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AN: A sponsored Mass Effect oneshot featuring two exotic dancers, one human and one asari. Enjoy.

Also, for those of you waiting on more Birds of Prey content, you can expect some to be posted through the rest of the month.


Imani took a deep breath, settling her nerves. Then she took another peek around the holo-curtain and sent them unspooling all over again.

It was a sea of faces, stretching all the way from one end of the club floor to the other. There were even more attendees bustling beyond, sitting in the booths and tables circling the island bar.

Oh my God…” She whispered, slipping back into the safety of the backstage. There were other dancers with her, an assortment of giggling asari maidens with a smattering of other human women like herself, but still Imani felt alone in her worry.

She hugged her arms close to her belly. Her exposed belly, she remembered then. Her outfit was scarce. Such was the norm for exotic dancers. Imani was a slender girl with subtle curves, almost waifish. But with her body snug in tonight’s tight little number, she knew she was as delectable as any of the asari dancers. And that was the issue. Imani was a lovely sight to see, she knew. And that meant all eyes would be on her.

A simple, white tube-top tugged down over her humble breasts, nipples poking through the thin fabric. A snug, short skirt, the shiny, black material stretched over her hips, the swells of her ass, and covering nothing else. Under that, a black g-string, intentionally riding high on her hips. Turians went as wild for that little detail as humans did, funnily enough. And of course, the heels. Two inches from the ball, five from the heel. Those were specifically for the humans in the audience. One couldn’t beat the Earthly classics.

Imani knew she shouldn’t have felt so nervous. She had performed for crowds before. On some occasions she had worn even less.

But she had never performed with a partner before.

A moment later, as if on cue, Imani felt a warm presence at her back. As a familiar soft touch fell upon her shoulders, a small measure of her anxiety faded away. The human woman felt a small smile twist at her lips. Kallene was always able to calm her nerves.

“That’s quite the crowd, isn’t it?” The asari’s low, musical voice flowed sweetly into her ear. Imani inhaled again, shivering softly as she felt the other woman’s hot breath on her skin.

“Yeah… I’ve never seen this place so packed before.” Imani spoke truthfully, letting herself fall back into Kallene’s warm embrace. Being a newer nightclub, the Indigo Rose had attracted large crowds before. But none of them were like the one Imani saw tonight.

The asari hummed, her blue hands next moving to slip around Imani’s waist. Kallene rested her chin on Imani’s shoulder,  their cheeks now pressed flush together. Imani enjoyed the intimacy but found that it didn’t completely calm her nerves.

“I’ve never seen Degg so happy to serve so many humans.” Kallene snorted, idly rubbing small circles upon Imani’s exposed belly. The human woman’s smile widened at the mention of the club’s volus owner. Friends with many older turians, the man ended up sharing their distaste for the Citadels newest arrivals. It wasn’t enough to keep him from hiring the likes of Imani or serving human customers, however.

Ha. Do you think he’s got enough levo alcohol to last the rest of the night?” Imani half-joked. Indeed, she had witnessed some of the men out there putting away a lot of beer.

“If he doesn’t, it’ll be up to us girls to keep these fine patrons entertained.” Kallene wrapped her arms just a little tighter around Imani’s waist, pulling the other woman closer. Imani allowed it, letting her head fall back to rest on the asari’s shoulder. She felt Kallene press a soft, delicate kiss to her neck. “Are you nervous?”

“They’re so… Lively.” Imani bit her lip, thinking of that sea of smiling, laughing faces. Expectant faces.

“That’s one word for it.” Kallene drummed her fingers up along Imani’s bare skin, stopping at the lower hem of her tube top. Imani herself pursed her lips, feeling the asari tease along the edge of the fabric. “Phaya told me these are Alliance boys. They just came back from Elysium.”

Imani blinked. A moment later, squirming out of the asari’s tender arms, she turned to face the other woman, wide-eyed.

“They were in the Blitz?” Imani asked, stunned. The nervousness returned in full force, sending her once-collected nerves into a frenzy. It wasn’t just a big crowd anymore. It was a big crowd of war heroes.

“It explains why they’re a bit rowdy. Celebrating a victory. Relief at surviving. It’s okay to be nervous, Imani.”

“I’m not.” Imani made a face, furrowing her brow. Not quite glaring at the asari.

Kallene simply crossed her arms, a warm, knowing smile spreading across her face. Even as anxious as she was, Imani was not blind to the other woman’s beauty. Asari were said to not be women, at least not the way Imani was, but the alien before her was perhaps the finest specimen of femininity. Elegance and grace radiated off of her body - a body of abundance. Imani was slim, slender. Kallene, on the other hand, was bountiful.

As Imani understood to be the norm for asari matrons, Kallene was a full-bodied woman. Entering her fifth century of life, she claimed to have lost the athletic build she had boasted through her youth. But the asari carried the extra weight wonderfully, with supple swells and ample curves filling out the white, high-waisted leotard she had poured herself into.

Hmm.” Kallene reached out to play with a lock of Imani’s long, dark hair. The asari’s eyes roamed down the human’s body as she did, studying, appreciating. Then Imani began to feel an entirely different kind of nervous. Kallene closed some distance between them, continuing, “Remember, this isn’t some varren pit like Chora’s Den. And those customers out there aren’t a batch of lowlife thugs. I’m certain these boys know how to behave themselves.”

“I’m not worried about that. It’s just…” Imani huffed, averting the other woman’s gaze. She knew it was silly, acting so reserved with Kallene. The asari had been warm and kind since the start, extending her hand in friendship to the new human girl who had no one else. She’d long since earned her trust. “I’ve never performed for a crowd this size. And I’ve never had a dance partner, either.”

“We’ve rehearsed the routine a dozen times. And you’re a natural dancer. You couldn’t give a poor performance if you were held at gunpoint, love.” Kallene smiled warmly at Imani and reached out to cup her cheek. Using her thumb to softly stroke her face, Kallene closed the distance between them. Again, Imani could feel the warmth of the asari’s breath. Kallene continued, her voice dropping to a breathy whisper as she  then took Imani’s face with both hands. “Don’t even think about the crowd. When we’re up on that stage, it’ll just be you and I. We’ll be the only two people in the whole galaxy.”

Imani took in Kallene, her warmth, her touch, her scent. The asari smelled of sweet-scented oils, wine, and otherworldly spices. And her touch, soft and delicate, was so pleasantly warm. All it took from the asari was a few flowery words to banish the anxiety from the human’s mind. Maybe it was an asari thing. Or maybe Kallene knew just what to say - as well as how to say it. Imani didn’t just feel loved, she felt empowered.

“Just me and you…” She whispered back, nodding.

“Feel the beat of the music. Feel my body next to yours. Feel my touch, my warmth, my presence. Let it guide you.”

“Alright.” Imani took another deep breath. The fresh air rejuvenated her, her spirit rising. She smiled, beaming at the asari. “Okay.

Pleased, Kallene darted forward and stole a quick kiss from Imani. A second one as well. Imani giggled at the asari’s daring, taking a hold of the other woman’s wrists and moving her hands from her face.

“We’re going to be perfect. And we’re going to have fun.” Kallene playfully sang, guiding them closer to the holo-curtain separating them from the waiting crowd. “Like you humans say: We’re going to knock them down.”

“Dead.” Imani corrected, snorting. “We’re going to knock them dead.

“That’s so morbid.” Kallene laughed. She gestured to someone out of Imani’s view, signaling that she and her dance partner were ready to perform. “Are you ready, love?”

Ready. Let’s give these boys a show.”

Imani could faintly hear the DJ introducing them by their stage names, but he and every other waiting face out there may as well have been a thousand light-years away.

Imani had steeled her nerves. With Kallene by her side, there was nothing in the galaxy that could break her. The crowd was just another crowd. Their dance was just another dance. But her and Kallene? They were a remarkable pair. Each the other’s lucky charm. Both a muse, both an artist. Perfect together.

The holo-curtain dissipated. The spotlight shined bright down upon them.


Kallene took the lead, as was rehearsed. Clasping Imani’s hand in her own, the asari steered the pair out onto the stage, a raised platform that stretched out into the middle of the dance floor. The cheering erupted as was expected, the crowd electrified by the sight of a half-naked asari and her human plaything. A sea of bright eyes, hungry eyes, devouring them both. But instead of that looming stress, Imani felt a lovely, wicked rush. And soon the cheering, the blaring music became nothing but noise.

It was as Kallene had told her: Just the two of them.

Imani breathed in, enthralled by the pulsing lights, letting the booming bass thrum through her entire body, feeling the low tones sink deep into her flesh and bones. Then she began to move, swaying slowly to the beat of the music. A quick glance to the side showed that Kallene was doing the same, mirroring her movements.

Just like we rehearsed. And next…

The music began to increase in tempo. Imani’s swaying did so in turn. Hips gliding from one side to the other, her body’s curves turned into flowing waves. Imani closed her eyes then, a smile spreading from cheek to cheek as the music flowed into her, her blood singing with joy. Kallene had been correct, as she often was. Imani had nearly forgotten: this was supposed to be fun.

One foot to the side, the other followed, arms spread wide as her body twirled - right into Kallene’s arms. The music of the asari’s joyous laughter flowed into Imani’s ears, the other woman’s hands gliding up her flanks. The tingle of her delicate touch sent the human’s mind spinning, racing across the stars through a nebula of exhilaration.

The crowd - the young men in Alliance blues - were clear in their approval. As expected, Imani thought laughing. A dancing woman was nice. But a dancing woman getting cozy with one of those hot, blue aliens was even better.

Grinding, swaying together, Imani and Kallene became a living, moving work of art. Every step, every sweep, every undulation of their hips, their bodies, all of it was carefully practiced. Precise movements meant to engage, entice, enthrall. Meant to titillate.

The music crescendoed signaling the finale. The performance was never meant to end with a bang or a climax, but with something slow and sensual. A winding down that would settle over the crowd like a thick fog. A lasting taste that wouldn’t soon depart.

Imani sank back into Kallene’s warmth, letting the asari guide them as they both writhed together, swaying to and fro, nice and slow like the evening tide. Imani felt the asari’s lips at her neck, the ghosts of kisses to her flushed skin. The crowd enjoyed that, too. Kallene took them down, down, down, their bodies pooling into a puddle. They reached the stage floor, with Imani practically in Kallene’s lap. Feeling the other woman’s fingers sliding warmly across her belly, Imani moaned low and sweetly.

But then Imani felt a hand catch her by the chin. She was tugged to the side so that she was facing Kallene - who mashed her lips against Imani’s. It was like a bolt of lightning, sending her nerves into a wild, bright pulse. Her body thrummed alive, her heart aflame, her blood burning, steaming hot. Like her whole body was going supernova.

The crowd roared. But they were nothing but noise.

Imani gave in. As the shock passed on, she went on the offensive, kissing back with fervor. Moaning into her mouth, it was clear Kallene approved. The asari pulled a dirty trick. This was not what they had rehearsed. But Imani wasn’t the type to hold a grudge. Especially when the woman’s tricks were as sweet as they were dirty.

The embrace grew deeper, more intense, and soon Imani tasted tongue. Asari tongue had a peculiar flavor. Not like a human’s, but just as lovely. And often just as demanding.

Kallene was flag-planting, Imani understood. Showing all those delighted watchers that the human in her lap was hers and her alone. Had it been anyone else, Imani might have felt peeved. But as the asari dominated her mouth, the human could only feel giddy.

When Kallene finally pulled away, Imani was breathless and the crowd was beyond ecstatic. Feeling her cheeks burning, Imani kept enough composure to speak.

“We did good?” She asked, thankfully without stuttering like a lovestruck plaything. No, that kind of performance was best left private.

“Wonderful, love.” Kallene purred, stroking her human’s cheek. “You were wonderful.


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