average teen.

Going from scared schoolboy to veteran alien slayer easily put him head and shoulders above his peers. Of course, no one would ever know what he did save for the handful of people he called comrades. But the things he lived through changed him all the same. Kei wasn’t a boy anymore.

Hell, getting roped into the GANTZ business directly led to him getting his dick wet. And with an older woman, too! A hot older woman. He was a combat veteran. He survived insane battles. He killed strange creatures from worlds beyond his own. In these last couple months, Kei’s bucket list had gotten significantly shorter.

And Kei remembered it all in near-perfect clarity. But they weren’t really his own memories. In truth, all of the heroic deeds he remembered were the accomplishments of another young man. The life in Kei’s memories wasn’t his own, but rather that of the original Kei Kurono. He was only a copy. A fake. He was no hero. He was just a clone of one.

Not that Reika seemed to mind.

Reika, the reason he was brought into the world in the first place.

Reika Shimohira. Singer, actress, and model. Famous across Japan and with good reason. She was drop dead gorgeous. She was the kind of girl men and boys dreamed about. She could have any man she wanted. And she wanted Kei Kurono.

Hence the clone situation. So there he was, sitting on the living room couch in the famous Reika’s apartment. She brought him into existence and offered him a place to stay. He took her up on her offer. It wasn’t like he had any viable alternatives. Kei couldn’t exactly go home because it wasn’t really his home. It was the original’s. The original Kei who happened to be very much alive and kicking. And the clone just didn’t have it in him to try stealing another guy’s life.

“You don’t need to sleep on the couch.” Reika had told him after they arrived at her apartment. She spoke in a soft voice, tentative and nervous. “We could share the bed… If you want.”

She had still been wearing the skin-tight bodysuit provided by the GANTZ sphere. It was so skin-tight that Kei could clearly see just how womanly Reika was. That, combined with her porcelain face, her long silky hair, and those lovely doe-eyes of her, nearly had Kei taking the girl up on her admittedly generous offer.

But Kei turned her down. Tempting as such an offer was, the teen clone really wasn’t in the right headspace for a roll in the sheets. Not yet, anyway. It would have been tough for anyone to learn that they were a copy of someone else. Even worse was the fact that Kei had literally been “born” just several hours ago.

So, yeah. Kei hadn’t really been in the mood.

That had been some time ago. Now? It was a different story. A couple hours past midnight, Kei Kurono number two was laying awake on Reika Shimohira’s living room couch. Cold, alone, and very, very horny. Being the clone of a teenage boy, it was only natural he’d have a teenage boy’s urges. And trying to sleep with the knowledge that a very beautiful, very willing young woman was in the next room certainly gave Kei some urges. Blessed - or cursed, from a certain point of view - with a fresh new body and what felt like limitless vigor, Kei sported the king of all stiffies. Rock hard and still getting harder.

For a moment, Kei had the idea to handle it himself. A quick rub out to thoughts of Reika. Or maybe even to the memories of the quality time the original Kei spent with Sei Sakuraoka, that hot, older lady. Kei decided against it, though. Jerking off on Reika’s couch? That would have been rude.

Of course, waking up his beautiful host in the middle of the night for some “assistance” would have been rude too. But she had offered to share her bed, hadn’t she?

Kei felt his cock twitch as a swarm of indecent thoughts clouded his young mind. Lewd fantasies and carnal memories. He imagined the feeling of a big pair of luscious tits in his face. He imagined the softness, the warmth, the flavor of such womanly flesh gracing his tongue. He remembered the heavenly sensation of being deep inside a woman. He remembered having Sei and her big tits pushed up against a wall, fucking her from behind. He remembered how good her hot, slick pussy felt as he drove his cock up into her. Sei had been older and taller than him, like an Amazon warrior out of some American comic book, but she had fucked him all the same. She hadn’t even cared that he was still in high school.

And neither does Reika, Kei thought. He breathed in deeply through his nose. His cock, rock solid, thrummed with blood and need. Man, I need to get laid. And she’s offering. What the hell am I waiting for?

Kei groaned as he rose from the couch. Sporting a sizable tent in his boxers, the teen spared a quick glance out of the wide apartment window. All of the lights of the city glittered against the night sky.

Somewhere out there, the original Kei Kurono was sleeping soundly in his own bed. Hell, there was a chance the original Kei was shacking up with a pretty girl of his own. Maybe he was enjoying a sweet dream while wrapped in his girlfriend’s loving arms.

There was no reason a clone couldn’t have that, too.


Kei felt the thumping of his heart quicken as he entered Reika’s room. There was still time for him to turn back, to make the smart choice and go back to sleep. But his body moved on its own accord, his legs carrying him forward, further into the darkened bedroom of his beautiful host.

Reika herself was fast asleep, curled up under the blankets of her single bed. Kei could still see her pretty face, all clear skin and full lips. Even in person, Reika was as gorgeous as she was onscreen or on stage. Hell, especially in person. And with the bed being so small, the two of them would have had to literally sleep in each other’s arms.

Why didn’t I take her offer the first time?

The teen clone breathed in and breathed out. Standing over the sleeping beauty, he slowly built up the nerve. To take the next step. To cross the threshold. To feel her perfect skin, to put his hands upon her ample body.

Blood pumped through his veins, running hot with growing lust. Kei’s prick, hard and still swelling, thrummed silently, angrily against his thigh.

Better late than never…

Kei reached down and roughly threw the blanket coverings aside. With his blood up like it was, the teen clone didn’t bother being gentle. Not that he was the gentle type to begin with, if the memories of the original were any indication.

Reika woke instantly. She gave a frightened gasp as her body was suddenly exposed to the chilly night air. Even in the dark Kei could see her eyes glistening, wide with shock and fear. Lower, he saw that she was dressed in a frilly, white nightie. A small, sheer number that ended at her thighs. Kei drank in the sight of her lying beneath him, so tantalizingly vulnerable. There was only the thin, delicate fabric of her nightie between him and her luscious body.

Kei huffed through his nose and descended.

Reika cried out in shock as Kei climbed atop her, but did little else. She didn’t struggle as Kei straddled her body. She didn’t fight back as the teen boy reached for the shoulder straps of her frilly nightie. The idol beauty didn’t say a word as Kei roughly tugged the straps downward, tearing the thin material away from her body.

There was a lovely instant of bounce and jiggle as Reika’s pale breasts were freed. Kei made sure to take a short moment to enjoy the sight. He already knew Reika was a gifted young woman thanks to the skin-tight GANTZ suits. But seeing the singer’s glorious body undraped and bare was close to a religious experience.

At this point, Kei’s eyes had gotten used to the dark, so he hungrily drank in the great swaths of perfect, pale skin Reika had on display. Two marvelous mounds of soft flesh stared back up at him. Perfectly formed swells, succulent and juicy, capped with pink nipples. Hard pink nipples, Kei noticed.

Then he felt a hand on his thigh. It had landed dangerously close to his absolutely raging erection, more than enough to tear the young man out his lustful stupor. Kei pulled his eyes from Reika’s lovely tits and found the girl staring up at him. She no longer appeared shocked or frightened, now sporting a calm expression. She must have realized it was him and not some intruder.

Her fingers pressed against his thigh, moving slowly up his leg… And closer to his hard-on. Kei gave a small groan as he felt the warmth of her hand through the fabric of his boxers.

“Did you change your mind?” Reika asked, sounding nervous and hopeful at the same time. Her traveling hand reached his bulge then, delicate fingertips brushing against the swollen head of Kei’s hard cock. Kei grunted, huffing through his nose like an enraged bull. The girl beneath him began to rub circles into the fabric around his cockhead. “You don’t need to sleep alone, Kei. We can do whatever you want.”

Whatever I want…

Kei felt his heart hammer in his chest as Reika’s words echoed in his mind, her soft voice like music. It was a beautiful dream, the kind of fantasy that occupied space in the heads of men from every corner of the world. But this wasn’t a fantasy or a dream. This was real.

The clone decided then that he had been a fool. How could he have turned Reika down the first time? When a woman as lovely as her offers to share her bed, a man should take the opportunity with gusto.

“Yeah?” Kei rasped, his voice strained to a near-growl. Reika’s fingers had become insistent. The teen was throbbing under her touch, his cock feeling like it was ready to burst. It was agonizing for him to still be holding back. Kei was a hound in rut, he needed to be let off the leash. “Whatever I want? I want you.

Kei reached forward and filled his hands with Reika’s breasts. The girl gave another gasp, her hand falling away from his groin, but she did nothing to stop him. Her tits, such large and supple globes, were delightfully soft and warm. Kei squeezed them together, drawing another pitiful gasp from the idol singer. Pale flesh spilled over his fingers as he pushed and squeezed and groped. It was a mesmerizing sight.

Holy shit…

“They’re pretty big, aren’t they?” Reika whispered softly.

“Hell yeah,” Kei almost slurred, half-drunk on his own arousal. “They’re fucking perfect.”

He gave another grope, rolling the abundant, milky flesh in his tireless, insistent paws. Reika let loose a gentle sigh - which quickly turned into a sharp gasp as Kei ran his thumbs roughly over her nipples. But still the famous beauty did nothing to stop him. Reika lay there, her face flushed red, as the clone of her great love molested her ample body.

The line of decency had been crossed. Bombed and destroyed, more like…

There was no point in holding back. If Reika wanted Kei so badly, then the Kei clone decided that she was going to get Kei and then some.

Kei pushed Reika’s tits together again, creating a deep valley of cleavage. Her nipples, hard and pink, were only a couple inches apart now. But the truly enthralling display was how the vast swells of pale flesh spilled over his fingers. It was near-hypnotic, a carnal delight that was compelling on a deeply primal level. It was the kind of lavish femininity that could drive a man mad.

The teen descended upon Reika with a beast’s determination. Like a starving wolf, his mouth sought out that juicy flesh. His lips latched onto one of her breasts, ensnaring a hard nipple into his mouth. Kei had tasted a woman’s breast before, offered by the very beautiful, very willing Sei. The flavor of a woman’s skin, soft, sensitive, and subtle in its aroma, was sweeter than any sugar.

Reika whined beneath him, her voice driving up an octave as he lashed his tongue against the pink peaks enveloped in his hungry maw. Kei licked and sucked to his heart’s content, greedily taking what his host so generously offered.

When he got tired of one breast, Kei slurped away and moved to the other one. Lavishing the sensitive flesh with his tongue, teasing the nipple by grazing them with his teeth, Kei took his fill. All the while, Reika whined and moaned, squirming under the weight of the teen’s body. A playful attempt to escape, but they both knew that she was right where she wanted to be.

One of Reika’s hands came to rest atop of Kei’s head. She gently ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked and licked her tits. Between the lustful gasps and moans, her voice came soft and tender.

“I meant it, Kei.” She said, so pleasant and serene even as Kei mashed her breasts together so that he could suck both of her nipples at the same time. “We can do anything you want.”

Kei grunted then, letting the idol singer’s breasts fall from his hands and lips. He met her eyes. Both of them breathed deeply, both aching for more.

“Careful,” Kei warned. The stirring in his loins blazed even hotter than it had at the start. “If you offer ‘anything’, then I’m going to take everything.

Reika shivered beneath him, the tremor traveling through her body, through her curves. Her breasts quaked some as she locked her eyes with his. The pale beauty pursed her lips defiantly and nodded.

Kei’s hands slid underneath Reika’s breasts, cupping them again. She shivered again at his touch.

Everything, the young man thought boastfully. All mine…

Kei gave a wolfish grin… And descended upon the poor girl again.



Great job Ryswell, I can't wait for more!