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Nothing major to announce other than I got hired on for a temporary project that will last a few weeks so updates might slow down a bit through the end of May. I'm still making time to write and getting chapters done, so you guys won't be getting nothing. The project ends on June 7th, so it won't be taking up my time for long. Just a way to get a little extra money - especially with tax day having taken a decent chunk out of my wallet.

Upcoming updates:

  • Thor: Champion

  • Orc Harem

  • Thorne's Lance

  • Superman: Brides

  • Catwoman: Twisted Addiction

  • Spy Academy

  • Resident Evil: Primal Imperative

(I also got into the Metal Gear series about a month ago and it sucked me right in, so that took up a good portion of my time. Blame Kojima for that.)

Once again, I can't thank you guys enough for your support and readership. It really means a lot and I'll do my best to keep bringing out the spicy content you love!

- Rys




Any updates on Mass Effect True Blue?


The commissioner had to take a short break from funding the story, so True Blue is on hiatus for now. But he's still very interested in continuing the tale of Montes and his love of blue alien women. There'll be more True Blue in the future, I'm sure of it.